
Gifted Survivor: Savior of the apocalypse

Have you ever wondered what you would do if a zombie apocalypse came out of seemingly nowhere? _____ Alyssa was a seemingly normal teenager, she enjoyed playing sports and participating in self-defense classes. What set her apart from others were her odd abilities she hid from most people... ***** "But mom im not lying!" a 9 year old girl grumbled "Honey, you are probably watching too much T.V" ***** * * * Year 2033 Alyssa went to school like any other day... Or so she thought. In the middle of class, a loud siren rang. "That's the school alarm," a student gasped. "ATTENTION STUDENTS THIS IS YOUR PRINCIPLE SPEAKING, THIS IS NOT A DRILL I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL EVERYONE IS REQUESTED TO STAY CALM AND EVACUATE THE BUILDING THERE HAS BE- beep.beep.beep". "..." Suddenly everyone heard a loud "BANG!" on the door. "Stay calm my foot." * * *

Novel_monarch · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs

Savior (Prologue)





It was the year 2033.

A young woman seemingly in her 20s was walking in an empty hallway. She had long silver hair that was tied up in a ponytail, golden eyes, and a symmetrical face.

Her brows were furrowed and she had a frown on her face. She was wearing a plain white shirt and black jeans.

(A.N: Visual reference in comments)

She was deep in thought and yet excluded a deadly aura.

Eventually, she made it to the end of the hallway which was a giant door embellished with golden runes.

The woman walked up to the door, "Albus I know you can hear me."

"Yes, you may enter," a voice behind the door answered.


Suddenly the runes on the door started to light up and the doors opened.

Inside was a desk with some paperwork and pens, there was a man who looked like he was currently in his early 20s. He was wearing a suit with many golden runes embellished on the coat along with a design of a purple rose where his heart would be, he also wore a pair of basic reading glasses, even though he didn't need them. He had short brown hair and was sitting on a leather chair reading a book.

"Good morning Selene, what brings you here?" he asked casually unaffected by her aura.

Selene took a deep breath before replying.


Albus looked indifferent and continued to read the book in his hands.

"Is there a problem?" he questioned.

Selene took a deep breath to hold back her anger

"I heard you are sending mana to earth is that true?"

"Yes, it is."


Selene blinked in surprise.

"Why are you still here?" Albus raised his brow.

"Y-you can't do that!"

"What are you trying to say?"

"What I am trying to say is that so much mana is dangerous for the earth and its inhabitants, it could lead to a mass extinction," Selene answered.

"And out of all people I expect you to know that."

"I do know that but we have no other choice, the population of gods is increasing and earth doesn't have many divine beings living in it, if it isn't strengthened by mana then we would not be able to live there without the threat of accidentally destroying it besides as you may know, the threat of the war is looming above our heads we need more worshipers," Albus explained.

"But the humans would go extinct, you can't do this!" Selene argued.

"Don't tell me you care about those weak monkeys, is that why you have started to dress like them? Besides, I am sure that even if they go extinct then a much stronger species would arise and we will get a race more useful than humans to worship us," Albus snorted.

"Earth is not that 'important' of a planet according to the celestial records, sure it may be a tier 5 habitable zone but humans are only a tier 3 race. If you send so much mana so quickly, they will not be able to adapt fast enough and that might lead to the end of humanity," Selene tried to explain.

"Ahh see," Albus smirked.

"That is my point, a tier 3 race with next to no magical capabilities inhabiting a 'perfect' planet like earth. Not only that, they are also polluting it. If this goes on, the earth will eventually become uninhabitable," Albus took off his glasses and wiped them with a cloth.

"I am simply doing what is best for the earth by getting rid of its parasites."

"But humans are changing! Please reconsider I am sure that if you give me some time I-" Selene pleaded.

"No 'buts', the decision has been made and there shall be no changes, have a good day," Albus held out his hand and flicked his wrist, a purple portal appeared behind Selene and she was sucked in, all of this happened in the blink of an eye.

"Wait!!!" She protested.

But by the time the words left her mouth, the portal had already spewed her entrance office.

"...That bastard," Selene mumbled.

She knew that there was no reasoning with Albus after he had already made up his mind.

She sighed, "Well, this was expected."

'Well, I guess it's time to take matters into my own hands.'

Selene thought while smirking.

She turned around with her back facing the door and started walking.

Selene had always been close to humans because... well, she used to be one herself but then she was chosen by the now ex-goddess of the moon to take her place and be the moon goddess over a 1000 years ago. Since then, Selene has visited earth many times and secretly helped humans in times of need.

Unlike most other gods and goddesses Selene didn't care for things like followers or worshipers, hell she only had about 3 temples dedicated to her all of which were situated on earth.

Although she was sometimes irked by human nature she still somehow cared for them.

Eventually, she reached the beginning of the hallway, there was a magnificent crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling there was a staircase leading to the first floor, it along with the rest of the floor, was made with beautiful marble tiles the railings were made of solid gold and had diamonds embedded in them.

The walls were embellished with many different precious stones.

Even when surrounded by all these riches, she remained indifferent, there were also a few servants who were walking around and cleaning the castle, they saw Selene walk out of the hallway to Albus's office but they paid no heed to her presence.

Instead of walking down the stairs she jumped off the railing and walked out of the extravagant castle.

After making sure she was somewhere no one could see her she closed her eyes and focused on the divine energy within her.

Suddenly with a bright flash of light, she disappeared from her spot.

She opened her eyes and found herself in a large clearing surrounded by trees the night sky was devoted to clouds and was filled with countless stars but there was something unusual, there were 17 different moons that lit up the night sky as if it was daytime.

This was her domain, every god or goddess got a domain after they surpassed a certain level, a domain is basically like a personal mini world, each domain is different and is based on the characteristics, position, and designation of the god or goddess.

Selene sat down on the ground of her domain she closed her eyes and let her body relax.

When she opened her eyes she was once again transported to another world, this one was completely white and stretched out seemingly for infinity.

There was no ground nor any sky but numerous different colored orbs were floating around everywhere.

Many people were looking at these orbs and many were talking to each other, some were wearing elegant suits or dresses while others were covered in magnificent armor or cloaks.

This place was known as the celestial realm, a place where gods could keep an eye on their worlds and talk to other gods if they were far away.

Anyone who entered the celestial realm would do so in their soul form, which means that their real body would stay where ever they were before. This also meant that by a simple thought, they could choose whatever they wanted to wear in the celestial realm.

"I haven't visited this place in a while..."

Selene floated around looking at every glowing orb until she reached one which was blue and green, it looked like a blurred globe of earth, it was the size of a soccer ball.

No other god except Selene was looking at that orb.

"System," she chanted.

Suddenly a translucent system window pooped up in front of her.


[User: Selene Soman]

[Race: Human]

[Gender: Female]

[Position: Goddess]

[Designation: Goddess of the Moon]

[World of origin: Earth]

[Level: 502]

[98,893/100,000,00 exp]

[Stats: Hidden]







After confirming her level interface she dismissed her system.

"Heh, what would we have done without the god of games and his systems to keep everything organized in the celestial realm?" a passerby god commented.

"We probably would have been just fine anyway,

but at least he did something unlike another earth goddess I know," another snickered.

Both of them laughed and teleported away.

Selene had become used to this kind of bullying in the past 1000 years.

It was because she was a low-ranked goddess from the earth. And after all, earth wasn't known for having the best reputation...

"That reminds me Tod still owes me a few favors, with his support my job can get a lot easier," Selene summoned the celestial system.


[Locate planet]


[Locate celestial]

[teleport to a planet]//error=(user must reach level 1000 to access this feature)

[incognito mode]//error=(user must reach level 5000 to access feature)

[Private server]//error=(user needs a permit to access this feature


She clicked on the communications tab and the names of many gods popped up. she clicked on 'Tod (god of games)'


"Why are you calling me?"

"Come meet me near the earth orb."


"I can't tell you yet."

"... Ugh fine"

After that, the call ended.

Selene waited patiently and after about 2 minutes...

"What do you want now, bitch?" a man with short purple hair with bags under his eyes wearing a purple suit, lazily murmured.

(A.N: Visual reference in the comments)

Selene ignored the comment.

"We need to go into a private server," she replied solemnly.

Tod immediately stiffened up "...Is it about the earth?"


Tod opened his system interface and selected the private server option.

Instantly, he and Selene got teleported away.

[A.N: Tod only had access to the private server because he created the system and is the head admin]

When they reappeared they were still in the celestial realm but this time there was no god in sight.

"Be careful if you analyze a planet other than earth then the respective gods of the planet will get a notification," Tod warned.

"I know that but that is not why we are here, and I am sure you know what is happening to the earth."

"Yes, I do... Selene, where are you going with this?" Tod frowned.

"Heh, we are going to save the earth," Selene smirked,

"and I need your help with that."

"OK, what do you want me to do?"




"I am only doing this because you are my friend," Tod frowned while looking at a newly created system interface.

"Don't worry, I have read the whole rule book and all the guides for gods this is probably not against the rules," Selene noted.

"What do you mean 'probably'?" Tod shouted.


"Uhh... so you are saying this thing is going to automatically select the most suitable humans and assign them appropriate roles?" Selene inquired while pointing at the newly created system.

Tod sighed, "Yeah it's going to give them roles and stuff based on their affinity and a few other factors, as well as educate them about mana and magic."

"Hmm OK, that's all. Thanks, Tod."

"Yeah, whatever."

Then Tod suddenly disappeared from his spot.

[Warning: The owner of the private server has left]

[The server will be closing down in 60 seconds]

A monotone voice echoed in the realm.

Selene looked at the new system interface.

Many things were written in the available roles tab, she had asked Tod to let her create one of the roles herself and he had no problem complying.

She clicked the edit option in the corner of the system interface and selected the option "+Role."

[Select role name _____]

Selene smiled, "It's a bit cringe but..."

[The name 'Savior' has been selected]

[Would you like to make any additional changes? Yes/No]





[Are you sure you want to give ___ amount of Divine energy to the role 'Savior'? Yes/No]


[Option selected]

[Would you like to make any additional changes? Yes/No]





[Are you sure you want to hand out your divinity to the role 'savior'? Yes/No]



[Congratulations role of 'Savior' has been created]

[Private server is closing in 10 seconds]

Selene took one last look at the earth's orb and smiled, "Good luck."







Alyssa was in the bathroom casually brushing her teeth when suddenly...

[Ding! Host found]

[Transferring system...]


Name: Alyssa Pierce

Race: Human

Gender: Female


Role: Savior

Affinity: N/A

Level: 1 [0/10]


Blessing of the moon goddess (Null)

Savior of humanity (Null)

Health: 100/100

Mana: 1/10



Strength: 5

Agility: 7

Defense: 3

Stamina: 9

Intelligence: 11


[Additional stats]

Sensory: 15

Psychic: 24

Charm: 3

Mental defense: 1

Magic Defense: 0

Soul defense: 0


"The heck..."

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