
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
126 Chs

Chapter 20: Evelyn's Ambitions

"Oh, by the way, Boss, in a month, Hades Magic Academy will be issuing quotas for dispatched personnel. Can you get hold of one?" Field suddenly asked.

"Hades?" Evelyn raised an eyebrow as she wiped the glasses. "You might be disappointed. My tavern isn't that big, and I don't have the qualifications. The quotas will all be in the hands of those old hands in the inner city."

"As for the outer city... I reckon only the mercenary tavern on the east side of town might get a quota."

"No way, with you being such an impressive boss, you don't have the qualifications? Are they blind or something?" Field exaggerated.

This flattered Evelyn a lot, and she hummed, "Exactly."

"They look down on me because I'm a woman, thinking I can't handle big things."

She seemed a bit resentful, but then shook her head and sighed.

"But what they said is indeed true. Women don't have an advantage in this business compared to men."

Field's eyes flickered uncertainly.

He caught the meaning behind Evelyn's words.

Women don't have an advantage in this business compared to men?

No, compared to men, women actually have more advantages, especially beautiful women.

It's just that obviously, Evelyn didn't intend to use this "advantage," otherwise there would definitely be many more "guests" here.

Actually, Field had already noticed—no mercenaries in the tavern dared to whistle at Evelyn.

So Field was quite admiring of this beautiful boss, but it seemed like she needed a little motivation now.

So he took a sip of his drink and said, "So you're giving in?"

Evelyn paused in her glass-wiping motion, then turned around to face Field directly, seeing the faint smile on his face, which inexplicably made her a little annoyed.

"Of course not. Otherwise, do you think I gave you those tasks because you're handsome?" Evelyn glared at Field.

"Isn't it?" Field rubbed his chin, then turned to look at Kiki. "Am I not handsome?"

Kiki: "Handsome, meow!"

Field turned back, raised his chin provocatively at Evelyn, "It's well known that cat girls never lie."

Evelyn chuckled at being teased. This guy really had a way with words; she hadn't even heard of this "well known" saying.

Then she sighed somewhat helplessly, "So, what do you want?"

"If I help you get this 'qualification,' can you get an external personnel quota?" Field asked.

"Of course!" Evelyn was also roused by competitiveness. "The allocation of quotas mainly depends on the guild."

"Hades Academy will distribute quotas to the guild, and the guild will then allocate them to branches."

"The tavern is like a branch of the mercenary guild."

"The guild branches use a rating system, and there's an assessment every month. Only when the branch reaches a two-star rating for the month is there a chance of getting a quota."

"Note, it's a chance."

"And this is only when there are enough quotas. If there aren't enough, priority will be given to the higher-rated mercenary taverns in the outer city."

"The 'Haven Tavern' was opened by me two years ago, and the monthly rating has always been two stars."

"Although it meets the minimum requirements, in the two years, I still haven't been able to get even one quota!"

You could tell she was a bit unwilling, her tone a bit aggressive.

"Because there's still another tavern in the outer city that consistently gets a three-star rating each month. Last time they got two quotas, and I still got none."

"So, if I want to get a quota, I have to raise the tavern's rating to three stars in the remaining half month."

"How do we do that?" Field asked.

"Based on the tavern's monthly profit and the level of commissions we can accept, I calculated that my monthly profit has already reached the three-star standard. But the level of commissions isn't enough," Evelyn said.

"If I can take ten gold-level tasks this month and complete them with an 80% success rate, then the rating next month will reach three stars."

"If the quotas issued by Hades Academy this time exceed one hundred and fifty, then I can definitely get one quota!"

"Snap!" Field snapped his fingers, leaving Evelyn somewhat puzzled.

"Okay, I have insider information. There are over one hundred and eighty quotas being issued this time," Field chuckled.

Evelyn was taken aback. This guy had just arrived in Hadu, and he already had insider information? 

Then she got a bit excited, "So what you're saying is..."

Field stood up, greeted Kiki, and walked out confidently. His voice echoed back, "I'll help you with the rating, you help me with the quota."

Upon hearing this, Evelyn forgot everything else and hurriedly flipped over the counter to catch up, asking, "What's your plan?"

"I'll tell you, those three gold tasks are the only three gold-level freelance assignments I've received. I don't have any more," Field said without looking back.

To advance and improve the tavern's rating, they need to accept "freelance assignments," which are tasks assigned by third parties to the tavern as an intermediary and then distributed. 

"Getting sponsorship, I'm good at it. You just wait," Field confidently walked out of the tavern, leaving Evelyn to follow to the tavern door, watching his figure quickly disappear.

Her fists clenched slightly as she murmured, "Perhaps... it's really possible?"


"Big guy, is it really possible?" Kiki bounced behind Field, eagerly examining her mercenary ID card and asking curiously.

"There's nothing impossible with me," Field laughed heartily, then began to plan.

First, he needed to deliver a letter for Holan, which was quite urgent as the deadline was in three days and today was the second day.

Second, becoming a gold-level mercenary within a month. He was absolutely confident in this task, as he had already checked the requirements, and it didn't seem difficult for him.

Third, getting sponsorship. Or rather, getting tasks. He had seen the rules in the tavern, written on the bulletin board. The criteria for determining a gold level required either the danger level to reach the gold tier or the mission target to be at the gold tier.

So, next, he just needed to find some capable people who could issue gold-level tasks, and then let them submit the tasks to Evelyn as an intermediary. This way, individual private tasks would become guild tasks. Then, by completing the tasks, the number of gold-level tasks would naturally count towards Evelyn and her "Haven Tavern."

Although publishing tasks through an intermediary would incur higher commissions compared to private commissions, Field didn't care. He believed Evelyn knew how to do this business. At worst, he would earn a little less money. After all, the commission for gold-level tasks was only between one thousand and five thousand, so it wouldn't matter much if it was a little more or less. He wasn't in urgent need of money right now.

The most important thing was to build a reputation and help Kiki get another quota for dispatched personnel.

As for where to find people who could issue gold-level tasks... Field thought that the beautiful mentor, Holan, should be willing to help. 

Or he could use another method, a method he had been using in his previous life, which was very practical and efficient, but the downside was that it was easy to get beaten up.

What method?

Just directly snatch tasks from the other three-star tavern Evelyn mentioned.

The client had to go to the mercenary tavern to issue tasks, so he could just block the entrance of the tavern, intercepting anyone who came, coaxing and deceiving them into transferring their tasks to the Haven Tavern.

It was a bit unethical, but Field didn't care. He believed in the survival of the fittest in business. 

Moreover, once his reputation rose, perhaps he wouldn't need to snatch tasks himself. They would naturally come to him.

After sorting it out, Field snapped his fingers. "Let's go, Kiki, let's deliver the letter first."

"Okay, meow!"

PS: As a novice author, it's important to complete reading in the early stages. Please read up to Chapter 50 before adding this book to your reading list. As an exchange, I will update more frequently! Thank you very much!