
Rooftop Strip Club

As Alex walked down the stairs she heard thudding behind her and she stopped, and clung to the railing as Bandit barrelled past her, down the stairs. "Could you not have waited??" she called after him. She did indeed make it down the stairs, and in one piece, might I add. She simply put 2 cups of food into the dog bowl, mixed in a fork of wet food and put the bowl in Bandit's bowl holder so he could eat. She then served herself a coffee and a bagel, smearing on some cream cheese to finnish it off. Once the both of them were done, she grabbed her keys and called for Bandit. "[whistling] let's go monster!" Bandit trotted to the door and sat on the carpet two steps behind Alex, just as she had trained him. "Good boy, Bandit" she said in her reward voice as she buckled his collar and walked out of the door ahead of him, letting him trail behind. She loaded him into the back seat of her truck and tossed the leash in before glancing over at her horses. Her mom had hired what she called a "cute guy" to help around the ranch and tend to them while they were away. He was about 20 or so and obviously down as money. One thing she hated about him was that he never wore a shirt. She hopped up into the front seat and honked as she drove off to let him know she was gone. "Now for the dirty work" she muttered into the steering wheel. This wasnt her first break-up and it wouldn't be her last. She was a momma killin', heart breakin', machine. She didn't mean to, but she never felt that "true love click" everyone talked about. As she pulled up to her soon-to-be-ex's her heart dropped. She stepped out of the car and yelled "Get the hell down!" A woman who seemed to be in her mid to early thirties was sitting on Matthew's roof... totally naked.