
Gisele and Rhoden

A classic story of a world where the strongest rule and the weakest must obey. However, Gisele and Rhoden's conquest mainly revolves around dominating one another; they are more interested in each other than finding lands to rule and building wealth and power. Must they do the same to live the life they want? #innocentlove #possesivelover #family [Hi there, I am new to writing stories. I am passionate about writing fantasy stories. Some may be immoral, but it will be revealed later in the years to come. I want to find readers who share the same passion or are looking to immerse themselves in fantasy worlds. My stories are unique and filled with complex characters. I hope to create a world that readers can get lost in and characters that they can relate to] [Be warned I am a romantic - sometimes]

Bonnie_Doyles · Fantasy
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Chapter 3 The Lone Warrior

He fought against all odds, never giving up. Even when his enemies were many, he stood his ground and held his own. In the end, he emerged victorious, while his soldiers scouted the area, allowing them to smell a sweet scent.

The underwear they returned with was red laced and flowery patterns before the soldiers could present their discovery it was snatch by their commander.

The commander was delighted and shocked by what he saw. He immediately ordered his troops to take the fabrics to the royal court and present them to the king.

Within the spacious hall present are the Colvins and their King, the leader of bears. An unbeatable clan and home to many brave warriors.

The king awarded the Colvins and granted them a parcel of land within the kingdom as a sign of appreciation. The Colvins quickly moved to their new home and began to build and develop the land to their own liking. From then on, they were known as the most powerful clan in the kingdom. The king offered them protection in exchange for a beautiful young maiden for the prince.

"As you know. My son has returned after killing the Hedgehog clan for violating the land's sacred rules. Along the way his soldiers discovered a wandering breeder. Have I been too lenient or wasteful of my resources while there are breeders outside of these walls for everyone to take for themselves?"

"No my King, the sacred rules of these lands have kept everyone in their place for centuries".

Shivered the Colvins.

"Let's hope the demise of the Hedgehog clan sends a clear message that the rule of the lands is not forgotten. So tell me why breeders exist beyond these gates?"

Roared their King at his subjects' ignorance.

One of the Colvins bravely explained what could be a possibility,

"Your Majesty, those breeders are highly skilled at cultivating crops and animals. They produce the finest quality of food, which is why they are kept behind the gates. As well as cared for the coming championship torment."

The King nodded in understanding.

"What is your name?"

"I am Zac, sire".

"Well Zac, carry on with what you have to say."

Zac breathes in relief and reports everything about security system in place.

"I've checked every escape route and added emergency precautions in case of an attempted escape. I am certain the breeders discovered outside of these walls are hidding or hidden somewhere among our lands."

Vivian pauses and waits for a response.

The King nods approvingly and says,

"Good job. Now leave us."

The King stood from his throne and looked towards his outstanding son, standing strong and firm against the courtiers and guards. The King's stern gaze softened as he held out an arm to gesture his son to his side.

"Come, let us retire."

-----------Second Prince -------------

"Brother is it true?"

Shouting in astonishment of the news his older brother found a breeder outside of their civilisation.

"It is a wide world after all. You can't be sure of anything or what is out there."

Replied the lone warrior.

"Come on Rhoden, don't keep this to yourself. I am good at keeping secrets."

Whined Thiedore, while Rhoden smiled and sighed.

"You're right. I should tell someone,"

he said. Thiedore nodded and smiled encouragingly.

Rhoden looked around the room, and then slowly let out a deep breath.

"But I can't tell you."

Thiedore's face scrunched up like a lemon which earned a hearty laugh from Rhoden.

Thiedore frowned and crossed his arms.

"You're really no fun."

Family background check:

The King - father of Rhoden and Thiedore

Age: 62

Rhoden - 1st Prince of bear clan, and he is the lone warrior (I want to be sure everyone is clear about who he - AKA Gisele crush hehe)

Age: 23

Thiedore - 2nd Prince of bear clan, he is Rhoden's younger brother.

Age: 21


I am not so good with making up names. For my sake, Im going to use animals we learn that thrive on our home planet.

I am open for suggestions, especially with coming up names for clans. It would be a great help, especially for a beginner like me.

Enjoy reading sweethearts.

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