
Girl In The Dark by Sarah Jane

A shy,introverted girl moves into the city to realise she doesn't belong there untill she meets this cheeky,deity young man.

Sarah_Jane_1122 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 7-Someone I used to know

Gia took a deep breath and say this is how America smells like.It has been almost 5 years,Gia did not returned to her home land where she was born.She did not remember much that has happen there as she was raised in France most of her age.I do miss grandpa and grandma but it is just that they are not open minded and are very cultural.Gia loves wearing clothes that reveals her body but this time she had to cover up most of her body as she will be staying with her grandparents and they would not like it if they see their granddaughter is wearing such clothes.Both of them Gia and her mom surprised them by entering the house.For a minute,grandpa and grandma was silent as they could not think of a word to say.They did not expect them to showed up at their front door.Gia gave a big hug to her grandparents.Ohh,how I missed you so much and I did not get to give you this big hugs but now I am giving them.Tears started to fall from her grandparents' eyes.My Gia,you have all grown up now and you look a lot like your mom now.Grandpa said.Grandma replied ya she used to have her dad's face when she was a child and now you are even taller than your mom.

You do not know how much we wanted to see your beautiful face again.We told your mom to bring you here but she is always got caught up with her work and never even have the time to bring you in our facetimes.Gia's mom said.Momm,it is not like that.Gia is always in her room studying or journaling and you both always call at midnight that is when she would be sound asleep.Gia started laughing listening to her grandma and mom talking.Grandma replied.Why did not you both at least give a call or leave a message telling you will be coming here.I would have prepared a good meal for you both.Why all of a sudden.Grandpa replied.How long are you guys staying?Do not tell me it is only a one week break and you girls will be leaving to France after one week.Do not tell me this.

Gia's mom then said actually mom and dad,we are not going back to France for now.We will be staying,Gia will be studying here and I will be working here.Both of her parents got surprised.Oh you did not tell us that.This is why you wanted to surprised us.No dad,it is because of my work related things.I get it sweetheart and now why don't you Gia follow your grandma to your room.She will show you your room and I will your mom her room.Alright grandpa.While Gia and her mom started to organise their things in their own room.Gia's grandma cooked food for them.Gia then came running.Ummm..that smell is it from your cooking grandma.Yes it is sweetheart.Do you want to eat now?Yes..yes..yes!!!Mom come down fast,we are going to eat.Her mom came and everyone started to eat their food.

The food was delicious said Gia.Gia's mom replied I agree with you Gia.Mom your food has never changed since the day you cook from when I was still a child.Thank you my girls I am glad you both like it.Gia answered like it??I LOVE IT!All laughed.Hahahhah you are so funny Gia.Everyone said.I am so full and I think I want to lie down on my bed says Gia.Do not do that maybe you could sit first and then you can lie on your bed said Gia's mom.Gia's mom is consent about her.Okay mom will do.Gia went upstairs to her room and sat on the chair at her study table.It has been a while I have not journal..why not...let's do it again.Gia told herself.Dear diary,this past few days has been a roller coaster.I do not know where to begin.I had a problem with Margot and it was bad and then made two friends which are Aimée and Alix.

Gia sighs.Uhhh..I wonder what they both are doing.I met Sabine,which changed my perspective of having a friend.The things between Elliott and Angéle.I wonder how are them.I only got to exchange my number with Sabine.I should have to do that to Aimée,Alix and Elliott.Plus my mom moving us to America.I do not know what is going to happen next but I am thrilled to know.I guess fitting in in America would be much easier than in France.Maybe I will be able to make more friends this time.I do not know but whatever happens.I am down to face it.Tink,an idea pops out from Gia's head.Diary,I just got this idea of since I am a citizen here,I could find myself a part time job just to earn extra cash and I can use that to visit Sabine or go back to France for a vacation so that I do not have to wait for mom.

Let me check on the Internet and see what jobs I can do on a part time basis.Gia started scrolling on the website which hires student to work for a few hour basis.She wrote down some company's name,address and phone numbers.There are a few Gia was interested and they were all near to her granparents' house so she did not have to ask anyone to give her a ride to the workplace.Alright I got everything but do I need to ask mom's permission first like I really do not know if she is okay about this because for sure I know grandpa and grandma do not mind as long I am doing something good.I think I should ask mom first.Gia ran to her mom's room.Mom..mom I know you are quite busy but can you hear me out first.

Yes honey sure what is it.So I was wondering if you would let me to do a part time job.I mean is it something you like to do if it is then I will say yes.YES mom!Alright then you got my answer cleared.You may go ahead with it.Thank you mom I did not know you will allow me but it is what it is.Of course,anything that makes you happy will definitely make me happy now hurry up before I change my mind.Both of them laughed.Alright mom.Gia got out on a mission to see which was the best place for her to work from all the places she has listed down on the paper.After trying almost all and interviewing them.She headed to the last one that was on the list.It is a real estate agent company.She looked around and saw how stunning the place was.Imagine if I was working here.Gia told herself.

Out of all the place she had been.This was the best and her favourite but this was hard to get in as she has no experience but Gia is willing to take the risk to learn it.She liked the other places and the work scopes but just this one hits different for her.She approached the manager who was on duty.Hi there I am Gia and I saw a post on this website saying this company is hiring part timers.I would love to apply for it.Yes we do,hold on miss.We do have a few candidates that are waiting for their turn to get interviewed but you may take a seat first and I will call you in a while.Sure and thank you.Gia took her seat and she looked around again as she could not believe her own eyes that she is seeing what she sees right now.While looking,she saw a glimpsed of a guy.

She look closely and when he turned around.She had difficulty in breathing.The guy she saw was not any normal guy.It was someone familiar to her.Is that Elliott.Gia asked herself.He was tall,has blue ocean eyes,lean body but he was blonde.He really looks like Elliott but maybe it could be someone else because Elliot is still studying how can he show up in few days as an owner to this company.This is ridiculous.Why am I imagining things that are weird and does not make sense.That guy then looked at Gia in her eyes and she looked away right away because she did not want to get caught by him for starring at him.He looked at Gia for a second and looked at the people beside her too.Gia in her mind thinking.I guess he was just looking at all of us who are wanting to get the job.No big deal Gia.Do not panic Gia.Gia,please enter room 7.A person called her name from the speaker.

Gia entered and saw the same guy who she approached at the beginning sitting with some papers in his hands.He interviewed her,asked about her experience,where she was living,and things related to the work.He told her that the company will call her in seven days if she gets chosen.Gia thanked the interviewer and she headed back home.Gia went to her new school and by this time she did not want to make any friends as she only wants to graduate fast and leave high school.She is really waiting for the phone call and then one day.