
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Xiner meets Mu Yunxuan

"Brother, although the Bright Moon Villa has just been constructed, it has quickly become solid. It is guarded by twelve elite guards who are kept secret, and there are numerous hidden traps and mechanisms surrounding the villa. Any ordinary person attempting to attack it would surely meet their own demise. Two of her three children, the eldest son named Li'er, has already reached the sixth order of the Golden Xuan Period in his cultivation. The second son, Qi'er, is an alchemist who can already refine Xuan-level seven-pin pills. Brother, there is only a two-level difference between their cultivation and mine!"

"What are you trying to say?" Mu Yunxuan tensed his nerves, as memories of their intimate encounter flashed in his mind, the taste lingering on his lips, and the woman's unique presence that he couldn't forget.

"Brother, if she is truly Su Zimo, then who could those three children be? Could they be Jun Lintian's?"

In fact, Mu Yunhan had considered the exact opposite, but he couldn't help but think that the only man possibly connected to Su Zimo was Jun Lintian.

"Stop it, can he be so fortunate?"

Mu Yunxuan pursed his lips. Three children, around the age of five, and triplets at that...? As soon as Mu Yunxuan considered that possibility, his heart felt troubled.

"Yun Han, use any means necessary to find out the identity of the owner of the Bright Moon Villa as soon as possible."

Mu Yunxuan had never felt this way before, such an intense desire to know someone's identity. At the same time, he believed that his instincts couldn't be wrong. The woman he had met so honestly and intimately, the one who had been on a blind date with him, he couldn't be mistaken.

"Understood!" Mu Yunhan nodded, realizing that he needed to investigate this twist thoroughly.

Days passed calmly for a few days. During this time, Su Xin's health improved significantly, and Su Zimo had time to manage the affairs of the paper factory, busying herself with paper production until late evening before returning to the village.

In the Drunken Jun Building, Mu Yunhan visited Murong Shaofeng twice, but after explaining his intentions, Murong Shaofeng declined his invitation and chose to stay in the Drunken Jun Building.

Mu Yunxuan and Mu Yunhan happened to pass by Qingyun Street today, and at the entrance of the Drunken Jun Building, the two unexpectedly ran into each other.

Dressed in black, Mu Yunxuan stood face-to-face with Murong Shaofeng, who was dressed in white. The two presented a sharp contrast, both handsome and extraordinary. They quickly attracted envious gazes from the people around, and even the untrained girls couldn't help but stare shyly, unable to leave for a long time.

"Your Highness, it has been a while since I last saw you. I invited you to Yuncheng twice, but Your Highness didn't agree. I didn't expect to meet you here," Mu Yunxuan spoke in a cold tone, while Mu Yunhan simply nodded at Murong Shaofeng.

"Your Highness, the palace intended to visit Yuncheng for a gathering, but unfortunately, I was troubled with affairs. When I have some free time, I will definitely pay you a visit," Murong Shaofeng replied with a gentle smile on his face, contrasting Mu Yunxuan's coldness.

"Uncle Murong."

Suddenly, a sweet voice filled with joy sounded.

The three of them turned their attention to the source of the voice and saw Qinglian walking over with Su Xin, who was wearing a pink pleated skirt. Su Xin had a sweet smile on her young face, and her eyes, seemingly able to speak, sparkled with joy as she looked at Murong Shaofeng.

The moment Mu Yunxuan saw Su Xin, his heart was struck by a strong feeling, a longing. He couldn't help but feel his gaze soften as he looked at her.

Mu Yunhan observed Su Xin with a furrowed brow, feeling a sense of familiarity.

"Murong Young Master, it has been a while since we last met," Qinglian greeted respectfully.

"No need to be so polite, Qinglian," Murong Shaofeng replied, holding Su Xin in his arms.

"Xin'er, did you sneak out? Your health isn't good, and you shouldn't wander around the streets. You know your mother will worry," Murong Shaofeng spoke, his heart aching as he looked at her still pale face. It pained him to see such a young child suffering from illness.

At the same time, Mu Yunxuan couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy when he witnessed Murong Shaofeng picking up the little girl. Yes, it was jealousy. He felt jealous seeing them interact with such warmth, as if they were father and daughter.

"Uncle Murong, I can't hide anything from your eyes. I've been feeling so bored alone. The elder brother is busy studying accounts and reading all day to assist mother. After his studies, he practices diligently. The second brother wants to participate in the alchemy competition, and my mother is busy until late in the evening. Even Mo Niang went out to find medicine for me. I'm so bored, so I asked Aunt Qinglian to take me out for a walk. Uncle Murong, rest assured, I won't wander around and worry my mother. She already has enough hardships because of me."

Su Xin's understanding words carried a hint of sadness, particularly affecting Murong Shaofeng, who was deeply touched.

Murong Shaofeng quickly planted a kiss on Su Xin's tender little face.

"Xin'er is truly sensible. Isn't that right? The three of you siblings are very sensible. I thought Uncle had disappeared for nearly four months?"

"Uncle, you're lying. If Uncle wanted to see Xin'er, then he should have come to see Xin'er."

"Xin'er, didn't you lie just now?"

Murong Shaofeng gently tapped her cute little nose. "Have you secretly been learning how to cultivate Xuan Qi and refine pills again?"

How could Murong Shaofeng not see through her careful thoughts?

Su Xin's face instantly darkened.

Even Mu Yunxuan and Mu Yunhan were affected, frowning involuntarily as they observed Su Xin's ever-changing expression.

"Uncle, Xin'er doesn't want to die. Xin'er wants to live. Cultivating Xuan Qi can protect Xin'er's heart, and alchemy can allow Xin'er to refine the pills she needs. The second brother works day and night to refine the purest elixirs for Xin'er's treatment. They're enduring great hardships because of my illness."

Su Xin bit her lip, tears streaming down her face. However, her determination remained firm. "It's just that I'm suffering, and I want to live. I haven't even seen my father yet."

"Xin'er, don't cry. Xin'er is a good girl. Your body is not suitable for cultivation at the moment. Just wait a little longer, and Uncle will find better medicinal materials to refine into pills that will cure your illness," Murong Shaofeng comforted her, feeling distressed by her words.
