
Ghost Rider in Twilight

Jack Mikaelson was not so ordinary teenager. He had a secret which he hid from his family. He has an ability that lets him know who has sinned. Since a young age, there has been a voice ringing in his ears, 'Kill the sinners!' It wasn't bad at first— he thought it was only his imagination. But the older he got, the louder the voice became. Soon he started finding out any sins people had done. He thought it was his hallucination and that he was going crazy, but he kept it secret until the voice became so loud that he couldn't stay sane anymore. One night, he walked in the streets, trying to get his mind out of the voice. But then, he saw a crime happening nearby; a man was assaulting a woman. The voice became even louder in his mind, and without thinking twice, Jack attacked the man who was assaulting the defenseless woman. But then, the voice became unbearable, he saw every crime that man had done, and there were hundreds of them! He lost control and killed the man in front of him. But that wasn't the end— the man's corpse was lit in flames! With a horror-filled gaze, Jack looked at the corpse as it vanished into ashes, but then... The same fate happened to Jack. His body was lit in flames, and without even being able to cry for help, his body vanished into flames. But that wasn't the end of Jack... No... It was only the beginning. ___________________________ Disclaimer: Cover art isn't mine. Ghost Rider and Twilight isn't mine, only the MC and a few OC's. I won't update regularly. I tried this fanfic out of boredom.

Alekzi · Movies
Not enough ratings
39 Chs


''This is amazing,'' Bella said with amazement.

''Told you,'' Jack said and emptied his plate.

''I am glad you like it,'' Esme said with a gentle smile and grabbed Jack's plate.

Alice was sitting next to Jack, watching him eating, while Edward stood next to Bella.

Emmett was still trying to calm Rosalie, while Jasper and Edythe were some distance away from them because Jasper still had some difficulties controlling himself.

Especially around Bella, because her blood smells so much better than Jack's.

Bella emptied her plate shortly afterward and was slightly embarrassed because so many people watched as she was eating.

''I will show you the rest of the house,'' Edward said.

Bella nodded and followed behind him.

''See you later!'' Alice said

Bella turned her head and awkwardly smiled and followed Edward towards the stairs.

''I think we will be good friends,'' Alice said with a smile.

Jack patted her head.

Alice snuggled closer to him and started rubbing her head at Jack's chest.

Rosalie and Emmett snorted.

Again they entered their private lover's space which had no room for outsiders.

They had to suffer the past few days because of it, and they are certain that they have to suffer much longer.

It was the same with Jasper and Edythe— they were inseparable for decades.

Same with Rosalie and Emmett.

But only one can breach that space.

''Alright, I have to clean the kitchen.'' Esme gently said with a happy face as she saw Alice finally having some happiness in her life.

Being alone decades while surrounded by couples is not a pleasant experience.

But Alice still loves them, even though she felt jealousy hundreds of times.

Now it is time for her revenge!

Alice pouted and dragged Jack away from the kitchen.

They went upstairs and straight to her room.

Jack lied down on the bed, and Alice moved her petite body towards Jack and hugged him tightly.


Jack and Alice looked towards the window and saw Edward jumping to the tree while carrying Bella.

''Waaa... That looks fun!'' Alice said with sparkling eyes.

''We should do that!'' Alice said with a broad smile.

But Jack paled and shook his head, ''Absolutely not.''

Alice pouted, ''Why not.''

''That looks extremely dangerous.''

Alice giggled, ''Dangerous? No worries, I won't let you fall.''

''I have a fear of heights,'' Jack revealed.

''You do?'' Alice said with a surprised face.

''Yup, I am not definitely doing that.''

''Aww...'' Alice patted his head, ''It's alright, I will protect you from heights.''

''Why do I feel like you are making fun of me?'' Jack said with a twitching eyebrow.

''Aww...'' Alice kissed his cheek, ''It's alright, is Jacky scared of heights? No worries, I will protect you.''

''Aha... You dare to make fun of me!'' Jack shouted and sat on the bed.

''Eh?'' Alice looked surprised, but then Jack grabbed her arms and held them tightly.

Alice was lying on the bed with an innocent smile while Jack held her down.

Jack put his head closer to hers and almost touched her lips with his own.

''Aww...'' Alice said one more time with a cheeky grin.

''Hmph, this shall be my revenge,'' Jack said and kissed her lips passionately.

''Mmm!'' Alice closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss.

She felt her entire body heating up in pleasure.

''Mm...'' Jack separated their lips and looked at Alice's lustful face.

''Aww...'' Jack said cheekily and left the bed.

''Hmph!'' Alice pouted and crossed her arms.

She felt an itch coming from her groin, but Jack had already left the room.

''Dummy!'' She shouted and covered her face with a pillow.

''Jacky! I will get my revenge!'' She shouted, but the pillow stopped her voice from reaching Jack's ears.


Jack left the Cullen's residence after talking with Emmett and Jasper.


He turned his head and saw Edward coming with his superspeed while carrying Bella.

Jack mounted his motorcycle and started revving the engine.

The powerful sound of the engine echoed in the yard.

''Jack, can you take Bella to her home? I have something to talk about with Carlisle and the rest.'' Edward said.

''I-It's alright, I can walk...'' Bella said with an embarrassed face.

''Nonsense, I can take you there,'' Jack said and grabbed the helmet.

''Thanks.'' Edward said and turned towards Bella, ''See you later.''

Bella smiled and nodded.

Edward went straight to the residence, leaving Bella and Jack alone.

''Here.'' Jack offered her the helmet.

''Thanks...'' She said and started wearing the helmet.

She sat behind Jack and awkwardly put her hands on his waist.


Jack drove the motorcycle and entered the rocky road, and soon the Cullen's residence disappeared from sight.

After a bumpy ride, they entered the asphalt road. Jack turned towards the right and started driving towards Bella's home.

Bella enjoyed the smooth ride and felt the wind touching her body.

Her clothes were floating gently in the wind, while her brown hair was moving back and forth.

Shortly afterward, they entered streets with more buildings.

But then Bella saw a familiar car in front of the diner.

''Jack, can we stop there?'' Bella pointed towards the diner.

Jack turned his head towards diner and nodded.

Jack gently controlled the motorcycle and stopped in front of the diner.

Bella unmounted the bike and took off her helmet.

''Bella?'' She heard a voice behind her,

She turned her head and saw Mike with his group of friends.

''Mike.'' She awkwardly said.

Jack unmounted the bike, and stood next to Bella.

''Umm... First Cullen and now him?'' Mike said with slight anger in his tone.

''H-He just gave me a ride.'' Bella awkwardly explained.

''I don't like that you are with that Cullen... He always looks like he wants to eat you.''

Bella awkwardly smiled, and walked past Mike and his friends, and entered the diner.

Mike and his friends glared at Jack after she left.

His friends are glaring at Jack with intense jealousy.

Few of them had small and huge crushes towards Alice, but now the innocent Alice has been taken by this hooligan.

There is a rumor going in the school that Jack is a criminal— it was first spread by some jealous teenagers, but then Mr. Mason's angry shouts towards Jack were heard in the corridors.

He shouted about Jack becoming a criminal and drug addict.

Mike and his friends crossed their arms, trying to intimidate Jack.

'What are they doing?' Jack thought with a frown.

It looked like a bunch of kids was trying to act tough.

He shrugged and entered the diner.

''I don't understand what Alice sees in him.'' One of Mike's friends said and shook his head.

''Maybe she got a bad taste in men?''

''I would be better choice— I would treat Alice like she is a princess. I bet that he doesn't even care about her.''

Jack didn't hear their conversation— instead, he was walking towards Charlie and Bella.

Bella waved her hand and pointed at the chair.

Jack nodded and sat down in the chair.

''Hmm?'' Charlie raised an eyebrow after the black-haired youth appeared.

''This is Jack— you remember him, right?'' Bella said.

''Right... I do.'' Charlie sipped his coffee and said.

''Hello,'' Jack said.

A waitress appeared next to the table.

She was a middle-aged woman with darker skin and curly black hair. She was wearing the usual waitress outfit, which consisted of a pink shirt with white dots.

''Charlie, boys wants to know... Did you find anything?'' The waitress asked.

A group of 4 old men at the table next to them glanced at them, waiting for the answer.

Charlie sighed and shook his head, ''No... We still don't understand how the wildfire happened... But it couldn't be natural or accidental.''

The waitress sighed, ''Is there any danger this happening again? Our houses are close to the forest... And if bigger wildfire happens...''

''We will keep our eyes open— nothing in that forest happens without us knowing about it,'' Charlie said with a confident expression.

Jack was sitting silently while tiny sweatdrops appeared on his forehead, 'Oops...'