
Giving Into You

"Please stay inside your homes with your doors locked and do not panic. These creatures may be strong, but have faith that we shall surely pull through this crisis and eliminate the threat." That was just the beginning of the chaos that ensued when Sasha's life was turned upside down. Humans were no longer on top of the food chain. Instead, three factions of supernatural arose from the ashes: werewolves, vampires, and fairies. Being a slave or following new laws that favored supernaturals, however, was the least of Sasha's worries. Instead, after it is discovered that she is a potential mate for the strongest most powerful supernatural from each of the factions she is forced to choose just one. This is a short story of only 27 chapters. It is now complete and it shall remain free to read forever. This is not my best work as it was written over a decade ago, but hey! Free is free!

AutumnPlunkett · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter Eleven

Prince Vincent's Point of View

Stupid slutty ex's crawling all over the damn castle. Somehow they think I'm on the menu even though Prince Brent isn't and Prince Mark just ignores them unless he's trying to be the oh so sweet guy and help them find Sasha's room. At least it's dinner time and I'll get to see Sasha. That sweet little temptress. Just because she is wearing the clothes Mark picked out doesn't mean she doesn't look mouthwatering. I'm taking a pitcher of blood into the dining room since I'll mostly just be sitting there drinking it and being bored out of my mind. Hopefully, those whores will get disgusted by the blood-drinking. Speaking of which, Sasha will likely get blood cravings soon, which will happen even if she doesn't have to have it to live. I hope she snaps at dinner and drinks one of those blonde sluts dry. It would be extremely sexy, at least, in my opinion.

Looks like I'm the last in the room. All of the princes are present, but we all have to sit next to our ex's. Brent is at one end of the table with ten of each of his exes on either side. Then I'm at the other end with Mark on my left. His ex-boyfriend on my right. Then two of each of his girlfriends on each side. Then there's Sasha who clearly thinks she can fool me into thinking she isn't her just by wearing some sexy little short black dress and hiding the things that make her distinctly fairy. The other two are fooled, though, and might I say it's funny watching them throw her funny looks. They can't figure out who she is, it's hilarious. She's in the middle of the right side and socializing and with the fact that none of us know much about her it's not like her responses could give away anything anyhow.

I'm not going to give away my sexy little kitten's game. It's too much fun watching her try to remain passive while the girls throw looks of want at the other two and disgust at me. Told you the blood would work. Ahh shoot, not only is her dissolve deteriorating and these overly flirty girls are starting to bother her, but she is starting to go into a bloodlust from watching me drink this blood. I lick my lips suggestively and tip my head towards the glass, silently offering some to her, but she just shakes her head. Don't worry my sweet, you'll snap soon enough and I'll be there waiting and ready to support you.


Sasha's Point of view

Stupid vampire not only knows who I am and thinks it's funny, but he keeps taunting me with that stupid tantalizing smelling blood. I know I don't need it to live, but blood still makes me stronger and I can't help but crave it. I knew that it was only so long until I began to crave it.

Suddenly my vision blurs and I hear a scream, wait I think that's me. Great I've officially lost my last shred of control. I want blood so badly that my body has gone into shock and heart racking sobs are escaping me. I suppose I've kind of felt like crying since I walked in here, though. Brent has been flirting a lot with the other girls. Mark has been talking with his ex-boyfriend and it seems like they're just friends like Xavier told me.

That's the fairy boy who caught Mark's interest a long time ago. I don't mind them being friends, it really doesn't bother me. Mark's voice sounds so far away as he screams at everyone to leave or more accurately

"Get out! All of you just get out! You too Brent, you and your stupid shameless flirting! Couldn't you control yourself and not hurt our mate? I guess not, so stop shaking your head and telling me no and leave!"

"What's wrong sweetie, come on Sasha, speak to me!"

Vincent must have been carrying me because I hear him speak above me.

"She's not only tired of listening to those women and her shameless mates' flirting, but she is also in a bloodlust. She is going to need it from the source too since she is so far in turmoil. I mean, you could leave her to cry herself to sleep, maybe throw a tantrum, and eventually she'll be fine again, but I guess the heartbreak of watching a mate flirt was really too much."

I'm starting to calm down, can see now, and I'm on my bed.

"Can you please leave Vincent, I'll take over from here."

"Yeah, okay, but, just, don't hurt her."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Mark just sits there for a bit and I move to get up, but he turns and pulls me into him for a hug.

"It's going to be okay Sasha. I know you're part vampire and I've accepted that because that's who you are. You need to accept it too, though. Now, I'm going to ask you to do something for me and I need you to just listen to me and not fight me, okay?"

He pulls back and looks me in the eyes and I just nod my head.

"There aren't any maids or anything here this late at night, all the caretakers left and you need to feed. If you were to feed on Brent, you'd probably kill him because you'd be too angry and too into the blood lust, so I'm going to need you to feed off of me."

That's a pretty big thing of him to do, but, if I feed off of him, it could change everything.

"No, I, I can't. It would mess everything up and I'd never forgive myself."

He just smiles sadly at me.

"You already agreed Sasha and you know that you have to keep your word. Why do you think your fangs are already out. Feys always keep their word and never lie. So don't tell me you can't when you know you already will."

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