
Ghost of the Gojo Clan

In a world where curses and sorcerers battle for supremacy, Ryota Gojo emerges from the shadows as a figure of formidable power and ambition. Born into the prestigious Gojo clan as the forgotten younger brother of the legendary Satoru Gojo, Ryota's early life was defined by neglect and obscurity. But after years of simmering resentment, Ryota discards his old identity, embracing darkness to forge a new path as "Ryo," a cunning and merciless curse user.Armed with his unique cursed technique, Negate, Ryo sets out on a vengeful quest to dismantle the very foundation of his family's legacy. His goal: to purge the Gojo clan from existence and reshape the world according to his own ruthless vision. As Ryo's journey unfolds, readers are drawn into a world where darkness reigns and the line between hero and villain blurs. Prepare to witness a saga where the antagonist rises, defying fate and reshaping destiny in his quest for supremacy.

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14 Chs

Alliance and Training

Chapter 6: Alliance and Training

The battlefield was still, the dust settling after the fierce confrontation between Ophelia and Akira. Ryota stood amidst the wreckage, his chest heaving with exhaustion and adrenaline. Ophelia approached him, her expression a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

"Join Death Troupe, Ryota," she urged, her voice resonating with authority and conviction. "With your strength and my guidance, we could reshape the world of sorcerers. Together, we could achieve greatness."

Ryota's eyes narrowed as he processed her offer. Memories of betrayal and captivity flashed through his mind, hardening his resolve. "I'm not interested in joining any group," he replied firmly. "But I'll accept your offer for one-on-one training. I want to learn from you directly, as your ally, not as part of your troupe."

Ophelia's eyebrows lifted in surprise, a smile playing on her lips. "Very well," she agreed, nodding once. "We start tomorrow at dawn. Until then, rest and prepare yourself."

Meanwhile, at Jujutsu High School, the atmosphere was tense as Satoru Gojo and his friends received their assignment. The mission was clear: eradicate Death Troupe, a notorious group of cursed users causing chaos in the city. Satoru, Geto, and Shoko exchanged determined glances, each aware of the gravity of their task.

"We need to be at our best," Satoru said, his usual laid-back demeanor replaced with focused intensity. "This is more than just a mission. We might find my brother out there."

The night passed in restless anticipation. As dawn broke, Satoru and his team mobilized, their resolve unshaken. They descended upon the city, their presence a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. Each battle was a dance of power and precision, their cursed techniques executed with lethal efficiency.

Satoru's blue eyes blazed with determination as he faced off against multiple Death Troupe members. Geto's curses swirled around him like dark guardians, while Shoko's healing abilities kept them in fighting form. Together, they were unstoppable, cutting through their enemies with relentless force.

Amidst the chaos, Ophelia knew their position was compromised. She grabbed Ryota's arm, pulling him away from the fray. "We need to go. Now!" she urged, her voice leaving no room for argument.

They fled the city, seeking refuge in a small, secluded village far from the prying eyes of Jujutsu High. The village was a stark contrast to the battlefield, its tranquility almost surreal. Exhausted from the day's events, Ryota collapsed onto a makeshift bed, his body aching but his mind racing.

Dreams of past battles and an uncertain future haunted his sleep. He saw himself standing amidst the ruins of the Gojo estate, facing down enemies with a steely resolve. His thoughts were a maelstrom of vengeance and determination, each memory sharpening his resolve to grow stronger.

In the stillness of the night, Ophelia stepped outside, seeking solace in the quiet. She lit a cigarette, the ember glowing softly in the darkness. The village was peaceful, a stark contrast to the destruction they had left behind. Her thoughts wandered back to the moment she first saw the wanted poster—a massive reward for Ryota's capture. The bounty meant that they were targets for every mercenary and bounty hunter in the country. The road ahead would be rocky and fraught with danger.

As she pondered their uncertain future, Satoru and his team were interrogating the remaining members of Death Troupe, seeking any clues about their leader's whereabouts and the white-haired boy. They scoured the remnants of Blue Dawn's hideout, searching through documents and records.

After hours of searching, they finally found a crucial piece of information. A document detailed the capture and imprisonment of a white-haired boy—Satoru's younger brother, Ryota. Satoru's eyes turned cold as he read the descriptions of his brother's suffering and torment.

"How could they do this to him?" Satoru's voice trembled with rage. He clenched his fists, the air around him becoming more tense as his friends looked down, feeling sorry for Satoru. "When I find whoever did this to my brother, I will make them pay."

The intensity of Satoru's emotions sent a shockwave through the room, his friends exchanging worried glances but standing firm in their resolve to support him.

Meanwhile, in the quiet village, Ophelia finished her cigarette and returned inside, her mind set on the training that lay ahead. She vowed to protect Ryota and help him harness his potential. As Ryota drifted off to sleep, Ophelia knew that their journey was just beginning, and the trials they faced would only make them stronger.

As dawn broke, Ophelia and Ryota stood in a clearing outside the village, the first light of day casting long shadows on the ground. "Today, we begin your training," Ophelia announced, her voice steady and authoritative. "You need to understand the true nature of cursed energy and jujutsu sorcery. Only then can you harness your full potential."

Ryota nodded, his eyes burning with determination. "I'm ready," he said, his voice filled with resolve.

Ophelia's training was rigorous and demanding. She pushed Ryota to his limits, teaching him to control his cursed energy with precision and efficiency. They sparred daily, each session a brutal test of strength and skill. Ophelia's techniques were flawless, her movements a blur of lethal grace.

Ryota absorbed everything, his progress remarkable. He honed his physical abilities, his muscles growing stronger and more defined. His control over cursed energy became more refined, each technique executed with increasing power and accuracy. Through it all, his thoughts remained fixed on his ultimate goal—vengeance against the Gojo clan and the leader who had betrayed him.

Back in the city, Satoru and his team continued their mission, cutting down the remnants of Death Troupe for good, with relentless determination each encounter brought them closer to their goal, but also closer to the truth about Ryota's fate.

In the village, Ryota's training continued, each day a step closer to his destiny. Ophelia was a relentless mentor, her guidance shaping him into a formidable warrior. As weeks turned into months, their bond grew stronger, a shared understanding of their goals and the challenges ahead.

With that resolve burning bright within her, Ophelia closed the door behind her, leaving the quiet village cloaked in the stillness of the night.

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