
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 62: Baron Zackary

With that, he only had a few thousand gold coins left in his pocket. When he returned to the Iron Tavern later, he would see if he could liquidate some of the equipment from the Sess Commerce Guild.

Afterward, Rog had someone bring the items up for Feld to inspect.

Feld had already tested the magic cannons last night. The difference between single, double, and triple magic rune cannons lay in the efficiency of magic conversion. The triple magic rune cannon had slightly more power and a faster magic charging rate, resulting in roughly twice the overall firepower of the single magic rune cannon.

As for the Aggregated Array Remote Magic Cannon, Feld referred to it as the Magic Sniper Cannon because of its formidable power. When the triple magic rune cannon fired, although it was uncomfortable for Platinum-tier individuals, as long as they were prepared, they could withstand it. But when the magic sniper cannon fired, even if a Platinum-tier individual didn't die, they would be severely injured. This weapon could cause damage to Mithril-tier individuals, albeit minor and superficial, insufficient to be fatal. Of course, frontal shots would likely only result in superficial wounds, and there was a high probability they could be blocked if adequately prepared. Unless one was completely defenseless and shot directly in the eye, it could be fatal. However, even a Platinum-tier weapon could achieve this.

Hence, the magic sniper cannon didn't sell for over 100,000 gold. Furthermore, its drawback was evident—it was bulky, measuring three meters long with a barrel as thick as a tank cannon, weighing over two hundred pounds. It was too heavy for the average person to handle. Additionally, the amount of magic power required for a single charge was exaggerated. For someone of Gold tier, they could charge it at most once or twice. For Platinum tier, four or five times at most. In other words, even a Platinum-tier individual could only fire it four or five times. Fortunately, Feld was confident in his magical reserves, and his magical reserve was much larger than that of others at the same tier. He should be able to handle the sniper rifle.

In fact, Feld had originally intended to give the magic sniper cannon to the Little Cat. She couldn't use magic, so it would be troublesome to deal with airborne or long-range units in the future. Therefore, she needed long-range fire support. However, considering that the Little Cat's vision wasn't as good as Feld's, except for her outstanding night vision, it was better to forget about it. He planned to train the Little Cat to be a close-quarters lethal and agile scout assassin, rather than a sniper. Furthermore, the sniper rifle was so heavy and consumed so much magic power that the Little Cat probably couldn't handle it. Therefore, the position of sniper could only be filled by Feld himself, and he would need to find someone suitable for the position to join the team in the future.

Fortunately, Feld's marksmanship had always been top-notch. Even when the sniper was absent in his past life, he always stepped up. Thinking of this, Feld missed his brothers and sisters from his past life a little. He really hoped they could be reincarnated together with him.

Returning to the Iron Tavern, Feld found Raymond. As expected, Raymond didn't disappoint him and accepted Feld's equipment at market price. Feld's little treasury was replenished to around sixty thousand once again.

Since Feld kept some potions for personal use, along with the magic book and magic stone, his stash was quite substantial. The magic stone's "Purification" magic was particularly useful for dispelling negative effects.

Feld had given the magic book to Chi Chi for her to learn the spells inside.

"I heard you took on a big job with the Wolf Gang?" Raymond asked.

Feld nodded. Raymond didn't pry further and instead offered, "If you need any help, feel free to ask. I can provide some assistance within the Inner City."

"That would be great," Feld smiled. "Do you happen to know where I can get a map of Baron Zackary's estate?"

"Are you planning to target Baron Zackary?" Raymond raised an eyebrow.

"Not exactly, but my target is within his estate, so I need to familiarize myself," Feld replied casually.

Such matters were best kept discreet, as they weren't exactly honorable endeavors. Leaking information could lead to trouble. However, this was also a test for Feld to see if Raymond had any influence in the Inner City.

Raymond didn't disappoint Feld once again. He nodded and informed him, "The estates of wealthy individuals in the Inner City are mostly designed by the Televo Architectural Institute. They should have backup maps."

He jotted down the address of the Televo Architectural Institute and handed it to Feld, who nodded in acknowledgment.

From Raymond's attitude, it seemed he had no connection with Baron Zackary, so Feld could execute his task without worry.

"However, I have to give you a piece of advice. Baron Zackary's estate is guarded by a Mithril-tier archer, his hired muscle. If your target is in his estate, you should be prepared," Raymond cautioned.

"Furthermore, although Baron Zackary is only a baron, he still holds some sway in the city. It's best not to leave any evidence," he added.

"Recently, he's been quite irritable after his daughter was kidnapped and injured by enemies. He's been contemplating going to war with the opposing Dino Commerce Guild. His estate has gathered quite a few bounty hunters and mercenaries. You need to be cautious," Raymond warned.

"Oh?" Feld was somewhat surprised, then asked, "Is his daughter named Manasa?"

"You know about it?" Raymond was surprised.

Seeing this, Feld chuckled.

The world of Sea Haven was both vast and small.

He hadn't expected Baron Zackary to be Manasa's father. Now it seemed his disguise back then had been very convincing, successfully leading Baron Zackary to believe that his enemies were responsible.

Presumably, both Baron Zackary and his enemies from the Dino Commerce Guild were cursing their luck now. But Feld had no qualms about it. Such conflicts were inevitable, even if he hadn't intervened. He was just expediting the process.

Moreover, it was good news for Feld.

"When do they plan to strike?" Feld inquired.

"Tomorrow," Raymond replied. "The Dino Commerce Guild primarily deals in grain and wine trade, with their headquarters located at the Dino Grand Farm, eighty miles outside Sea Haven. It'll likely be a small-scale war."

"I see..." Feld pondered.

Seeing his expression, Raymond knew what he was thinking.

"You want to take advantage of the chaos?" he asked.

"More or less. My target will probably be there, so I can use the opportunity to get close to him and take him out," Feld said.

"But with your size, it'll be hard not to attract attention," Raymond pointed out, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"I know. So I'll have to create a 'distraction'," Feld grinned, unabashedly.

"Heh heh, you're quite audacious," Raymond chuckled.

Feld replied, "Alright, I'll be off then. I still need to make you a lighter."

"Then you better hurry the hell up," Raymond said.

"Damn, you're so pragmatic!" Feld exclaimed.

"Hahaha," Raymond laughed.

In the afternoon, Feld took Chi Chi to the Oren Blacksmith Shop. This time, he needed a bit of metal material to make a lighter for Raymond.

He had already made several lighter cores beforehand, so now he only needed to make an armor casing.

Engraving was a delicate task, but for Feld, who had immense strength and solid blacksmithing skills, it was no challenge. His control over strength and blacksmithing was very precise, so making intricate parts by hand posed no problem. Not to mention carving a casing for a lighter.

Soon, a refined lighter casing was completed. It was dark and understated, matching Raymond's demeanor. The metal felt substantial in the hand, with a simple yet elegant design. There was even a concave fist mark on top, simple yet bold.

Oren looked at the little trinket in his hand with some curiosity. "What's the use of this small box? Holding rings?"

"Hehe, watch closely," Feld took out a lighter core, dripped some flammable oil into it, and inserted it into the casing seamlessly.

Closing the lid and opening it again produced a crisp sound. Then, after flicking the wheel, sparks burst out, and flames soared up, catching Oren's eye. "This thing is quite interesting."

"This is a business opportunity. Once it's mass-produced, it'll definitely replace matches!" Feld asserted confidently.

Oren was somewhat surprised. As a dwarf, he loved gold coins. Hearing that this little trinket could earn big money made him even more excited. "How do you plan to do it?"

"I won't do it. I'm not a businessman," Feld chuckled.

"...," Oren was speechless.

"You're not making money when you have the chance?" Oren raised an eyebrow.

"I am making money, but I still don't want to be a businessman," Feld replied.

"You're quite a weird one!" Oren couldn't help but comment.

"Thanks for the compliment, but if you want to make money, I can teach you how to make lighters. As for mass production, you figure it out yourself," Feld offered.

"Hmph, do you think I need you to teach me?" Oren scoffed. "Just by looking at that little thing, I can figure out the principle and make it myself."

Feld chuckled but didn't argue. After all, Oren was a skilled dwarf blacksmith, and something as simple as a lighter wouldn't pose a challenge for him.

"But I'm not interested in making money like that. I just want to earn my keep by forging. I don't want to bother with being a businessman," Oren added.

Feld laughed, "You're a weird one too."

"It takes one to know one."

"Fair enough."

"Alright, stop showing off, kid. If you don't have anything else to do, just get out of here. I need to get back to forging," Oren said.

"Got it!"

Leaving Oren's blacksmith shop, it was still early, only two o'clock. Feld thought it had been a few days since he last visited Benveena. Since he had teleportation arrays, he could easily reach the Hades Academy, and there were teleportation arrays in the Inner City as well. So all he needed to do was bind to one of the teleportation arrays in Sea Haven, and he could easily travel back and forth, not wasting much time.

With his mind made up, Feld brought Chi Chi to the teleportation square.

The teleportation square had three fixed teleportation arrays, and Feld only needed to bind to one of them. The process was simple: infuse magic, place the array disk on the teleportation array, resonate with it, and when the third crystal on the array disk lit up, the binding was complete.

"Let's go, little kitty. We're going to the Hades Academy," Feld said, infusing magic directly into the array and selecting the first crystal as the destination—Hades Academy.

As for why he didn't use Sea Haven's teleportation array... well, it cost money. Teleportation once cost fifteen hundred gold coins, which was quite expensive and not something the average person could afford.