
Gifted Survivor: Savior of the apocalypse

Have you ever wondered what you would do if a zombie apocalypse came out of seemingly nowhere? _____ Alyssa was a seemingly normal teenager, she enjoyed playing sports and participating in self-defense classes. What set her apart from others were her odd abilities she hid from most people... ***** "But mom im not lying!" a 9 year old girl grumbled "Honey, you are probably watching too much T.V" ***** * * * Year 2033 Alyssa went to school like any other day... Or so she thought. In the middle of class, a loud siren rang. "That's the school alarm," a student gasped. "ATTENTION STUDENTS THIS IS YOUR PRINCIPLE SPEAKING, THIS IS NOT A DRILL I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A DRILL EVERYONE IS REQUESTED TO STAY CALM AND EVACUATE THE BUILDING THERE HAS BE- beep.beep.beep". "..." Suddenly everyone heard a loud "BANG!" on the door. "Stay calm my foot." * * *

Novel_monarch · Fantasy
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5 Chs

A dream???

[Ding! Host found]

[Transferring system...]


Name: Alyssa Pierce

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Role: Savior

Affinity: N/A

Level: 1 [0/10]


Blessing of the fire Phoenix serapheth (Null)

Blessing of the moon goddess (Null)

Savior of humanity (Null)

Health: 10/10

Mana: 1/10



Strength: 6

Agility: 7

Defense: 3

Stamina: 9

Intelligence: 11


[Additional stats]

Sensory: 15

Psychic: 24

Charm: 3

Mental defense: 1

Magic defense: 0

Soul defense: 0


Alyssa dropped the toothbrush in her hand.

"The heck..."

She stared at the system interface in shock.

"Am I dreaming?"

"Wait no, if I were dreaming I wouldn't know I was dreaming."

"So either this is real or I am crazy."

"I am probably crazy..."

She held out her index finger and tried to poke the system but her hand went right through it.

"This is like those fantasy novels I always read..." Alyssa stared in shock.

"My role is 'Savior'?"

"WAIT! Does that mean I am the main character!?" Alyssa grinned.

"Whatever I am probably hallucinating," Alyssa thought.

"Now how do I close this thing?"

Just as she thought about the system disappearing and it immediately vanished.

"What the fuck is going on...?"




[Ding! Host found]

[Transferring system]


Name: Valarie Granger

Race: Human

Gender: Female


Role: Mage

Affinity: N/A

Level: 1 [0/10]


Child of darkness (Null)

Health: 10/10

Mana: 0/10



Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Defense: 2

Stamina: 5

Intelligence: 9


"What the..."

Valarie stared at the system in shock.

"What kind of a dream is this?"




[Ding! Host found]

[Transferring system]


Name: Xander Pierce

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Role: Fighter

Affinity: N/A

Level: 1 [0/10]


Blessing of the fire Phoenix serapheth (Null)

Health: 10/10

Mana: 0/10



Strength: 5

Agility: 4

Defense: 3

Stamina: 5

Intelligence: 8



Xander stared in shock at the system interface that had suddenly appeared in front of his face.





Alyssa got dressed and went downstairs to go eat breakfast.

Her mind was still busy trying to figure out what was going on.

Xander chased after her and pointed at the

system screen which followed him around, "Alyssa! What is THIS!?"

Alyssa's jaw dropped, "You got that too!?"

"So you have this thing too? How do you make it go away?" Xander said, swiping his hand through the system.

"Oh yeah you kinda just have to think about it going away and it goes away," she explained.

"I dont know i tried it and it just worked"Alyssa shrugged

"How would that even work?is this thing connected to my brain!?" he questioned.

"Why are you guys making noise? Did you two get in a fight again?"

"No mom, we are just talking," Alyssa calmly replied.

"... Mom you don't see this?" Xander pointed at his system.

"What are you talking about? There is nothing there, now come to eat breakfast."

"Ok..." Xander replied dumbfounded.

"I kinda expected that," Alyssa fell into deep thought.

"Wait, if you see it too does that mean I'm not crazy!?" Alyssa exclaimed.

"Pfft, you probably still are," Xander snickered.

Xander thought about the system disappearing.

"Oh it worked, the thing is gone," Xander said in surprise.

"Told ya"she smirked.

'Why do I have a bad feeling about today?' Alyssa thought.

Alyssa sat down at the table and started eating her food, she pulled her phone out to tell her best friend about the events that had just transpired.

(52 unread messages from Valarie)

(wahhhh! there is this thingie in front of me and it

won't go away)


(bestie help!!!)

(horse manure baby gurl!!)



(i google but google doesn't say anything)


(Mom and dad are not here wat do I do!?!?)

(it's like the thingie in that fantasy novel you forced me to read)

(+1 image)

Valarie POV:

Valarie aggressively swiped her hands through the system, "What is this!?!?"





"So she got it too, huh?" Alyssa calmly sipped her tea and clicked on the photo sent by Valarie.

it was photo of an empty wall

'why did she send me that? Wait could it be that she also got a system!?'

(Incoming call by Valarie)


[Umm you good?] Alyssa awkwardly asked.

[NO!] Valarie shouted.

[What happened? Why you sent me a picture of an empty wall?]

[I got a system thing and I tried to send you a picture]

[Me too]

[How do I make it go away? People will see it]

[Actually, I think not all people got and those who didn't can't see the system, Xander tried to show it to mom but it diddnt work ]

[Umm, ok but do you know why we got it?]

[I have no clue but it looks like it is something important,i have read too many novels to over look something like this, also if you want to make it go away just think about the system disappearing and it will vanish]

[Ok... oh it worked]

[Yeah good, also don't tell anyone about this we could get in trouble, k?]

[Ok, bye the bus is here]





"Alyssa and Xander, go get in the car. I will be right there."

"Ok mom," the siblings answered in unison.

Alyssa went and sat in the front seat of the car.

A couple of minutes later Xander came and sat in the back seat.

"Don't tell ANYONE about this," Alyssa warned.

"About what?" Xander asked.

"About the system! Valarie got it too," Alyssa answered.

"Why?" Xander asked.

"I don't know I just have a bad feeling plus they will call you crazy," Alyssa chuckled.

"Ok i guess."

Their mom then came and sat in the driver's seat of the car.

"Mom, are Mathew and Kayla ok?" Alyssa questioned.

"Your siblings just got that new sickness but I'm sure there will be a cure soon, let's just get you two to school," their mom replied.

"Oh and good luck for that competition."

Alyssa was leaning against the window, still thinking about the events that had transpired earlier today.

Alyssa was 16 years old, she had black hair that fell to her shoulders and tan skin, a symmetrical face, and dark eyes.

She wore a red t-shirt with a black leather jacket along with a couple of necklaces and some other jewelry, she also wore some ripped jeans and a pair of black and white canvas shoes.

In short, she looked like every other 16-year-old girl attempting to look edgy.

(A.N: visual reference in the comments)




"You seem to be lost in thought," Xander commented.

"Hmm? Yeah, I am wondering why we got the systems. I mean I don't think everyone got them," Alyssa noted.

"Hey, look there are Valarie and Eden," Xander pointed.

"Hi guys," Valarie smiled.

"Hello" Alyssa smiled back "i love your outfit today".

Valarie was 15 years old she had light brown hair with two strands tied together at the back with a rubber band, she also had fair skin and blue eyes and was wearing a white hoodie with a butterfly necklace and light blue jeans along with a pair of mint green and white sneakers.

(A.N: Visual reference in the comments)

"HII EVERYONE! Ugh, you guys are here," Eden snorted.

"You say that yet we are your only friends" Alyssa chuckled at eden.

Eden was 14 years old and had short brown hair, tied up into a half ponytail, she was wearing a white My Little Pony sweater and a short pleated pink skirt.

"OMG, shut up," Xander mumbled in annoyance.

He was 15 years old and had short black hair, tan skin, and brown eyes, and was wearing a plain white shirt with a denim jacket and black jeans along with a pair of red and white canvas shoes.

(A.N: visual reference in the comments.)

"By the way, Eden why are you wearing a skirt in 15°c weather?" Valarie questioned.


"We are going to be late for class. Let's go," Alyssa pointed out.

"Yeah let's go," Eden responded.

_ _ _ _ _

"Does anyone know the date?" the teacher asked.

"It's 19 December 2033," Alyssa lazily answered.

"Thank you, now let's begin the competition shall we?"

_ _ _ _ _

"Ok so last question, what is the answer to this problem?" the teacher asked.

"43," Alyssa lazily responded.

"Correct! Everyone, Alyssa has won the competition by getting all 10/10 questions correct," the teacher announced,

"and as promised 50 credits will be transferred to your account."

A bunch of disappointed grunts were heard in the classroom.

"miss, she is probably cheating, just yesterday she almost failed the practice round'

"I can be smart when its important"Alyssa grinned she reached into her back pocket and checked her phone, and discovered that 50 credits had been deposited into her account.

"You know Alyssa, you are good at these competitions, I am sure if you try hard enough you can become the highest achiever in the annual school math competition."

"Yeah I don't really care about all this," Alyssa put her phone back into her pocket.


The bell was heard.

"Class dismissed Go downstairs for lunch everyone and make sure to be back in time to continue the lesson," the teacher smiled.

Everyone raced downstairs to the cafeteria.

Alyssa was in the 11th grade and her classroom was located on the 3rd floor of the school, Valarie and Xander were in the same class that was located on the 1st floor right next to Eden's classroom.

The school was a fairly posh private school meant for the upper-middle class,the canteens had fresh food prepared the same day in the kitchen.

Alyssa made it to the canteen and sat next to her friends.

"I heard you won the competition, congrats," Valarie commented.

"Yeah, thanks. I'm just gonna get some food," Alyssa said.

"Aren't you gonna treat us?" Eden asked.

"Nah" Alyssa walked up to the counter and looked at the lunch options.

"Excuse me, I would like to have one slice of pepperoni pizza and one cola."

"Alright, that will be 10 credits," the lunch lady replied.

"Perfect," Alyssa smiled.

She took her food and sat down next to Valarie.

She opened her can of cola, "You guys didn't tell anyone about what happened this morning, right?"

"Nope," Valarie answered.

"Me neither," Xander said.

"What are you guys talking about?" Eden felt confused.

"Did you see a blue holographic screen pop up in front of you?" Xander asked.

"No, I-"

"No, she didn't," Alyssa calmly sipped her drink.

"Actually, none of the people in the entire school have that thing," Alyssa remarked while eating her food.

"And i don't think that's a good sign..."

"How do you know that? Did you sense something?" Valarie asked seriously.

"Wait, what do you guys mean?" Xander blinked in surprise.

"Uhh, I- Alyssa actually- She umm-" Valarie fell silent.

"Don't worry about it guys I will tell you some other time," Alyssa said in a hushed tone."We have bigger fish to fry right now"

"Wait, you're gonna tell them!?" Valarie cried out.

"Yeah yeah, now everyone show me your systems," Alyssa requested.

"Why!? Are you crazy? Everyone will see!" Valarie exclaimed.

"No, nobody other than the people who have a system can see another person's system," Alyssa reassured her.

"oh yeah i forgot," Valarie replied.

"Just think about your system appearing and I'm pretty sure it will appear," Alyssa spoke as her system appeared in front of her.

Valarie and Xander then thought about their system appearing and it appeared in front of them.

"See? No one is looking this way, that means no one can see it," Alyssa whispered.

"Woah it really is connected to my brain" Xander blinked in surprise.

"... Are you guys ok? Do you need some of my apple juice?" Eden was worried about their sanity.

"... Why is she even here?" Valarie asked.

"Guys look," Alyssa pointed at her system, "What are these role things? They look important."

"It says mine is 'Savior.'"

"Oh? It says mine is 'Fighter.'" Xander commented.

"Mine is 'Mage.'" Valarie added.

Eden got increasingly worried about the mental health of her cousins.


"Let's go guys. Lunch is over," Alyssa stood up.




Alyssa sat down in her classroom as the other students entered.

'My 'Power' has gotten stronger I can sense exactly where Valarie, Xander, and Eden are even from here,' Alyssa thought excitedly.

'I think it's because of the system- WAIT HUH!?' Alyssa's eyes suddenly widened.

'It feels like six more people in the classroom across the hall just got systems. They're emitting the same aura as Valarie and Xander."

'What is going on?'

"Good evening class," the teacher entered.

'What is this weird sensation I'm feeling?" Alyssa thought.

Alyssa suddenly stood up, out of breath.

She had just sensed a weird energy wave spread in the atmosphere.

[The system is now activating please wait...]


A notification popped up in her vision.

"Alyssa are you ok?" the teacher with a hint of worry in her voice.

Suddenly a loud siren could be heard.

"That's the school alarm," a student gasped.



Suddenly everyone heard a loud "BANG!" on the door.




"Stay calm my foot."




