
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 61 Ordering Magic Cannons

Then Feld, accompanied by Chi-Chi and John, went to deliver the goods.

"Bro, how did you deal with those guys? They had a powerful mage, and I've had trouble with him before. Did you take care of him?" On the way, John couldn't help but ask Feld.

Feld nodded, "Took care of half of them."

John was puzzled, "What do you mean, let them escape?"

Feld replied, "No, the other half got shattered, and I couldn't be bothered to clean up."

John and the others: "..."

Listening to Feld casually talking about it, the group of mercenaries couldn't help but gulp, gaining a new appreciation for Feld's abilities. Taking down over thirty people, including two platinum-ranked fighters and a platinum-ranked mage, with such ease. John was certain he wouldn't stand a chance against this guy, despite Feld looking smaller in stature.

Soon, they arrived at the Wolf Gang's camp. The Wolf Gang was one of the three major gangs in the inner city, much larger than the four major gangs in the outer city, with over three hundred members, although they were usually dispersed throughout the outer city. The Wild Dogs Gang, one of the four major gangs in the outer city, was a subsidiary branch of the Wolf Gang.

The Wolf Gang's camp was located in an industrial area, seemingly responsible for part of the shipyard in Harbor City.

"Bro, say hello to your She-Wolf King. We've got the goods she wanted!" John was responsible for communicating with the Wolf Gang, and it was clear that both sides were familiar with each other, making the process very efficient.

Before long, a woman with a group of people emerged from the shipyard.

Upon seeing her, Feld felt a bit disappointed. She was indeed a woman, but not particularly attractive. Well, she was pretty, but she was already an older woman. Despite taking good care of herself, time had left its mark on her face. In her youth, she must have been a great beauty, but now, no amount of makeup could conceal the signs of aging.

Of course, Feld didn't dare underestimate this woman. Being a woman who could become the leader of a major gang, she must be just as ruthless as any man.

"Where are the goods?" When she approached John and the others, she crossed her arms and asked coldly.

John looked at Feld, and Feld stepped forward, waving his hand to reveal the boxes.

The She-Wolf King observed as several members of the Wolf Gang approached to inspect the goods. Seeing that everything was intact and in the right quantity, she sighed in relief, and her stern expression softened a bit.

"Thank you. These goods are very important to us," she said to John.

However, John waved his hand and nodded towards Feld, saying, "You should thank him. He's the one who snatched them back. He did a great job, not leaving a single one alive."

Hearing "not leaving a single one alive," the She-Wolf King seemed somewhat surprised and finally looked at Feld directly. "A new face, I haven't heard of you before."

"Well, you probably have recently. I'm Feld," Feld grinned, revealing a set of big white teeth.

"You're Feld, the one who took down the Sea Serpent Gang?" The She-Wolf King's astonishment grew.

"Yeah," Feld nodded.

"Haha, you did a great job with that job. I've been wanting to kick the Sea Serpent Gang for a long time!" The She-Wolf King suddenly burst into laughter, appearing quite happy.

"Do you have a grudge against them?"

"No, but their boss, Nash Gang, has a grudge against us. When I heard someone took down the Sea Serpent Gang, I inquired about you," the She-Wolf King said with a smile, her eyes looking at Feld with the same appreciation as Raymond had before, but also with a hint of scrutiny.

"What did you find out?" Feld asked curiously, wanting to hear about his reputation in Harbor City.

"You're a cocky guy," the She-Wolf King said.

"Haha, your information is pretty accurate!" Feld laughed heartily.

"I'm Rog, but the brothers here honor me and call me the Wolf King," the She-Wolf King extended her hand to Feld.

"Feld, an outstanding mercenary. I believe you'll realize this soon," Feld smiled, shaking her hand and acknowledging their acquaintance.

"Perhaps not later, I have a private job here and need a good hand. Are you interested?" Rog smiled slightly.

"Of course!" Feld's eyes lit up.

"Come in and discuss it. This isn't the place to entertain guests," Rog said, then turned and walked deeper into the shipyard, clearly a decisive figure.

Feld liked dealing with people like her.

"You guys go back first. I'll talk business here," Feld said to John and the others.

John and the others nodded and left first, while Feld followed Rog into the depths of the shipyard.

"This ship is really impressive. Did you guys build it?" Feld looked at the sections of the magic ship hanging in the factory, waiting to be assembled.

"Yeah, we have the best shipbuilding master in Harbor City. Even the shipyards in Gorilla City can't compare to us when it comes to small to medium-sized magic ships. If you ever want a ship to sail the seas, you can come to us. Practical, durable, just a bit expensive," Rog nodded, explaining.

"Good things are always expensive, I know that," Feld complimented lightly.

Following Rog, they arrived at a luxurious guest room.

"Would you like some wine or tea?" Rog asked.

"I think it's tea," Feld pretended to ponder.

Rog was surprised for a moment, then smiled, "Wrong, it's wine."

"Alright, I'll take a punishment drink then."


This humorous exchange made the following conversation smoother.

"The batch of goods you snatched back was originally meant to be sold to the city of Peddlero, but halfway there, it was intercepted by a search party from the Sess Commerce Guild," Rog said, taking a sip of wine as he spoke.

"That bunch of scum are just a pack of hyenas, roaming the grasslands. Besides capturing orcs for slave trading, they also rob some merchant caravans. That batch of goods was taken by them."

"But they probably didn't expect that the goods were shipped from Harbor City, so they sent them back here to sell them, and we found out."

"So they wanted to transfer them again."

"And then I snatched them back," Feld interjected.

"That's right. But the problem still exists. I don't know if it's a joke from the heavens, but recently I received word that the buyer in Peddlero was killed," Rog continued.

"I guess it's because the goods weren't sent out on time, causing a delay," Feld speculated.

"So now they're holding us accountable."

"The buyer had a brother who's a bounty hunter. He thinks I'm partly responsible for his brother's death, so he's probably thinking about how to get my head."

"So my mission is to take him out?" Feld asked.

"Yes," Rog nodded, "but there's a problem."

"What is it?" Feld inquired.

"He's a good friend of Baron Zachary in Harbor City, so now he's in the Baron's estate. My men can't get in, and besides, Baron Zachary has some connections in Harbor City, so we can't directly provoke a conflict."

"I see. Let me disguise myself as his enemy and take him out. This matter has nothing to do with the Wolf Gang, right?" Feld proposed.

"It seems you're good at this," Rog chuckled.

"Of course, I'm very good at it. But what's the name of the guy you're talking about, and what rank is he?" Feld asked.

"Okot, Platinum Seven Stars."

"Platinum Seven Stars, that's a bit of a challenge..." Feld rubbed his chin, but his eyes occasionally glanced at Rog.

Rog immediately understood Feld's meaning and said, "As long as you take him out, it's 50,000 gold."

"Wow, I have no reason to refuse that," Feld nodded, then added, "But can I add a small condition?"

"Let's hear it," Rog said, crossing his legs.

"You mentioned that the buyer of those goods died, right? So you guys probably haven't found a new buyer yet, right?" Feld grinned.

"Oh?" Rog raised an eyebrow, "You want to buy them? But it won't be cheap."

"I know. So can I buy them in retail? I only need two... No, three!" Feld held up three fingers.

"Sure," Rog agreed readily.

"That's great. How much?" Feld asked eagerly.

"Single Magic Rune Magic Cannon, 12,000 gold. Double Magic Rune Magic Cannon, 18,000 gold. Triple Magic Rune Magic Cannon, 26,000 gold. Aggregated Array Remote Magic Cannon, 58,000 gold."

Wow, that's expensive!

Fortunately, Feld had robbed the Sess Commerce Guild's convoy and made a fortune. Plus, with the various mission rewards he had received before, he had around 100,000 gold on him now. If he sold those equipments, he could earn another small fortune.

So now he was a little millionaire with about 200,000 gold on him.

After thinking for a moment, Feld said, "I'll take two Triple Magic Rune Magic Cannons and one Aggregated Array Remote Magic Cannon."

"Total of 110,000 gold. Since you're a new friend, I'll give you a discount. How about 100,000 gold?" Rog offered.

"Deal!" Feld immediately agreed and happily paid the money.