
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 19: The Dream of Legends

It turned out that indeed, a person's mouth could fit that small barrel-like large cup.

However, it required knocking out a few teeth and dislocating the jaw.

At this moment, in front of Field, Klaxan lay amidst the shattered debris of tables and chairs, his face swollen and bruised, with a large cup wedged halfway into his mouth. Blood trickled down his chin, and several teeth lay scattered on the ground.

"Mr. Klaxan, I'm very grateful for your contribution to my research, satisfying my curiosity," Field said, wiping the blood off his fist, his face beaming with a smile.

But this smile, in the eyes of those around him, carried a different flavor.

Clearly, this was not just a new person to mess with, not just a big guy who looked impressive but was useless. This was a smiling tiger, ready to devour anyone who dared to provoke him!

Evelyn watched the scene with interest.

She found Klaxan quite annoying too, but as an official member of the Mercenary Guild, unless someone committed a serious offense, she couldn't bar them from entering the tavern. Now that Field had given him a severe lesson, she figured it would be a long time before she saw him again.

She could also tell that Field was asserting his dominance. First, he treated the whole tavern, then he picked a hapless guy and beat him up. It was enough to make some folks who thought they could take advantage of Field think twice.

And it was effective. At least for now, the mercenaries in the tavern looked at Field with a bit more respect, and some even with admiration.

Like the bearded man.

"Well done, Field! I've been eyeing that little punk for a while now!" The bearded man came over to Field, holding his glass high, and leaned against Field's sturdy frame, pointing at the unconscious Klaxan.

"Such an uncultured fellow, daring to harass a girl. He's a disgrace to us mercenaries!" he exclaimed, then opened his mouth wide and spat on Klaxan.

"Hahaha!" his teammates laughed at the spectacle, clearly finding it amusing.

Field chuckled along with them.

Next, Evelyn had someone clean up the mess, the broken walls and furniture, and she only charged Field a symbolic ten gold coins for the damages.

Klaxan was thrown out, and to avoid causing any more trouble to the customers, he was tossed out through a side door.

His three companions were also bruised and battered, but not as badly as Klaxan. They seemed to have realized they were no match for Field after feeling the force of his punches, so they didn't resist much.

Such incidents were quite common, so the atmosphere in the tavern quickly returned to normal. The mercenaries continued chatting and laughing as if nothing had happened.

But they knew, a tough character had arrived in Haven once again.

They believed that news of this incident would spread like wildfire among the boastful and flirtatious mercenaries, covering the whole of Haven in no time.

"Big guy, thanks a lot, meow~" Holding a glass of milk, Kiki looked at Field with shining eyes—turns out, the tavern did sell milk.

Just now, Field had stood up for her and beaten up those thugs, and in her eyes, he looked incredibly cool.

"Call me Field," Field said, continuing to eat the food that he hadn't finished yet.

This time, he had ordered seafood rice, which he found tastier than chicken rice. Perhaps it was because Haven was close to the sea—the seafood here was quite good, a fact he had learned from the mercenaries' discussions.

Having polished off the last bit of food with a couple of mouthfuls—a testament to the good manners of mercenaries, the clean plate initiative—Field wiped his mouth and turned to Evelyn. "Boss, could you help register this little kitty as a mercenary?"

"That's meow!" Kiki immediately raised her hand.

Evelyn, feeling quite fond of the adorable little cat-girl, promptly helped her register as a mercenary.

"Are you two forming a mercenary team?" Evelyn asked, handing the prepared promotion tasks to Field.

"Yes," Field nodded, taking a look at the tasks before pointing to the thick stack of papers. "So many?"

"You said you wanted to advance to Gold rank as soon as possible, so I decided to prepare all the tasks for you in one go," Evelyn explained. "After completing three Silver promotion tasks, you'll need to complete six consecutive Silver tasks to qualify for Gold rank."

"Note that it has to be consecutive; failure interrupts the sequence and requires starting over."

"And those three Gold tasks are the ones I've prepared for your Gold rank promotion."

"These are the best jobs I have on hand, so you must complete them all properly for me."

Upon hearing this, Field smiled. "So, does that make me the top mercenary in your hands, Boss?"

"Hehe, we'll see how you perform," Evelyn chuckled, lighting a cigarette, her fiery red lips pouting as she took a drag and then blew the smoke directly at Field's face.

If a man did this, it would be seen as a provocation.

But if it was a woman...


"Well then, I'll be happy to oblige," Field said, tucking away the task list.

Evelyn nodded in satisfaction.

In truth, besides believing in Field's abilities, there was another reason why she had given him these hidden gold jobs.

Field had taken down the Wolf Demon single-handedly, face-to-face, without any tricks involved. This greatly exceeded Evelyn's expectations and hopes for Field.

Therefore, Evelyn judged that Field's strength was definitely above Gold rank, at least Gold Five Stars or higher.

Haven was a big place, with seven or eight taverns like hers in just the outer city, not to mention the larger mercenary taverns in the inner city.

So in this area, she could only be considered a small intermediary.

But she also had ambitions.

The reason why those big intermediaries were so formidable, apart from their own means, was that they had high-level experts who could handle heavy tasks.

What Evelyn lacked were these kinds of experts. Most of the mercenaries who frequented her tavern were Brass and Silver rank, with only two being Gold rank. One of them had died not long ago.

So she was currently lacking skilled experts.

Field's arrival filled this gap nicely, so she didn't mind giving him some convenience and keeping him in her hands.

Those gold jobs had been sitting with her for a while now, and if they couldn't be completed soon, it would damage her reputation. By then, she would have even fewer people giving her heavy and important tasks.

And since Field said he wanted to advance to Gold within a month, she was willing to take another gamble. If Field could complete those tasks excellently within a month, she would definitely gain great fame, and more clients would entrust her with big and heavy tasks.

In a place like Haven, even as a woman, one could still have dreams of becoming a legend.

However, while Field wanted to become a legendary mercenary, she...

Being a legendary intermediary would be just fine.