
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

The Only Choice

With a cold and unchanged expression, he said, "Well, it seems that I'll grant your wish."

However, deep inside, he understood why they could easily infiltrate the palace—it was all Nalan Wenhao's careful arrangement. Indeed, Nalan Wenhao's strategic thinking surpassed that of King Luozhan. But if they wanted to avenge the Una Clan, they had no choice but to rely on the Una family's protection.

Simultaneously, Nalan Wenhao also realized that he couldn't persuade Ruoyan Te to submit to him, given Ruoyan Te's loyalty to the Una Clan.

"Then let's settle this with a life-and-death battle today!"

Su Qingjue took the initiative and said, "Let me face General Ruoyan Te!"

"Avoid it, Qing'er. You're no match for General Ruoyan Te," Su Ruoyan intervened swiftly. Qing'er wasn't Ruoyan Te's opponent.

"Nephew, dealing with such scum doesn't require my intervention. Watch the two of us handle it together." Su Qi confidently stood with a proud and composed demeanor, his delicate face exuding a sense of self-satisfaction.

Su Zimo couldn't help but curl her lips. If Qi'er didn't come forward to show off at a time like this, he wouldn't be her son.

"Hmph! A presumptuous little yellow-haired boy," Ruoyan Te sneered coldly, looking at the arrogant Su Qi.

Su Qi was about to speak, but Su Li quickly stopped him. "You agreed to it, not me," Su Li said calmly. It was better for him, as the future prince of Lixia Kingdom, to kill Ruoyan Te rather than them doing it. It would be more convincing for the people.

"Brother, can't you see it? Uncle can't match Ruoyan Te's cultivation level," Su Qi secretly transmitted his voice to Su Li.

"You fool! Everyone here can see it. Uncle must personally take part in this battle. He is the future prince of Lixia Kingdom, and this is his best opportunity," Su Li replied through a hidden communication.

Su Qi pursed his lips. Fine, since it wasn't possible, he would help his uncle then!

"Qi'er, you don't need to. Let your uncle handle it," Su Qingjue said, fully aware of what this battle meant. Now that he was back with his parents, he would take up his responsibilities.

He wouldn't be the weak and timid Su Qingjue anymore; he would become a resolute and courageous man.

"Alright! Qing'er, that's my son, Nalan Wenhao," Nalan Wenhao said with satisfaction, seeing his son's determined expression. Even though he knew he couldn't defeat Ruoyan Te, there was no trace of fear on his face.

"Hmph! A Gold Profound Stage fifth-level cultivator dares to fight against me, a Gold Profound Stage peak expert? Simply overestimating your capabilities," Ruoyan Te sneered.

"Is that so? Without trying, how would you know who wins or loses? I won't allow you to harm my family even a bit," Su Qingjue replied with an unprecedented confidence and determination in his tone.

Su Zimo and Su Zini looked at Su Qingjue simultaneously and smiled in agreement. This was their brother, who had protected them and sacrificed for them since they were young. Now, he no longer needed to please anyone and could do whatever he wanted.

He wasn't alone; he had his two sisters by his side.

"Hmph! General, why waste time talking to them? Kill them all. This isn't a cultivation contest; a battle to the death is enough!" Nalan Lixi couldn't stand their hesitation.

"Today, this princess will also confront you all," Nalan Lixi declared, brandishing a red whip in her hand.

Su Qi glanced disdainfully at her. This foolish woman, her cultivation level was still lower than his. Did she really think she could kill them? It was like inviting death upon herself. However, they had concealed their true cultivation levels; otherwise, they wouldn't dare to be so audacious.

"Bring it on!" Ruoyan Te revealed a curved blade in his hand, shining with a dazzling silver light under the sun. The blade emitted a sharp sound, and the twisted faces on the reflective blade surface seemed to be constantly shifting, enhancing its chilling sharpness.

Su Zimo's eyes flashed with surprise as she recognized the Xuantie Silver Light Treasure Blade she had read about in books—a weapon of immense power and a rare Xuan artifact.

"Uncle," Su Qi quickly walked to Su Qingjue's side and gestured for him to bend over.

Just as Su Qingjue was about to speak, Su Qi quickly explained and secretly placed two pills into Su Qingjue's mouth.

His speed was extremely fast, imperceptible to others, but Muyun Xuan caught a glimpse of it, his eyes filled with a fleeting smile.

"Qi'er, what are these..."

"Uncle, after taking these two pills, your cultivation level will be on par with that General Ruoyan Te. You must defeat him," Su Zimo guessed what her son was doing.

"Brother, look up to the sky. Moyun is giving you a sword that can contend with Ruoyan Te's blade," Su Zimo said, smiling simultaneously with Su Zini.

Su Zimo discreetly transmitted a message to Su Qingjue.

Su Qingjue abruptly lifted his gaze and indeed, there was a silver sword in the sky.

With a sudden leap, Su Qingjue's cultivation soared to the pinnacle of the Gold Profound Realm after consuming a pill. His speed also increased significantly. A hint of surprise flashed in Su Qingjue's eyes. Lately, whenever he had spare time, he would cultivate in Mingyue Mountain, and he had progressed several stages.

Ruoyan Te coldly glanced at him, an icy gaze that chilled to the bone, resembling a devil emerging from the depths of hell, enveloped in dense black energy.

Ruoyan Te withdrew his gaze, gripping the curved blade in his hand. With a vigorous leap, he struck towards Su Qingjue.

The curved blade was mere inches away from Su Qingjue when he swiftly deflected it with the sword in his hand. He followed up with a rapid backflip, evading Ruoyan Te's fierce attack.

Situ Ruoyan watched nervously from below.

The crowd gathered around, and the discussions grew louder. Regarding the turmoil in Lixia Kingdom, they hoped that Nalan Wenhao would become their king. Nalan Wenhao was a benevolent ruler, and for the past six months, they had enjoyed a peaceful time. In their hearts, they all wished for Nalan Wenhao's safety.

However, Su Qingjue was amazed by the sword given to him by Su Zimo. It felt incredibly comfortable in his hands.

"Brother, this sword is now yours." Sensing Su Qingjue's doubt, Su Zimo transmitted her message through secret sound transmission.

Upon hearing that, Su Qingjue expressed a grateful gaze towards Su Zimo.

"It seems you have some skills," Ruoyan Te's eyes narrowed. Deep down, he understood that Nalan Wenhao was indeed more suitable to be the emperor of Lixia Kingdom compared to the previous Nalan king.

However, he belonged to the Ulan Clan and could never change allegiance. Determined, he raised his curved blade again and struck at Su Qingjue.

Su Qingjue was slightly taken aback but swiftly raised his sword to meet the attack. With a loud bang, like the breaking of a rainbow bamboo, Ruoyan Te hastily retreated a few steps, landed quickly, and staggered backward.

Su Qingjue also landed swiftly on the ground.

Ruoyan Te stared sharply at Su Qingjue's face, then fixed his gaze on the sword in Su Qingjue's hand. Su Qingjue's sword had actually left faint marks on his curved blade, which filled him with a sense of doubt.

Seeing that Ruoyan Te was no match for Su Qingjue, Nalan Lixi's expression revealed anxiety.

"Attack them all," Nalan Lixi commanded, and the cavalry behind him began to swing their whips.

Mu Yunxuan's eyes turned sharp as he stepped forward, his handsome face filled with thunderous anger.

Facing the approaching cavalry, he exerted his pressure as a Xuanwu Stage One expert.

Under the immense pressure, the speed of the cavalry slowed down.

Mu Yunxuan gradually increased the pressure.

"Ah!" Nalan Lixi, with lower cultivation, screamed in pain.

"How dare you ruin this princess's plan!"

Mu Yunxuan coldly smiled, "Ruining your plan? I'm going to kill you."

In an instant, the man who seemed like a heavenly god transformed into a devil.

Ruoyan Te looked at Mu Yunxuan in shock. Could he be the Saint Lord of Cloud City? It was said that his cultivation had reached the pinnacle. Indeed, he only possessed the cultivation of the Gold Profound Realm, unable to discern Mu Yunxuan's true strength. No matter how much he calculated, he never anticipated that Mu Yunxuan would also come. Didn't the news from Haoyue Kingdom state that Mu Yunxuan didn't join them?

Watching the cavalry behind him succumb to Mu Yunxuan's pressure and fall off their horses, spewing blood, Ruoyan Te once again looked at Mu Yunxuan in astonishment. Mu Yunxuan unexpectedly appeared here, which was beyond his expectations. However, it didn't matter. He had already decided to fight them to the death. Even if Mu Yunxuan was here, what of it? Ruoyan Te was loyal to the Ulan Clan.

The surrounding people were unaffected and, witnessing Nalan Lixi's defeat, they began dancing with a folk-style celebration.

Nalan Lixi, filled with anger, wanted to tear them to pieces.

Su Qingjue and Nalan Wenhao exchanged a glance.

Nalan Wenhao nodded, silently approving Su Qingjue's actions.

A cold light flashed in Su Qingjue's eyes as his sword swept across the ground, causing a cluster of green grass to flutter in the air. Su Qingjue's speed grew faster and faster as he charged straight at Ruoyan Te.

"Princess, it seems we have been deceived by Nalan Wenhao. It's likely that the people in the palace were pretending to obey us," Ruoyan Te said.

"Impossible!" Nalan Lixi refused to believe Ruoyan Te's words.

Without saying another word, Ruoyan Te lifted his curved blade, pursed his lips, and flew to meet Su Qingjue. The men of Lixia Kingdom never retreated, even if they had chosen the wrong master. They would foolishly follow along, not seeking anything but their own peace of mind.

"Boom!" The clash between the sword and the blade resounded once again. After dozens of exchanges, Su Qingjue, with less experience, gradually fell into a disadvantage under Ruoyan Te's fierce and rapid attacks.
