
Ghost of the Gojo Clan

In a world where curses and sorcerers battle for supremacy, Ryota Gojo emerges from the shadows as a figure of formidable power and ambition. Born into the prestigious Gojo clan as the forgotten younger brother of the legendary Satoru Gojo, Ryota's early life was defined by neglect and obscurity. But after years of simmering resentment, Ryota discards his old identity, embracing darkness to forge a new path as "Ryo," a cunning and merciless curse user.Armed with his unique cursed technique, Negate, Ryo sets out on a vengeful quest to dismantle the very foundation of his family's legacy. His goal: to purge the Gojo clan from existence and reshape the world according to his own ruthless vision. As Ryo's journey unfolds, readers are drawn into a world where darkness reigns and the line between hero and villain blurs. Prepare to witness a saga where the antagonist rises, defying fate and reshaping destiny in his quest for supremacy.

HeavenlyPencil · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Forgotten Gojo

Chapter 1: The Forgotten Gojo

Ryota Gojo was always a shadow, a footnote in the illustrious history of the Gojo clan. Born two years after his elder brother Satoru, the child prodigy with the revered Six Eyes and Limitless technique, Ryota's existence was overshadowed from the moment he drew his first breath. While Satoru was celebrated, trained, and groomed to be the strongest sorcerer of their time, Ryota was largely ignored, his presence barely acknowledged by the family elders.

Growing up in the grand halls of the Gojo estate, Ryota quickly learned that he was different. Not because of any special ability or talent, but because he was invisible. His parents, the elders, and even the servants treated him with a cold indifference. Satoru, with his boundless potential, was the star. Ryota was the forgotten sibling, a mere afterthought.

At the age of fourteen, Ryota made a painful realization. One evening, hidden behind a door, he overheard the elders discussing the future of the Gojo clan. They spoke of Satoru's destined greatness and the clan's prosperity, but there was not a single mention of him. It was as if he didn't exist.

That night, Ryota made a decision. He would no longer be a shadow. He would carve out his own path, one that would force the world to recognize his existence. With a heavy heart, he packed a small bag, took some money from the family safe, and left the estate, vowing never to return.

He changed his name to "Ryo" and ventured into the underworld of curse users, a place where power was respected and the weak perished. Life was brutal, and survival was a daily struggle. But Ryo thrived in this environment, his resentment and anger fueling his determination.

It was during a fateful encounter with a ruthless opponent that Ryo's life changed forever. The man stood tall at 6'7", towering over Ryo's slender frame of 5'8" and 130 pounds. Built like a mountain with bulging muscles, the killer brandished a vicious knife, its blade gleaming in the dim alleyway where they clashed.

"You little punk," the killer snarled, his voice a gravelly growl. "You can try your best to persevere against my attacks but your pain and suffering is inevitable. You're gonna regret crossing paths with me!"

Ryo remained silent, his focus intense as he danced on the edge of danger. The killer lunged, slashing with deadly intent. Ryo dodged and weaved, narrowly avoiding the blade's deadly arc. Adrenaline surged through his veins, sharpening his senses and heightening his reflexes.

The killer thrust his hand forward, flames erupting from his palm in the form of blazing fireballs. Each projectile seared through the air, leaving trails of scorching heat in their wake. Ryo dodged and countered, his movements fluid and precise, as if guided by an unseen force.

With a quick maneuver, Ryo seized an opening and managed to make contact with the killer's wrist. The fireball fizzled out, dissolving into nothingness. The killer's eyes widened in disbelief, momentarily frozen in shock.

"How unfortunate for you..." Ryo said calmly, his voice cold and unwavering. "Now that I have found my technique, you are nothing more than a annoying insect."

With a swift motion, Ryo disarmed the killer and brought him to his knees. The killer stared up at him, fear etched across his face.

"Thank you..." Ryo continued, his tone devoid of emotion. "For showing me the true nature of this world."

The man's body dropped dead on the floor.

In that moment, Ryo's outlook on life shifted. The battle had awakened something within him—a cold confidence, a ruthless determination. He looked down at his trembling hands, now stained with blood and dirt, and felt a strange sense of liberation.

He had found his purpose. With Negate at his command, Ryo would no longer be invisible. He would carve his own path through the shadows, rising to claim the recognition and respect he deserved. The world would soon know the name Ryota Gojo, not as a footnote, but as a force to be reckoned with—a ghost in the world of curses.

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