

LEVI ACKERMAN 30 years old and the eldest grandson of Ackerman third generation. He is the Managing Director and the CEO of Ackerman Travel & Entertainment also the future heir of Ackerman Group, one of the largest companies in France. He is known as the strongest, smartest, most famous and handsome in the Ackerman Family. Everyone admires him and will fall in love with him except for one person which is Haruka Charles Auclair. HARUKA CHARLES AUCLAIR 28 years old, came from the noble family bloodline, Auclair. He works as Levi's secretary for over 2 years but never find Levi attractive in his eyes. Known as one of the most genius person in the world that people will do anything to make him work for them. People often called him a handsome guy with pretty face. Levi has been in love with his secretary, Haruka Charles Auclair since the first time he met him. He never expresses his emotions and confesses after two years, only to discover that his secretary is in love with someone he actually knows. But Haruka's love for that person didn't remain for that long after his heart was shattered into pieces by the person he loves. "I like you." "You know I don't like you." "I do. In fact, I love you, and you'll fall for me. I don't need the words 'I like you' from you. One day, I'll make sure you'll say the words 'I love you'." "You really shouldn't be hoping for something like that." Will his secretary like him back, or will his feelings be unrequited love forever?

raynelev17 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
72 Chs


-Haruka POV-

"What are you doing!" I half-yelled, knowing that there's still many people here even though it's dark.

"What? I'm not doing anything. I'm simply allowing you to settle on my chest. This time, he gave me his mischievous smile.

"Not doing anything, my ass. Let go of me now. What if people see us?" I glared at him.

"What. That's okay. There's a lot of them here. We're not the only gay couple here." This jerk really wants to die this instant, doesn't he?

"How many times do I have to tell you? We're not here for a date. Now, let go of me or I'll kick you." I tried to push him, but he's hugging me tighter.

"I will. But please listen to what I wanted to say first." He's slowly loosening the hug.

"What is it?" I asked without interest.

"I like you." He said that bluntly. This guy, is he having a problem reading the room first before saying anything?

"You know I don't like you." This time, I got up from his chest and looked at him.

"I do. In fact, I love you, and you'll fall for me. I don't need the words 'I like you' from you. One day, I'll make sure you'll say the words 'I love you'." He said that confidently.

"You really shouldn't be hoping for something like that." This time, I turned away from looking at him. It felt like tears could come out of my eyes anytime now. Actually, I'm not ready for this yet. Not when I just got dumped by his own brother. I'm lucky that the light is still dim. 

"Shouldn't I? Well, that's okay. I'll just keep hoping for that until it really happens. I believe we're destined to be with each other. It's just a matter of time, so I just have to wait. Wait for you to open your heart for me completely." He said that confidently, with his sweet voice. This guy, how can he be so confident?

"Haruka, let's go back home. The movie has already finished, right?" After a few seconds, Levi broke the silence when I didn't even say anything. I'm speechless, I didn't know what to say.

"Let's go back. It's late already." Again, he spoke and offered his hand to help me stand.

"I can stand on my own, and who's fault is it that we're still outside at this hour?" I ignored his hand and stood up by myself. I walked out of the cinema first, leaving him behind.


-Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport-

We just arrived in Paris from Australia. Levi has been talking casually with me since this morning, like nothing happened last night. Why am I the only one affected when he appears to be completely fine? This guy, is he serious about last night? Or is he just messing around with me? But there's no way he's playing around with me, right? But what if…

"Haru oni-chan!!!" A familiar voice yelled my name from afar, snapping me out of my thoughts. I could see Hanabi waving her hands at me. She's here, along with Lauren. She's making her way towards me.

"Oni-chan, I miss you!" She hugged me tightly.

"Hana-chan, you shouldn't run like that. It's dangerous." I pat her head gently.

"I'm just so happy to see you. It's been a week. Don't you miss me?" She looks at me with a sad face.

"Of course, I miss you too. You didn't see me for a few months when you're studying in Ireland. You're overreacting right now." This time, I flicked her forehead.

"Ouch. You know that's not the same. You've been ignoring my calls for a week. Of course I'm sad." Hanabi pouted.

"Alright, alright. I told you I needed some time alone. I'm sorry, okay?" I patted her head and still looked at me pouting.

"What should I do to make it up to you then?" I asked, and she looked at me with her sparkling eyes. I know this would do.

"Then you should be spending your time with me after work tomorrow." She grinned.

"Aren't you busy? You're working at our family's hospital already, right?" I just asked her to confirm.

"I'm still an intern. So I'm not that busy yet. I'm not a genius like you." She rolled her eyes, making me chuckle.

"I forgot about that, sorry. Alright, let's hang out after work tomorrow then." I smile at her.

"Yeay! So now, let's just eat first, shall we? It's on Haru oni-chan." Hanabi said it cheerfully. This kid. And soon after that, she looked at Levi, making me confused.

"Oh, right. I really didn't expect you to bring Haru oni-chan back that fast. Thank you!" She said that with a smile, and I'm a bit shocked. This is the first time Hanabi smiles at someone that she's not really close with.

"I told you, I'm a man of my words. Of course I would bring him back, even though you didn't ask me. So don't forget about our deal." Levi replied, making me more confused. Deal? What deal did these two people make because of me?

"Well, I'm a woman of my words too. Of course I won't forget that." Hanabi replied. I looked at Lauren, who has been quiet this whole time, and she's clearly trying to avoid me.

"Ahem. What's the deal you two are talking about?" I looked at both of them, Levi and Hanabi.

"Not going to tell you. Ah, we arrived. Lauren and I will go to the toilet first. Oni-chan, please order my usuals and desserts too." Obviously, she's trying to run away without answering my question.

"Then, Levi, please order my usuals too." Lauren left with Hanabi.

"I didn't expect you to know Lauren's usuals." I said, as soon as those two left.

"Well, we may not look like it, but we're pretty close. We've practically grown up together for a long time, you could say." He said that while looking at the menu.

"Well, I'm sorry for saying that then. But I would like to know about the deal you made with my sister." I looked at him, and he's also looking at me right now, with a smirk, of course.

"Well, that's nothing big, really. I simply ask her to tell me what you like and dislike." He said so, putting the menu back on the table.

"Is that really all?" I asked him for confirmation.

"Yes, that's all. Because it's too difficult to get the information from you, I need to make a deal with your younger sister. I'm sorry about that." He said that with his poker face. Of course, he's not sorry at all. This jerk.

"You could just ask me directly." I mumbled, but then I realised he could actually hear that.

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?" He asked in disbelief.

"I believe you could hear me clearly." I said it without even looking at him.

"And I need confirmation about what I heard earlier." He looks at me with serious eyes.

"I'm not going to repeat it, or you can just pretend you did not hear it at all." I said that firmly.

"No, I'm sorry. I heard that clearly. So, can I ask you anything I want now?" He grinned like a kid.

"Not now, not today." I glared at him and pressed the bell button on the table to call the waiter to place an order. Through the corner of my eyes, I can see that Levi is still smiling. That's not even a big deal, and he's that happy?


-The Next Day-

Now, here I am. Ackerman Group HQ. I can't believe I'm back here after I submitted my resignation letter. Well, of course Levi wouldn't accept that as well as his father. I came a little bit early, so there's still not many people here. I make my way towards the elevator, then straight up to my office.

I entered my office. My table still looks the same. I put my jacket on the hook and took a seat at my table. Since there's still time before the office hours start, I should organise everything first.

"Mr. Auclair, you're back." When I was busy organising my place, a voice spoke behind me. It's Sophia.

"Oh, hi Sophia. It's been a while. Why are you here?" It feels a bit awkward actually, thinking that I would never meet this face again before, but here I am right now.

"Ah, Director asked me to give this to you. I thought about putting the documents on your table since I didn't know you would be back today." She handed the document to me.

"Ah, thank you." I placed the document on my table.

"So, how's your vacation, Mr. Auclair?" Sophia asked.

"Huh? Vacation?" In confusion, I asked her.

"Yeah. The Director told us that you took a week off to go on a vacation." She smiled.

"Ah, yeah. I was actually thinking about keeping it a secret actually haha. Well, that was a wonderful one." I just need to play along, I guess.

"Glad to hear that. You deserve one, Mr. Auclair. You've been working non-stop, especially when it comes to the Germany project. Say, Where did you…" Her words were cut off by none other than Levi Ackerman.

"What are the two of you talking about?" Levi asked as soon as he entered the room.

"Ah, I was just giving Mr. Auclair the documents you asked me to give, Director. I'll take my leave now." She bowed and left the room. Levi looks at me.

"Glad to see you're back, Mr. Auclair." He smiles and walks towards me.

"Here. For you." He gave me a cup of coffee, I guess.

"What is this?" I asked him.

"German Chocolate Latte." He replied.

"How did you know I liked this one?" Instead of taking the cup, I asked him more questions.

"Told you I made a deal with your sister. And you better take this now. My hand is starting to get numb." He said that, and I took the cup from him.

"Thank you." I rolled my eyes.

"You're welcome, Haru-chan." He smirks.

"I told you, you're not allowed to call me that during work. And chan also. Don't use that." I glared at him.

"Alright, alright. I'm just kidding, okay, Mr. Auclair. Well,..." This time, Levi's words are the ones cut off by someone.

"Mr. Auclair, you're back."