
Ghost Rider Journey through Anime Multiverse {completed}

This a Remake of my old fanfic 18 years old college student crossed the road with his brother, but a car rushed towards them. 'Hiro Takeru' (MC) was about to die in a car accident but before he face death, he was transported to Attack On Titan world with Ghost Rider powers (With a Spirit of vengeance in his soul). He understood that there is still time one year time before Cannon's story starts. So what will he do, knowing the ending of the attack on Titan? Later he will travel to different anime worlds and fiction. (Mc X Frieda) First World: #Attack on Titan Second World: #Death Note Third World: #Oshi No Ko Fourth World: #Demon Slayer

LoneWolfAuthor · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 14

Hiro POV

"Hello Ymir, My name is Hiro Takeru, nice to meet you Loli "

Frieda saw him talking to Ymir.

"Hiro, she didn't talk to any past holders of founding Titan until now. What are you trying now?"

"Well, I will show you but first can you come and sit beside Ymir? Please!" he said to her while turning into a human.

Frieda didn't ask him because she trusted him and sat left side of Ymir.

" Well we have plenty of time so I will show you guys a story of A Hero who saved the world and achieved his dream," he said and sat right side of Ymir.

Then Hiro created a big TV and Speakers. Then he pressed the button.

"What is this? " Frieda asked him. She never saw such an object.

"This is a Magic Television. By using it we can see another world and So many." He lied to them.

Then he saw Ymir, he can see darkness in her eyes.

"Frieda, give an order to Ymir, to see this TV "

Frieda did as he told but she wanted to ask him something.

"Now questions later, Ymir is watching the TV so don't disturb us," He said like a husband who defending his daughter to watch anime with his wife.

Frieda just give an angry look at him but Then the TV started to play. She started to focus on it, to her this is an amazing thing.

The Show started with Nine-Tails Demon attacking Konoha village destroying much of the village and taking many lives. The leader of the village, the Fourth Hokage, sacrificed his life to seal the Nine-Tails into a newborn boy, Naruto Uzumaki. Orphaned by the attack, Naruto was shunned by the villagers, who out of fear and anger, viewed him as the Nine-Tails itself. Though the Third Hokage outlawed speaking about anything related to the Nine-Tails, the children — taking their cues from their parents — inherited the same animosity towards Naruto. In his thirst to be acknowledged, Naruto vowed he would one day become the greatest Hokage the village had ever seen.

He shares a friendly relationship with another kid Sasuke who is a genius unlike him who wishes to avenge the death of his clan by killing his elder brother.

Later they witnessed his failure to save his friend from going down the wrong path and Naruto's struggles, His sacrifices, his love for his friends, and the enemies he had to face made the story enriching.

What surprised Frieda and Ymir was that the line between good and bad became blurred as Obito wanted to unify the world to bring eternal peace and for doing that he was ready to sacrifice freedom.

Hiro didn't see Naruto show with them but he observed Ymir's face and her feelings.

At first, her eyes are the same as before filled with Darkness. Later when she saw Naruto's life and how he was treated by villagers reminded her own life. Slowly her eyes came back and she slowly attached to Naruto.

She saw how Naruto worked hard and how he decided on hard choices to become Hokage. But she didn't even do anything like him. She just became a slave to the king and became queen. She chose an easy path to gain everyone's respect, unlike Naruto who worked very hard his whole life. This is why her life became a nightmare.

Instead of becoming a slave if she used her power to take down The King and freed her village just like before when she freed pigs, she could have gained everyone's respect. If only she never give up on them and tried to gain their trust this would have never happened.

Then she saw how Naruto have a crush on Sakura just like her on the king. Later Naruto forget his love for Sakura and moved on. Then he, at last, found his real love. This made Ymir happy. If only she decided on a different opinion, it would be a different story.

While seeing the Naruto series, Ymir and Frieda cried a few times, especially Frieda when she saw Itachi and Sasuke's story. She promised herself that she will protect Historia.

Naruto changed Ymir with his Talk No Justu.

"Ymir, if you want to be like Naruto who was loved by everyone, then you still have a chance. Frieda and I will become your family and always support you. "

Frieda understood his words and told to Ymir with a warm smile." You are free to do anything ymir."

He stood and told to her.

"We can end this, it's not too late... Ymir" he copied naruto words.

Then he hugged her and said

"I'll put an end to this world's Evil. if you give me your strength! You're nobody's slave and you're no god, either! You're just a normal girl! You are just scared of this world! You don't have to serve anyone. You can make your own choices! This is your power. You get to decide! Do you wanna stay here forever...You've been the one who permitted me to come to this world this whole time, haven't you? You've been all alone, waiting. 1990 years,

for someone."

The effect of Naruto Talk No Justu and Hearing Hiro's words made Ymir move on.

Then a light appeared on Hiro.

{Answer, you gain the access to control the full power of Founding Titan}

'Yes, Everything going according to my plan

After coming to this dimension, Skill creation again unlock for Hiro to create any skill but he did not use it. He will use it later.

'Sage, Use Soul Manipulation Sub-skill Soul Communication and I want to give a message to every being which has a soul.'

{Answer, now you can give a message to all living beings}


<On Earth >

"Hear me. Living beings of Earth."

Out of nowhere, everyone heard the voice of someone. Some of them were scared and some were confused. But one thing is correct Everyone heard a deadly voice.

"My name is Hiro Takeru. I'm addressing fellow Living beings on Earth. Speaking to you directly through my power. All my Avatars on the island of Paradis have been summoned to this world, and the legions of Ghost Rider clones have begun their march. My only goal is to protect the lives of the Innocent and dispense vengeance to the souls of all those who would do the world harm and deliver divine justice about sinners and demons. Right now, the people of the world are united in their desire to exterminate Eldians, and it won't end with this island. They won't be satisfied until every last Subject of Ymir is dead. I won't let them have their way. I can't let innocent blood spill on the ground. My clones will continue their march until every trace of the sinner was erased. To me, it doesn't matter if you are Eldian or human. To me, your sin is the only matter and I will punish you for your sins. But first I will free every Eldian from Ymir's power and no one will become titans again.

I am the Spirit of Vengeance. Nothing will stop me from inflicting pain on all those who have inflicted it on innocent beings."

The whole world becomes chaos after receiving this Message from Hiro. Evil people started to fear. Some people just thought this was some Eldian demon magic to make everyone fear and Started to hate Eldians again.

But most of the people understood that it is their fault to hate Eldian's race. They understood but now it is too late.

Because the Result is coming in the form of Ghost Rider.


In Paths

Hiro POV

After finishing his message to everyone. Hiro saw Ymir and decided to do what he planned.

"Frieda, first free every Eldian, and Pure Titans from this titan's powers and make them normal humans again"

Then she did what I told to her.

"Ymir, I will Resurrect you in a new body and you can live a good life. After all, you deserve it."

Then Ymir nodded her head because she doesn't have a tongue to talk.

'Sage, use resurrection skill on Ymir'

{Answer, Target was fixed}

'Good, When I exit from The Paths use it on her'

'Sage, Use Skill Creation and create a Unique Skill PREDATOR '

{Answer, Checking Skill status .... Permission granted}

{Unique Skill Predator or Devourer

has gained}

{Report! Sub Skills Predation, Stomach, Mimicry, Analysis, and Isolation have gained}

{Report! Evolving Predator Skill by combining Absorb Skill}

{Report! Evolving Skill succeeded}

{Report! Predator Skill evolved into Skill GLUTTONY}

{Report! Unique Skill Predator Part Analysis was transferred over to Great Sage when Predator evolved into Unique Skill Gluttony}

{Report! Great Sage Accepted and Added it to its already Analysis Sub skill}

{Report! Stomach capacity doubled}

{Report Sub Skills Predation, Stomach, Mimicry, Corrosion, Receive, and Provide has gained}


Then he turned to Frieda.

"Frieda, I am giving full control of founding Titan. But for that, you should remove your surname, is it okay"

Frieda thought for a few seconds and decided.

"It's okay, I always hated this family. I do not like this family"

'Sage, Do I have enough Magicules to Give a name'

{Answer, It depends upon the target, if the target is Individual Frieda and Individual Spirit Ymir. Then it will be more than enough.}


"Hey, From onwards Your name is Frieda and yours is Ymir Takeru"

Then both Frieda and Ymir felt Change and Power in their bodies.

Now Hiro, Frieda, and Ymir can feel their Link become strong than before.

'Sage, use sub-skill Provide and grant suitable skills to them'

{Answer, Common Skills, Magic Skill and Barrier magic has granted to both Individual Frieda and Ymir. Elemental Magic Skill granted to Individual Frieda. Necromancy Skill granted to Individual Spirit Ymir.}

Now both of them got knowledge of the Skills and enough Magicules.

Then Hiro turned and Faced the tree.

'I can feel more than 4 Billion souls in this tree, I can't waste that.'

Then I raised my hand and said.

"Sage, Devore This F#cking LED Light Tree! Devore All GLUTTONY"

With that Dark Purple and Dark Blue flames came from my hand and absorbed the whole tree.

Then all the Memories, All past dead Eldian souls, and Past Titan Holders got absorbed and became nutrition to Hiro.

Seeing this Ymir smile. Now she can move on from the past and start a New life. In past, she doesn't have anyone to trust but now she has a family and a place to return which she calls home.

Then she saw Hiro And Frieda back. They emit Strong Aura.

She hoped everything will be alright, No Everything will be right because now she had a Family.

After devouring the tree, he felt strange.

{Report! Confirming the nutrient of human souls needed for evolution.}


{Requirement has been fulfilled.}


'Sage, exit Path dimension' Then he came to the real world and saw Frieda who also came to the real world.

{Report! Skill Resurrection used on Individual Spirit Ymir.}

Then a giant light suddenly erupted, grabbing my attention.

My jaws dropped automatically.

A golden clump of light was shining. The light glimmered brilliantly, then began to form a human shape.

It was a child, 3 years old.

Hiro subconsciously stroked the child's golden hair, and the child smiled in response. It was a clear, innocent smile.

Hiro smiled back.

However, when the child opened her mouth, she can not able to speak. For her, it's been a long time since to spoke with another human But he can hear her words. She said 'Hiro'.


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