
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

King Lintian defeated

He Yunting expressed some concern.

"It's not certain. Although Li'er is at the sixth stage of the Golden Xuan Period, Jun Lintian may not be able to easily defeat her. Li'er has mastered a divine-level phantom technique, making it difficult for ordinary people to harm her."

Su Zimo is highly confident in her son, but at the same time, she feels a bit embarrassed in her heart. Her cultivation speed is not as fast as her son's, and now both of her sons have surpassed her.

As expected, Jun Lintian couldn't harm Su Li every time he attacked, and he was also perplexed by Su Li's elusive figure.


Su Qi sighed as she watched Jun Lintian and shook her head. Fortunately, her mother didn't marry him back then. With just this level of ability, he truly didn't deserve to be their father.

"Hmm! Is this the cultivation of the first stage of the Divine Mysterious Stage? It's not that impressive."

Su Qi shook her head and walked over to Su Zinian's side. Seeing an identical child again, Su Weichen involuntarily took a few steps back.

"Wow!" Su Qi exclaimed at their reactions, finding it amusing how afraid they seemed of her.

"Grandparents and aunts, am I a terrifying monster? You're all so scared of me."

Su Qi pointed at herself, her mischievous eyes scanning the three of them, looking quite comical.

"Great-aunt?" Su Ziyun gritted her teeth as she looked at Su Qi. She was actually being called "aunt."

"Huh! Should I call you sister? Su Qi looked at Su Ziyun with a mocking expression. Yes, she was angry. Who allowed Su Ziyun to bully her mother and try to snatch her mother's husband? From now on, the Third Princess could only dream of being with him.

"Oops! It seems I made a mistake. I heard you're the Third Prince's woman. It was my fault to call you 'aunt.' I'm sorry!"

Su Qi said sorry, but there was no trace of apology on her face.

"You...you little brat..."

Su Ziyun was so angry that she was about to make a move, but Jun Lintian clutched his chest and collapsed to the side, a pained expression on his face.

"Wang Ye, are you injured?"

In that moment, Su Ziyun forgot about teaching Su Qi a lesson and rushed to Jun Lintian's side, her heart pounding.

Jun Lintian gritted his teeth and glared angrily at Su Li without speaking. The majesty cultivated by the royal family was extremely terrifying, and he had actually been defeated by a five-year-old child.

"Let's go."

Jun Lintian pushed Su Ziyun away and strode out. He had truly lost face for the royal family today. If he didn't leave, he feared he would die from anger.

"Go, Yun'er, let's go," Xie Lengchan looked at Su Zinian hatefully. She couldn't believe he had found such a powerful backer.

"It looks like Li'er won. Mother, Li'er has become a prodigy in the entire Haoyue Country."

"Hmm! Jun Lintian is narrow-minded. He won't forget today's humiliation so easily. He will surely find a way to cause trouble for Bright Moon Villa. We might as well give him something to do."

Su Zimo tapped her fingers on the windowsill, her eyes filled with deep contemplation.

"Mother, please do as you see fit," He Yunting suddenly felt that something interesting was about to happen.

"Isn't Su Fangxu often seen at the Qunfang Pavilion in the capital? I've heard that he has been fighting with Li Hu, the son of Li Chengxiang, for the affection of Bing'er. Li Chengxiang is a prince's man, and his relationship with the Su family has always been strained. What do you think would happen if Li Hu were to have an accident or die in a fight with Su Fangxu at the Qunfang Pavilion? Li Hu's death would surely anger the Prime Minister's household and the prince."

A sneer curled up the corner of Su Zimo's lips. Jun Lintian, you owe me, and I will collect every debt from you one by one.

He Yunting and Liu Shiyu looked at Su Zimo, surprised by the scheme she had come up with. If Li Hu were to die at the hands of Qunfang Pavilion or Su Fangxu, the prince would see it as Jun Lintian provoking him. As a prince, he wouldn't take things lightly. After all, he hadn't ascended to the throne yet, and there were surely contenders eyeing the position. Among them, Jun Lintian was the only one who could match him. Even a minor incident could intensify the conflict. Once the king made a move, accusations of seeking power and usurping the throne would be thrown at Jun Lintian. Su Zimo's plan was to kill two birds with one stone.

"Shiyu, if you take this jade pendant to Xiao Bing'er, she will know what to do."

Su Zimo took out a lotus jade pendant and handed it to Liu Shiyu, then turned and left.

Liu Shiyu looked at the jade pendant in her hand, feeling a bit distracted. Did she have to participate in the royal family's power struggle in order to seek revenge?

"Don't worry, everything the Mistress does is for Li'er and their three siblings, as well as for Bright Moon Villa. She won't do anything unless she's confident. She's a person who has crawled out of hell, and we should all understand the determination in her heart. If she doesn't do this, she will be restless for the rest of her life. Besides, in just two years, the Mistress has gained the unwavering loyalty of the Twelve Deadly Emperors and the support of many skilled individuals. She has made Bright Moon Villa renowned. Everything she does is backed by unparalleled wisdom. This time, returning to Haoyue Country, she is well-prepared. The Mistress not only wants to establish a foothold here, but also seek revenge for the past six years. Although Haoyue Country is full of hidden talents, the Mistress can handle it alone."

He Yunting understood the worries in Liu Shiyu's heart. He had worried just like her before, but the outcome of everything the Mistress had done had been beyond expectations.

"Holy Lord, the Second Prince has returned."

Mu Yunxuan's trusted subordinates, Jinhui, walked in and reported respectfully.

"Hmm! You may leave." Mu Yunxuan reclined on the soft bed, his body exuding a sense of laziness.

Ever since she overheard their conversation, Ling Qiushui had been lingering outside Yunxiao Hall for the past few days. When she saw Mu Yunhan enter, she bit her lip and headed towards the residence where the gentleman stayed.

"Big brother."

"Did you find anything?"

Mu Yunxuan rose from the soft bed.

"Big brother, I couldn't find the name of the owner of Bright Moon Villa. However, I discovered something more important."

"Oh! What news?"

Mu Yunxuan poured himself a cup of tea and elegantly took a sip.

"Big brother, there is a papermaking workshop in the backyard of Bright Moon Villa. According to insiders, they are planning to produce paper."


Mu Yunxuan set down his teacup and looked directly at Mu Yunhan.

"In that case, her intentions for coming to the Mu family are quite clear."

"There's nothing more to say." Mu Yunhan also agreed with his elder brother's assessment.

"Then let's wait and see!" Mu Yunxuan's gaze drifted into the distance as he pondered what tricks she might have up her sleeve.
