
Giant Bloodline, Starting from Saving Cat-Eared Maiden

Wasteland Mercenary Reborn in a Nuclear Blast, with Giant Bloodline, Embarks Once Again on the Mercenary Journey! A tender cat-eared maiden, a gentle girl, a proud and romantic swordswoman, alongside a voluptuous mercenary tavern landlady, a sexy and intellectual mature woman mentor, and the domineering supporters of the Iron-blooded Empress, all stand before Field, the legendary mercenary. The pirate queen, braving the winds and waves, raises her sails for him... Field, the legendary mercenary, gazes at his girlfriends, each with contrasting personalities, with a troubled expression. Aren't the strong in this parallel world supposed to have multiple wives? How did it turn into a battlefield for him?

Lovetodrinklemo · Fantasy
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126 Chs

Chapter 17: Fulfilling Promises

"Well done, you have quite the talent for tea-making. Would you consider becoming a tea master?" Hollan said with a smile.

Phil's face remained serious. "That won't be necessary."

Seeing his expression, Hollan couldn't help but laugh, her shoulders trembling with mirth.

"Alright, deal done. If there's nothing else, I'll be on my way," Phil said, getting up from his seat.

Hollan was somewhat surprised. She thought Phil would take the opportunity to chat a bit longer, especially since the conversation between them had been quite pleasant. At least, Hollan was enjoying herself.

But as the deal concluded, Phil simply got up and prepared to leave.

"I thought you were just flattering me with those compliments," Hollan said, her tone slightly displeased.

Phil turned his head, a warm smile spreading across his rugged face. "They were all sincere, but you know, I only have one month."

"I just registered as a mercenary yesterday, and I'm still a pitiful Brass-tier. I need to hurry and advance. Although chatting with a beautiful mentor isn't a waste of time, I don't think you'd want to lose an excellent exclusive mercenary because of it, right?"

"Hehe, indeed," Hollan said, her smile returning. She then flicked her finger, sending an envelope flying towards Phil.

Phil caught it, looking puzzled. "What's this?"

"My personal commission," Hollan explained. "Since you're heading back to Haidu, help me deliver a letter."

"The top two envelopes contain the letters you need to deliver. The recipient and address are written on the back."

"The third envelope is your recommendation letter. Keep it safe. Write your name on it, and when you advance to Gold, come find me to seal it."

"So, are you in?"

At Phil's hearty laugh, he replied, "Of course!"

"Commission?" Hollan raised her chin.

Phil pulled out the bottom envelope. "Here you go."

With the recommendation letter in hand, although it hadn't been sealed yet, it indicated that the slot was his. Phil loved the feeling.

Hollan nodded with a smile.

She noticed that she was smiling quite frequently in front of this big guy. Trying to maintain her composure, she suppressed her smile and said, "It'll take you a day to get back to Haidu. You only have three days."

"No problem, I'm off!" Phil turned around, waved his hand, and strode away with giant steps.

Watching Phil's departing figure, and then looking at the steaming cup of floral tea in her hand, Hollan couldn't help but let her previously restrained smile slip out again.

"What an interesting big guy."


Exiting the library, Phil stretched lazily, feeling quite good.

"Big guy, does this mean you'll be able to get into the Haidis Academy soon?" Keke asked excitedly.

Although she was a bit confused by Phil and Hollan's conversation just now, Keke still understood some things, like Phil securing an opportunity to enter the Haidis Academy.

So at this moment, Keke's eyes were full of admiration, thinking Phil was a clever big guy.

Indeed, even though the wolf demon was sold cheaply, Phil earned even more!

But Phil shook his head. "Not enough yet. We still have to compete for other slots for field operatives."

"Why?" Keke asked, puzzled. Didn't Phil already have a recommendation letter?

Phil smiled and rubbed the little cat's head. "Did you forget about yourself?"

"The recommendation letter is only one. I still need to get a slot for you too."

"Oh right!" Keke suddenly realized, then looked at Phil with gratitude. "Big guy, you're really great..."

"Call me Phil, stop calling me 'big guy' all the time."

"Got it, meow~"

"Phil, meow~"

Regaining his beloved heavy hammer, Phil left the academy. Geov and the others were already waiting outside.

They didn't inquire much about what Phil and Hollan had talked about. The group boarded the beast-drawn carriage and set off on the return journey.

Without any cargo, the carriage sped up significantly. What was originally a two-day journey only took a day and a night to reach their destination.

However, they didn't encounter any bandits on the way there, but on the return journey, they ran into a group of eighteen bandits.

And then Phil had twelve curved knives and six sets of bows and arrows to sell, plus he pocketed over two hundred gold coins and fifty-something silver coins, along with some copper coins.

So, Phil always marveled at how there were still many good people in the world~

During the night, the group didn't stop to rest but continued on their journey. They took turns keeping watch, and when they arrived back in Haidu, it was the following morning, around ten o'clock, with the sun shining brightly.

"Wake up, little kitty," Phil said somewhat helplessly, looking at Keke curled up in his arms.

The little one was responsible for the latter half of the night's watch, so she had been sleeping until now.

But how did she fall asleep and end up crawling on him again?After entering the city, they parted ways.

Chi Chi followed Geoff back to the Magic Potion Shop to terminate their employment with the owner before returning to find Field.

Before leaving, Geoff gave Field a mission coin, which was issued by the Mercenary Guild to clients for mission commissions. After completing the task, the coin is handed over to the mercenary. The mercenary returns with the coin to signify completion of the task.

If the coin is lost, the client must provide other proof or personally confirm that the mercenary completed the task.

If the client is also lost... then what's the point of completing the task?

After receiving the mission coin, Field bid farewell to Chi Chi and headed straight to the Mercenary Tavern, the "Haven Inn."

As he opened the door, familiar eyes gathered once again.

But this time, many people took a glance and then looked away, except for the bearded man who had chatted with Field before.

"Hey, kid, where have you been these past few days? I thought you were dead!" the bearded man said in a casual tone, causing a wave of laughter around.

Though the words were harsh, there was no malice behind them.

Field laughed heartily in response, "If I were to die, it would be after I become a legend!"

The laughter grew louder.

Field then walked up to the bar and flicked the mission coin onto the empty mug in front of Evelyn.

Evelyn poured out the contents of the coin and glanced at it. "Mission completed, bounty settled."

"So, you were on a mission," the bearded man commented.

"Was it helping some old lady find her false teeth?" another tall, thin man chimed in from the side, triggering another round of laughter throughout the tavern.

Field simply smiled and didn't say much, because he knew that to earn the respect of these seasoned mercenaries, he had to show his true strength rather than just talk.

At the next moment, a dull sound rang out, accompanied by the clinking of gold and iron.

The laughter in the tavern gradually subsided as many mercenaries looked at the money pouch Evelyn had placed on the bar in disbelief.

The bulging pouch was filled with gold coins, and everyone present, being experienced individuals, could estimate how much money was inside just by its weight.

At least a thousand gold!

Field happily accepted it, then turned to face the crowd, holding the pouch and weighing it in his hand, creating a delightful clinking sound of coins colliding.

"You know what they say, the old lady's false teeth were made of gold and studded with diamonds. She paid quite well," Field joked.

The tall, thin man's face flushed red, and the surrounding mercenaries burst into laughter once more.

Watching the show, finding amusement, that was their favorite pastime!

Especially now that an interesting newcomer had arrived, it seemed like the fun was just beginning.

However, what they didn't expect was for Field to put the money pouch back on the bar and then gesture to Evelyn, raising his chin slightly.

"Do you remember what I said?" Field asked.

Evelyn looked slightly surprised. "Are you serious?"

"Of course, and if I'm treating, it's going to be the good stuff. Rum sounds good," Field nodded.

Evelyn widened her eyes. "The prices are clearly written on the menu, are you not joking?"

"Joking is my hobby, but not right now. Let's get started, I can't wait any longer!" Field grinned.

Evelyn burst into laughter and took the money pouch, shouting loudly,

"Cheers, everyone!"

"We've got a big guy here treating the whole house to rum!"

All the mercenaries were momentarily stunned, then raised their glasses in unison, cheering loudly.

Field wore a contented smile.

This was why he loved being a mercenary!