
Ghost of the Gojo Clan

In a world where curses and sorcerers battle for supremacy, Ryota Gojo emerges from the shadows as a figure of formidable power and ambition. Born into the prestigious Gojo clan as the forgotten younger brother of the legendary Satoru Gojo, Ryota's early life was defined by neglect and obscurity. But after years of simmering resentment, Ryota discards his old identity, embracing darkness to forge a new path as "Ryo," a cunning and merciless curse user.Armed with his unique cursed technique, Negate, Ryo sets out on a vengeful quest to dismantle the very foundation of his family's legacy. His goal: to purge the Gojo clan from existence and reshape the world according to his own ruthless vision. As Ryo's journey unfolds, readers are drawn into a world where darkness reigns and the line between hero and villain blurs. Prepare to witness a saga where the antagonist rises, defying fate and reshaping destiny in his quest for supremacy.

HeavenlyPencil · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Missing Brother

Chapter 4: The Missing Brother

In the grand halls of the Gojo clan estate, tension simmered like a storm about to break. The elders convened, their voices sharp with accusation and regret.

"We failed Ryota," Elder Kuroda declared, his voice carrying the weight of years of negligence. "He slipped through our fingers because we were blind to his struggles."

Elder Yamamoto sighed heavily, his face etched with guilt. "And Satoru... He didn't even know he had a younger brother. How could we let this happen?"

Satoru Gojo, unaware of the unfolding drama, lounged under the shade of a cherry blossom tree with his friends. Geto and Shoko practiced their cursed techniques nearby, their laughter filling the air.

"Hey, Satoru, you're up!" Shoko called out, tossing him a practice staff. "Let's see if you can beat Geto this time."

As Satoru sparred with his friends, a solemn air enveloped the estate. Two sorcerers arrived, their expressions grave as they sought out Satoru.

"Satoru Gojo," one of them spoke up, his voice tinged with seriousness. "You're needed at the clan estate. It's urgent."

Confused but obedient, Satoru followed them back to the estate. Inside, the elders struggled to find the words as they faced him.

"Satoru," Elder Kuroda began, his voice trembling with emotion. "You have a younger brother, Ryota. He's been missing for months because of our neglect."

Satoru's eyes widened in shock. "A brother? I... I didn't know."

Elder Yamamoto continued, "We're deeply sorry. We've put out a significant reward to find him, but we fear he may have fallen into the wrong hands."

Meanwhile, in a dark and secluded location, Ryota endured harsh conditions. Chained and monitored closely by guards, he trained relentlessly in the shadows. Each attempt to escape or resist was met with punishment, but Ryota's spirit remained unbroken.

Months passed, marked by suffering and solitude. The guards taunted him, revealing that Ryota and his team had been betrayed by their leader, who sought to profit from Ryota's captivity. Once he found out this information, he couldn't believe it and his entire thought process was permanently changed from this moment on.

Ryota stared up at the moonlit sky with a steely resolve in his eyes. No longer just a forgotten son of the Gojo clan, he harbored a growing resentment towards those who had abandoned him. His thoughts turned dark, fueled by a desire for justice and revenge.

"If I survive this," Ryota vowed silently, his voice a whisper in the darkness, "I will make them all pay. The Gojo clan, and anyone who stands in my way."

With determination burning in his heart, Ryota embraced the darkness that had taken root within him. He knew that when he emerged from this ordeal, he would be a force to be reckoned with—a shadowy figure poised to reshape the world of sorcerers.

Months passed in the dimly lit cell where Ryota was held captive. Chained by his arms and legs, he endured the isolation with unyielding determination. Despite the confines, Ryota's daily routine was a testament to his resilience. Each day began with intense shadow boxing, followed by meditation to sharpen his focus. Push-ups and sit-ups were performed with a relentless fervor, pushing his physical limits to the extreme.

There were moments when frustration overcame him, leading Ryota to punch the cold stone walls until his knuckles bled. Yet, through the pain, his thoughts remained fixed on vengeance against the Gojo clan and the treacherous leader who had betrayed him.

His progress since capture had been remarkable. Physically, Ryota had gained muscle and stamina, while his control over cursed energy had sharpened. Despite the formidable chains and vigilant guards, Ryota remained unwavering in his resolve. He knew it was only a matter of time before he found a way out.

Yearning for a means to escape, Ryota attempted to learn martial arts or procure a weapon in secret. Each attempt was met with punishment—a stern reprimand and further isolation in his cell. The guards mocked his efforts, but Ryota's determination only grew stronger with each setback.

In a distant training ground, Satoru's heart burned with guilt and determination. He pushed himself to the limit, training as hard as Ryota despite the miles that separated them. As he practiced his techniques, he couldn't shake the image of his lost brother from his mind.

"I will save you, Ryota!" Satoru vowed quietly, his voice filled with resolve.

Simultaneously, in his dim cell, Ryota's muscles strained with every repetition of his exercises. Sweat mingled with blood on his brow, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"I will destroy you, Satoru!" Ryota murmured under his breath, his voice echoing in the darkness.

The bond between the two brothers, unknown to each other yet connected by fate, was a thread waiting to be pulled. One day, their paths would converge, destined for a confrontation that would shake the foundations of their world!

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