

Alex was finally 17 and an upperclassman at her school. she's lived here in Tennessee for her whole life and loved every second. The mountains, the rivers, and even the blazing summers and mild winters amused her. But one thing always bothered her. She never felt right with any of the men she had dated. No matter how nice, or good looking he was. She had dated 6 guys so far and she was finally starting junior year tomorrow. Maybe this was her time. Alex couldn't wait to break up with Matthew, her current boyfriend for the opportunity to test out the fresh meat brought in by the beginning of the new school year. As Alex wiggled her toes under her blanket as she woke up, she felt a mass at the bottom of her bed. She took her time opening her eyes, but just when she was about to slide her foot from underneath her comforter, her alarm went off, blaring next to her head as she shouted, "Bloody Hell-!!" and swung her feet out just to stand wobbly next to her bed and frantically poked at her cellphone to force the alarm off. Once she achieved silence, she slowly turned around, but as soon as she turned back to face her bed, Bandit, her 58 pound, 10 month old, male, Tennessee Treeing Hound began licking her face as if it were a melting ice cream cone. "Bandit-" she holds him back for a moment, "I-I'm okay." Bandit gave up on his attempts to salivate on his mother's entire face and layed back down where Alex was just asleep. "Well, goodmorning to you too." Alex whispered somewhat to herself and to her furball as she gave him a pat on the butt. She stretched tall with her arms straight up in the air and slowly trudges to the bathroom where she paused a moment in front of the mirror. She was tall for her age, 6'1 and muscular. She had an hour-glass figure, but not a very feminine one, she had a butt and smaller boobs but they were quite enough in her mind. abs and biceps for days, but what she was really proud of were she legs. She though of them as her draft horses. The size of two hams and currently stiff as all get out from riding her actual horses yesterday. She took her time looking at her short hair and undercut. She did it herself, and it was handsome in her opinion. Her mother hated it though; and speak of the devil, she heard her mom knocking on her door. Without a pause, it before she could get a response out. Her mom stepped in and looked at her daughter and reminded her "Don't forget about school tomorrow. Tonight you go to bed early and get your bag ready. I'm going out with Martine and her son today for a brunch at the cafe by the Ingles market." Without waiting for a response, she walked back out without closing the door and walked down the noisy stairs. "Okay..." she muttered before tapping the door with her foot to close it. Alex walked past the mirror and sat on the toilet to pee (you know the one in the morning that makes you feel great). Before the stood up and continued on, she reached into the drawer of her bathroom vanity and pulled out her remote vibrator and slipped it in. She sat over the toilet for about 30 minutes before she reached down and touched her clit, snuffing out her moans by biting her lip. She swiped back and forth with her hand over her clit stimulating her so much that she released and squirted hard, thankfully over the toilet, so no clean-up, but her legs were shaking in place and she doubled over her knees. She took her time removing her vibrator, which made her orgasm all over again, squirting less, but just as hard. Once over her morning masturbation, she hopped into the shower for a quick rinse-off. After she dried off and slipped into some loose jeans and a shirt, both of which she found in the men's department, she grabbed her phone and walked downstairs to eat and watch some TV. Here comes today...