
Girl In The Dark by Sarah Jane

A shy,introverted girl moves into the city to realise she doesn't belong there untill she meets this cheeky,deity young man.

Sarah_Jane_1122 · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 6-Are we going back to America?

"Gia,Gia,Gia".Wake up.I made breakfast.Sabine excitedly woke up Gia who is a heavy sleeper.She was tapping on Gia's arms.She wanted Gia to taste her cooking but unfortunately it is very hard for Gia to have breakfast because she usually skips them as she always wakes up late.Sabine thinks of an idea on how to wake her up.Sabine quickly went on top of the bed and jump while screaming "EARTHQUAKE,EARTHQUAKE"Gia woke up immediately as she felt her bed was shaking and thought it was a real earthquake until she saw it was Sabine who was the one making the bed to shake.Gosh,Sabine I literally thought it was an earthquake,you almost gave me an heart attack.So sorry Gia,I did not know you were a heavy sleeper.I just wanted you to taste my cooking.Go get ready.I will be waiting downstairs with your breakfast.Do not be late or else it would not taste good.Heheheh.Sabine giggles.Gia went downstairs after getting ready.Gia starting smelling.Ummm..it smells so good.Are you sure you made this and not like order from outside.Gia jokes.Hahahha,no I really made it especially for you.Try it and tell me do not worry I will accept critics.Gia tasted the food Sabine made.Ummm..it is yummy.I love it.Anything I should change or anything you did not like.Sabine asked Gia's feedback.

To be honest Sabine there is nothing wrong and I love it more infact.Aww thanks Gia.I am glad you love it so after all that jumping on the bed was worth it.The excitement I had was not a waste at all because you love the food.Yes all you did just now was not a waste but for real you scared me with the earthquake thing but you do not have to apologies because I never had a friend who even let me stay in their place.Sabine asked Gia.Why did they not let you stay in their place.Actually,not to even begin with asking but I do not have friends.I am an introvert and this my first time having like a friend who would make breakfast for me and talk to me.Like literally for real,having a long conversation.But when it comes to you,I feel the bond and I could say I changed to an extrovert when I am with you.

Aww..that is something sweet to say.Gia asked Sabine.How about you?I am an extrovert but I do have friends but they just do not last as I always change school because of my parents work place.Gia asked Sabine.Are you going to the same school as me because I did not see you much though.I do not want to hide behind the bush but yesterday was my last day of school.I will be changing to a new school where my parents currently about to work.As you can tell,yeah I am alone here in this big house but before this I lived with my parents here while they were still working in France and when they left France which was a week ago that is when I was alone.Gia nodded her head.Ohhh,understood.

Sabine asked Gia.How about you?Reluctantly,Gia replied.She did not want to tell her about her personal life because she did not want to lose a friend and especially Sabine.She is really nice.Come one Gia just tell her who knows she is understanding.Gia told most of her personal life to Sabine.Well,I do not have a father.Oh my god I am sorry to hear that.Sabine said.No it is okay nothing happen to him.He just decided to disappear from me and my mom's life.I do not have friends,and I am always the one who gets bullied in the school especially from Margot.Until I met you.I usually believe that there are only bad people in this world until you showed up in my life.You showed me that there are good people out there too but it will take time to show you but if you are patient the time will definitely come.

I know it sounds a little bit cringe but it is what I think of about life.Sabine hold Gia's hand.No it is not cringe instead it is a fact the things that you just said just now.Really?Gia asked shockingly.Yeah,I am glad you consider me as your friend.Usually not everyone will return the same kindness you do.You did.I did not expect you to do that.I do see us being as close friends.Gia replied.You do?It is not weird for you that you are a literal opposite to me.For instance,I am introvert and you are an extrovert.I am shy and you are open.I do not really hold a conversation for long where else you do.Sabine shush Gia.Nooo,not all.You are being yourself and that is what matters the most to me.

At least,I know who you are and not me seeing the person you are covering up.That makes me the happiest for real.And about the opposite do not worry because who says the magnet attract to the same poles.No they do not.They repel which same goes to us.We are different and we attract each other.Gia smiled very big.Awww,that is such a nice thing to say.You are really the sweetest and the nicest person I have ever met.Thanks for being the light and showing me what is right and wrong.Of course.Sabine replied.Aren't friends supposed to be together during high and low moments.Yes indeed they do.Gia replied happily.Sabine,I think I need to go home now because I need to check up on my mom.Yeah sure no worries and tell your mom I said hi.Sure,Sabine I will send your regards to her.Catch you later.Gia left Sabine's house.

Gia reached home and called her mom."Mom..mom".Mom?Why are you packing.Gia's mom came closer to Gia.Honey,where have you been?I was looking for you.I went to your school and you were not there and I went to Margot's place just to see if you are there but you are not there.Where were you staying last night sweetheart?I was really worried for you baby girl.Is everything okay?Mom,I am good but why is all the packing.Are we sending out stuff that we do not need anymore?Why did not you wait for me mom?I wanted to help you.Sweetheart we are not giving away anything but I need to tell you that we are going back to America.Gia was flabbergasted.Are we going back to America?Yes baby girl we are.Why mom?What happened?

Gia was in a confusion state.Why suddenly did her mom and her have to move out to America.What is happening?Why are they not staying any longer in France?What made her mom to think of an idea to move out?What is going on.Gia could not process it.Her mom took Gia's hand and held it tight.Honey,we are going back to America because I could not afford to pay for the house.It has quite a lot of dues and we are not a citizen here and we have to pay a lot of taxes.If it sums up,it would be more than what I earn sweetheart.My job is getting unstable too as they want native French to work with them and they would send back those who are not to their home country.That is why darling.But mom,I just entered high school and I made a friend.I am happy you made a friend but you did not went to school today if you do really love school you would have went for today's class.

Mommy....today was just gym lessons and you know it is not really important like a lot of female students skips them.Okay,but what about Margot?You still dislike her right.Then why do you still want to stay here baby girl.Yes mom,I still am not in a good terms with Margot but what about the others?I am sorry darling but I cannot do much but to move us back to America.We have family there and you would not get bored again of being alone when I am working.You have grandma and grandpa.I do really love grandma and grandpa but I am getting along being here and studying here.I do not want to change my environment and meet new people again.Both Gia and her mom are sad listening to each other's sayings.Gia's mom rubbed her hand on Gia's shoulder.

Look Gia I really love you and would do anything for you but this time it is hard for me.I have already informed your principal and they have already made you an exchange student to a school in America.You do not have to worry about changing your school and the process all but just do one thing for mommy could you?Pack your things and we are living in one hour time.Will you do that for mommy?I promise baby you will come back here again but as a vacation anytime soon.You do not have to leave this place forever.You can still come back here.Gia listened to her obediently.Alright mom,I will get my things ready and we will go the airport.That is my daughter.I love you so much.I love you too mom.Gia went to packed her things and both of them headed to the airport.Bye France,Sabine,Aimée,Alix and Elliott.I will see you guys again I promise.Gia told those words while the airplane is taking off.Gia and her mom are now headed to America.