
Ghost Rider vs Horror Movies

Horror films are fictional stories based on real universes, which are created through the connection between the author and the existing universe. And in these horror universes large amounts of blood from the innocent are drained. Blood that had attracted justice. I'm going to release a chapter every week, on Friday. You can also donate through this link if you want to help me: https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=BTHM6AA4S6YMQ

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Chapter 12: Freddy vs. Jason part 4

Gathering at Bill's house, Will and Lori's friends sat at a round table in the living room of the house, while Lori had taken a seat on the sofa.

(Linderman): "So Will, what do we do now?"

(Will): "Let's wait for the girls to start the discussion"

(Kia): "No need, we're already here"

Interrupting their small dialogue, Kia appeared at the entrance to the living room accompanied by Gibb who followed behind.

(Lori): "What took you so long?"

(Kia): "Sorry Lori, but we got stuck in a diner. Because of a mess that happened there"

"Yeah, Tony and Leo took a beating": Gibb said with a smile.

(Bill): "Wait, Tony and Leo? From the gang of black hawks?"

(Kia): "Yeah, themselves"

(Bill): "Haha! Cool, it's good to know these guys fucked up"

Seeing Bill happy, Will was a little confused. Then he questioned the group for answers.

(Will): "Who are Tony and Leo?"

(Linderman): "Tony and Leo are members of a new gang that calls itself black hawks. You mustn't know her because she emerged three years ago in another area of ​​town"

(Bill): "Yeah, and these guys were a bunch of motherfuckers. They extorted money from others, besides taking drugs on credit that they'll never pay for. And just remembering the damage they gave me makes my cigarette lose all of it the effect"

(Linderman): "But who was it that hit them?"

(Kia): "It was a new kid who came to town, so I don't know who he is"

(Bill): "And this boy was alone?"

(Kia): "Yes, he was"

Shaking his head Bill said, "He won't last until tomorrow unless he leaves town now. But still, his chances are pretty low."

(Lori): "Guys! Please let's focus on the meeting now. Will has something very important to talk about"

Listening to Lori, Kia sat in one of the chairs at the table, while Gibb sat in a chair in the corner of the room. Creating a silence in place until Will started talking.

(Will): "Last night, after we took you back home. Lori and I went to visit my friend Mark to try and get his help, but...he ended up getting killed by Freddy, right in front of us"

(Kia): "Have you seen Freddy?"

(Will): "No, but we saw Mark die in his sleep"

(Linderman): "And the thing that broke into the party yesterday? Didn't she fight Freddy?"

(Will): "We don't know what happened to that, but if your target was Freddy then he failed"

Upon hearing Will's answer. The group was silent until Linderman decided to speak.

(Linderman): "Why don't we leave?"

(Will): "No, even if we go, Freddy can still catch us"

(Will): "We all know about him. We're all afraid of him"

(Will): "...It was our fear that gave him that strength. We are marked now"

(Bill): "Dude, forget about that clown. What kind of idiot comes after you in your dreams? Now, that thing that was there in the cornfield, okay, that we must be afraid of. What was that, anyway? "

(???): "I would like to know too"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Bill and the other members of the group looked towards her. And they saw Officer Stubbs standing at the entrance to the room.

(Bill): "Oh, dammit"

Upon seeing the police officer, Bill quickly put the cigarette away, along with the rest of the marijuana that was on the table.

(Bill): "How did you know we were here?"

(Deputy Stubbs): "Nothing personal, but Scooby's van in the back wasn't very discreet"

"And never leave the key in the door": Stubbs said as he tossed the keys to Bill.

(Kia): "Great. Now, we're screwed"

"No, you're not. I'm here to help you": Stubbs said as he sat down in one of the empty chairs at the table.

(Deputy Stubbs): "I don't know if my information will match yours, but you hear some witnesses who reported the appearance of a big man wearing a hockey mask in last night's incident. Have any of you seen this man?"

Seeing that everyone had shaken their heads in denial, Stubbs sighed before starting to explain.

(Deputy Stubbs): "The man I refer to is called Jason Voorhees..."

(Deputy Stubbs): "He reportedly drowned at Camp Crystal Lake in 1957 when he was 11. The prefects weren't taking care of him. Then they made the mistake of killing his mother..."

(Deputy Stubbs): "And legend has it that Jason always comes back from the dead to punish anyone who returns to camp. So we think an impersonator may have infiltrated the party to carry out the massacre."

(Will): "...We saw some bodies lying on the floor. But we don't know if the killer was Jason Voorhees"

(Bill): "Of course it wasn't him. That thing riding a demonic bike must have killed them."

(Gibb): "We don't know if this is true"

(Kia): "Yeah, Gibb's right, he might not be the killer. Even because he saved her life"

(Bill): "No. Will and Lori saved Gibb. Now, that just tried to kill Freddy"

(Deputy Stubbs): "Wait, I'm a little confused. Who are you guys talking about?"

(Bill): "The Devil, this is what we're talking about"

(Deputy Stubbs): "... The Devil?

(Bill): "Yeah, the Devil. What's up? Don't you believe us?"

(Deputy Stubbs): "It's not that I don't believe it, but..."

(Will): "I thought I heard everything from the witnesses"

(Deputy Stubbs): "We listened, but all the witnesses were either drunk or drugged. So we had to drop more than half of what they said."

Hearing Stubbs' response, Will was silent until Kia began to speak.

(Kia): "Okay, so we can't trust the demon, and we don't have any clues to find him either. We're left with choosing between Freddy and Jason. So who do we deal with first?"

(Linderman): "I think we better focus on Jason first"

(Lori): "Wait. We thought Freddy was primarily responsible for this whole mess. So shouldn't we go after him?"

Upon hearing Lori's words, the group was silent for a moment before Stubbs opened his mouth to speak.

(Deputy Stubbs): "I don't know, maybe we should make Freddy a sacrificial offering"

(Bill): "Yes. Yes, of course. Like a virgin, right? Someone pure."

Finishing speaking, Bill, as well as the rest of the group, looked towards Linderman.

(Linderman): "Don't even look at me. Even if they paid me, I wouldn't do it"

(Kia): "Oh come on. Everyone knows who the real virgin here is"

(Lori): "Kia!"

(Kia): "Oh come on, Lori. I know you didn't have sex with Will. And why would he want to, if he can have sex with someone like me."

Receiving a flirtatious look from Kia, Will smirked as he alternated his vision between Kia and the shocked Lori.

(Will): "Let's tie the bitch"

Getting up from his chair, Will accompanied by the rest of the group, walked towards Lori as they removed duct tape from his pocket.

(Lori): "What?"

Seeing them approach, Lori was startled. Retreating to the corner of the sofa until being approached by her father who had appeared at her side.

(Lori's dad): "Don't worry, angel, you still have me. Come on, give daddy a kiss."

(Lori): "Aah..."

Being suddenly kissed, Lori was startled. Before trying to push her father away from her. But upon breaking away from the kiss, his father took the form of Freddy Krueger.

(Freddy): "Oh. Your eyes say, "No, no." But my mouth says, "Yes, yes""

(Lori): "Aaah!"

Giving a scream of terror, Lori in desperation grabbed Freddy's ear in an attempt to stop him from stealing another kiss from her.


(Lori): "Aaaah...!"

(Will): "Lori, are you okay?!"

(Kia): "Lori"

Being woken up by her friends, Lori stopped screaming. While recovering from his confusion.

(Will): "You slept"

Listening to Will, Lori noticed that everyone was around her with worried faces. Then she got up from the couch and reached out to see what she was holding.

And what he saw was Freddy's ear in his hand.

(Lori): "Ah!"

With a startled cry Lori let her ear fall to the ground. But when it touched the ground, the ear turned into a bunch of larvae.

(Linderman): "Oh, dammit"

Seeing this bizarre event, everyone was amazed, until Stubbs took the initiative to kill the larvae with several stomps.

(Lori): "I brought this from my dream"

(Deputy Stubbs): "How can that be possible?"

(Bill): "Anything is possible. My God, you don't understand"

(Kia): "Damn, two killers. We're not safe, neither awake nor asleep"

(Lori): "It's not sleep that's killing us, it's our dreams"

(Will): "At Westin, Mark and I never had dreams"

(Lori): "Did you guys take any drugs?"

(Will): "Yeah, something called Hypnocyl. And they never told us what it was, but everyone there was taking it"


Typing on the computer keyboard in the corner of the room, Linderman opened the research site while being watched by the rest of the group around him.

(Linderman): "Hypnocil. Experimental drug... It's not even FDA approved. Wow. It's used as a dream inhibitor."

(Lori): "We need them. Enough for all of us."

Directing her gaze to Will, Lori asked him a question.

(Lori): "Can you take us to Westin Hills?"


Leaving Bill's house, Will stopped the group before reminding them of the arrangement.

(Will): "Guys, remember, we're going to Westin Hills at night, so you guys need to get back to that place before nightfall. Are we clear?"

Seeing everyone agree, Will gave a satisfied nod. Before separating from the group, taking Lori to his van.

(Kia): "Well then, let's get going. Let's go Gibb"

(Deputy Stubbs): "Yeah, I have to get back to work too. See you guys later"

Seeing everyone separate as they go to their respective vehicles. Bill and Linderman looked at each other before deciding to walk down the sidewalk towards the center of town.

Not far from them, Lucas was behind a car watching them while he kept his attention on the illusory compass in the corner of his vision.

(Lucas): "So the signal came from more people marked by Freddy. Sigh..."

"Although Faylim said the doors to Freddy's domain are closed. I still think I'm able to force my way in if I knock one of these people unconscious": Thought Lucas

(Lucas): "Huh?!"

While thinking of a next course of action, Lucas, who continued to keep his attention on the illusory compass, noticed that the compass was no longer pointing towards the group that had just split up.

Surprised, Lucas shifted his line of sight to the new direction pointed by the compass. Where he saw Jason standing in the front yard of a house across the street, looking toward the group of young people Lucas was watching.

(Lucas): "I found you"

Upon seeing Jason, Lucas smiled as his eyes turned golden.

After finishing watching the group of young people break up, Jason, who was standing in a garden, left the place walking towards the back of the house as he passed by the side corridor of hers.

Seeing Jason disappear behind the house, Lucas came out of hiding to follow him. Walking through the garden, making his way down the side corridor outside the house.

Walking down the hall, Lucas arrived at the entrance to the backyard of the house. But upon entering the yard, Lucas was met by a machete blade across his face.


(Lucas): "Ah... Gulp!"

As he came out from behind the corner, Jason, who had stabbed Lucas in the face, dropped the machete attached to his grip on Lucas' neck, lifting him off the ground. Delivering him a wrestling-style strike by throwing him on his back on the ground using all his strength.


(Lucas): "Aah..."

Seeing that the impact of the blow had left Lucas stunned to the ground, Jason approached Lucas's head before stepping on the machete attached to Lucas' face.



(Lucas): "Aah...!"

Under Jason's stomp, the machete in Lucas' face sank a little deeper, causing the wound to squirt more blood. Further aggravating his pain, I reached out to make him scream as I grabbed Jason's leg in reaction.

But when Jason felt Lucas grab his leg, all the strength he used to apply the stomp was stopped. Making him frown, before leaning his body to place all of his weight on the leg used to step on the machete.

But Jason's leg didn't come down an inch.


(Jason): "Uhn...!"

Feeling the grip on his leg tighten, Jason gave a soft moan of pain. Before Lucas started talking under his feet.

(Lucas): "You... left me a lot..."


(Ghost Rider): "... Angry!"

Turning into a ghost rider, Lucas shoved Jason's leg at the same time his body lifted off the ground instantly, causing a catapult effect that knocked Jason off his feet.

As he was thrown, Jason's body flew like a bullet toward the concrete wall in the backyard of the house.



Upon hitting the concrete wall, Jason's body smashed through the wall before falling into the rubble of the stricken wall.

After getting to his feet, the ghost rider paused for a moment, before pulling the half-melted machete off his face.

Bye! Tintin!

After removing the machete, the ghost rider tossed it to the ground before touching his hand to the slit that had formed in his scrawny face.

(Ghost Rider): "Grrr!"

Feeling the depth of the slit in his face, the ghost rider grunted angrily. Before taking a deep breath and concentrating as he removed his hand from his face.

Then, in a few seconds of concentration, the ghost rider closed the gap with his instant regeneration.

As his wound healed, the ghost rider sighed, before starting to walk towards Jason, who was slumped amidst the rubble.

But when the ghost rider came within steps of him, Jason suddenly rose from the rubble, staggering slightly before reaching out with one of his arms to try and grab the rider.

Seeing Jason approach, the ghost rider took the initiative to grab Jason's outstretched arm. And when he grabbed the arm, the rider twisted it before pulling Jason toward him.

As he pulled him toward him, the ghost rider grabbed his neck, easily lifting Jason off the ground. Just before he threw him to the ground with horrendous force.

BAANG! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

Under the sounds of breaking bones, Jason's body sank to the ground. Spreading a large amount of dirt and concrete mixed with Jason's blood, it squirted massively from his body.

Sprinkling some of the dust with his arm, the ghost rider knelt beside Jason before pulling on his upper body. Aligning Jason's eyes with hers.

(Ghost Rider): "Let's see if you're as crazy as Freddy. Look into my eyes."


At night, inside a private house. The sound of a phone echoed through the property.

Quarter triim! Quarter triim! Quarter triim!

Rushing into the room, a woman wearing her work clothes quickly turned on the light in the room. Before answering the phone on the table.

(Woman): "Hello?"

(Woman's Daughter): ["Hi Mom"]

(Woman): "Hi"

(Woman's Daughter): ["Guess what. I have a new boyfriend. And you'll never guess who it is"]

(Woman): "What's his name?"

(Daughter of the Woman): ["I want it to be a surprise"]

(Woman): "Oh, is it someone I know?"

(Daughter of the Woman): ["No, but you'll recognize him. We'll visit you next week. He really wants to meet you"]

(Woman): "Can you wait a sec?"

(Daughter of the Woman): ["Of course"]

After asking her daughter to wait, the woman placed the phone on the table before going to the fireplace to light the fire.

After lighting the fire, the woman left the fireplace. Walking back to the little table, where the phone was.

Reaching the little table, the woman picked up the phone, returning to her conversation with her daughter.

(Woman): "Hi, how's the baby?"

(Woman's Daughter): ["Great. Have you seen her father lately?"]

(Woman): "Steven is coming here today"

(Daughter of the Woman): ["Mother"]

(Woman): "He still asks for you"

(Woman's Daughter): ["I don't want to talk to him. And I don't want to see him when I go there either. He can see the baby if he wants to. Can you tell him that?"]

(Woman): "I'll tell him"

(Daughter of the Woman): ["I love you, mother"]

(Woman): "I love you too, honey. Ah...!"

When the woman was finishing saying goodbye to her daughter, her phone was taken. Giving her a start before turning to see it was an old man who had taken her phone.

Putting the phone down, the old man looked at the woman before grabbing her by the shoulders.

When grabbed, the woman tried to free herself until she recognized the man who was attacking her.

(Woman): "Josh! What are you doing? Josh!"

Still resisting him, the woman yelled at the man, pushing him until she saw his reflection in the living room mirror.

(Woman): "Oh Jesus!"

Seeing the reflection in the mirror, the woman was horrified. Because the person reflected wasn't Josh, one of her acquaintances, but Jason Voorhees, her half-brother who should be dead.

(Woman): "No! No!"

Upon discovering that it was Jason parasitizing Josh's body, the woman despaired. As he put more strength in his arms to pull the woman closer to him.

Still resisting, the woman leaned against the table, while using one of her hands to pull a revolver out of the table drawer. Getting the gun out, the woman aimed at Jason's head while trying to keep him away from her.

(Woman): "You... Son of a bitch!"


Getting shot in the head, Jason's body shook slightly before collapsing to the ground.

Breathing heavily, the woman looked at Josh's slumped body. Before taking a deep breath to try to step over the body, in an attempt to walk towards the exit.

But when she tried to step over the body. Jason opened his eyes and grabbed her leg.

(Woman): "Ah!"

Pulling her by the leg, Jason dropped his sister. Dragging his body so he could climb on top of her. And when he made it up, Jason opened his mouth to try to transfer his parasite to her mouth.

(Woman): "Aaah! No! Aaah!"

(???): "Diana?!"

(Diana): "Aah!"

But just as Jason was about to transfer his parasite to his sister, Diana's ex-son-in-law Steven came into the room and pulled Jason away from her. Causing him and Jason to fall to the ground beside Diana.

As they fell to the ground, Jason and Steven rolled over. Starting a physical fight, in which Jason took the advantage by getting on top of Steven.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Clutching Steven's collar, Jason hit his head three times on the ground. Making him dizzy enough for Jason to lift him more easily off the ground. And when he lifted it Jason threw it into the wall.


(Steven): "Ah...!"

When colliding with the wall Steven gave a slight cry before falling to the ground.

Seeing Steven squirming on the floor, Jason decided to turn around and walk towards the living room bench. While Steven tried to get up.

When he reached the workbench, Jason reached out with one of his hands to grab one of the knives, which was on the knife block on the workbench.

And as he pulled out the knife, Jason quickly turned around, flinging it at Diana's back, who had just helped Steven to his feet.


(Diana): "Ah...!"

When she was hit in the back, Diana screamed before falling in front of Steven.

(Steven): "Oh shit!"

Seeing Diana fallen, Steven was scared until he realized that Jason had already approached him, in an attempt to grab him.

(Steven): "Ah!"

With a slight cry, Steven managed to avoid being caught. Making Jason stumble and see the mirror that was in the room.

And looking in the mirror, Jason froze. Looking at her reflection, which reflected her true face, which she tried to hide using a mask.


(Jason): "Aaah!"

Taking advantage of Jason's distraction, Steven pierced him in the back using an ember poker. Making Jason scream, before fleeing towards the window.


Jumping through the window, Jason broke her glass, just before falling outside the house.


Falling to the ground, Jason shifted a little before trying to get up. And when he managed to get to his feet, Jason saw Diana's figure standing a few feet in front of him.

(Diana): "How do you feel? After you killed me and stole my body, to restart your wave of massacres. How do you feel?"

Hearing Diana's question, Jason paused for a moment before his appearance shifted to his original body shape. With the machete and hockey mask in his possession.

Gripping his machete, Jason walked over to Diana. Coming face to face with her before sticking his machete in her stomach.


(???): "Gulp...!"

But when he stabbed Diana, Jason was startled. Because the person he was stabbing was no longer his sister Diana, but his mother who had suddenly appeared in her place.

(Jason's mother): "Ah...!"

Hearing his mother's soft cry of pain, Jason quickly pulled away, his body shaking with anticipation.

(Jason's mother): "Coff! Coff... So, you still continued our revenge. Even though a long time has passed... Coff! Coff... That wasn't a legacy I wanted to pass on to you..."

(Jason's mother): "...Oh, Jason, my beloved son. Your mother failed you, making you go through all this pain, even after you died. That was my sin..."

(???): "I Failed You"

Hearing an unfamiliar voice interrupt his mother, Jason, who was still trembling with anxiety, looked towards her and saw a man accompanied by a woman standing a few meters away from them.

But when Jason saw this couple, he immediately recognized them. Since they were his former instructors, responsible for looking after him at Camp Crystal Lake.

(Male Trainer): "When we were at camp, we neglected our work. Which resulted in your long days of suffering from bullying, before you drowned in the lake. That was our sin."

(???): "I failed you"

Hearing another voice, Jason looked back and saw a group of children led by a boy.

(Children's Group Leader): "When the instructors weren't looking I abused you, humiliated you and even convinced others to persecute you because you were different from us. Which resulted in your death after we pushed you into the lake. That was my sin"

(Child 1): "Mine too. I joined him and bullied you. That was my sin"

(Child 2): "Mine too"

(Child 3): "Mine too"

(Child 4): "Mine too"

(Children): "We all failed you"

(Jason's mother): "Jason..."

Hearing his mother's call, Jason returned his gaze to her.

"...We've failed you, and we've paid for it. But the murders you've been committing over the years, all have been converted into sins that weighed like pain on Mom's soul...": Mom said Jason just before lifting his foot to take the first step toward him.

But when her foot hit the ground, a quick series of flashbacks began to lash out with pain in Jason's mind.

(Jason): "Oow!"

Taking a few steps back, Jason staggered a little as he held his head with a pained expression under his mask.

(Jason's mother): "... And this pain has been attacking Mom's soul, incessantly, every day. Growing each day according to the number of people you kill..."

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Hearing the noise of explosions, Jason looked around and saw that several holes had been opened in the ground. And from them, dozens of corpses of Jason's victims came out moaning with their deformed bodies.

"...Jason, your mother can't take it anymore..." : Jason's mother said as his eyes started to bleed.

"...All this suffering, all this agony, is too much for your mother to bear alone. So please Jason, share this pain with mother": Jason's mother said holding out her hand as she walked towards him , bleeding from all orifices of the body.

Watching his mother approach, Jason felt the pain caused by the quick flashbacks, increasing with his mother's steps. Bringing him to his knees while holding his head, watching his mother with a pained expression under her hockey mask.

(Jason's mother): "Jason, acknowledge your sins. And lighten your mother's burden."

(Corpses of Jason's Victims): """Repent! Repent! Repent! Repent...!"""

Standing or crawling across the floor, the corpses of Jason's victims began to scream in unison for Jason's regret.

(Corpses of Jason's Victims): """Repent! Repent! Repent! Repent...!"""

"Come on Jason, grab my hand. And repent of your sins": Jason's mother said as she stopped in front of him with her hand extended to him.

(Corpses of Jason's Victims): """Repent! Repent! Repent! Repent...!"""

Still on his knees, Jason looked at the bloody figure of his mother, who had reached out to him, even though his machete was stuck in his stomach.

Then, ignoring his pain, Jason took his hands from his head and grabbed his mother's outstretched hand.


(Jason): "Oooow... !"

But when he grabbed her hand, hellish flames ignited in his body, while the pain caused by the flashbacks increased in intensity. Making Jason scream, before getting up and hugging his mother.


Upon being hugged, Jason's mother returned the hug, before the fire spread through her body. At the same time the entire area was covered in flames.



(Jason): "OOOOOOW...!"

Spitting flames from his eyes, Jason screamed from the depths of his soul. Before his body blackened and shattered, falling to the ground in the form of dust.

(Ghost Rider): "I doubt he cans escape hell this time"