
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Su Qing is absolutely victorious

"Brother, look, Uncle's lack of practical experience has put him at a disadvantage now. If he continues like this, he will lose," Su Qi said with a hint of concern in his eyes.

Situ Ruoyan's hands were full of sweat as he nervously watched Su Qingjue.

"Don't worry! Uncle hasn't reached his limit yet. It's because he lacks practical experience that he doesn't know where his limits lie. Just give him some more time," Su Li calmly reassured. He remembered his own nervousness during his first battle with an enemy of the same cultivation level, feeling like he couldn't win, but as he gained more practical experience, even opponents two ranks higher became beatable. He knew that Uncle had good attack power; it was just the lack of practical experience that was holding him back.

Watching Su Qingjue struggling more and more, Su Zimo and the others couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Mo'er, don't worry. Big Brother might be at a disadvantage now, but his willpower is strong. He's not like Ruoyan, who relies solely on brute force. In short battles, Ruoyan might win, but in a prolonged fight, he won't last," Mu Yunxuan explained to Su Zimo, noticing her worried expression and feeling a pang of sympathy for her.

"Yes," Su Zimo nodded.

The sound of cloth tearing echoed as Su Qingjue's arm got scratched, and blood began to flow.

"Jue'er!" Situ Ruoyan saw Su Qingjue injured and was about to step forward to help, but he was stopped by Nalan Wenhao.

"Sister Ruoyan, you have to trust Jue'er. In this battle, none of us can help him. He can only rely on himself," Nalan Wenhao said.

"Brother..." Su Nian couldn't help but want to help, but Su Zimo pulled her back.

Su Qingjue landed on the ground, looking at the blood dripping onto the grass, his eyes turning scarlet. No, he couldn't lose. The people of Lixia Kingdom were watching him, his parents were watching, Mo Mo and Nian'er were watching—he absolutely could not lose.

Nalan Ruoyan glanced at Su Qingjue. He was indeed impressive, but his lack of practical experience was evident. Nalan Ruoyan himself felt a bit unstable, but he didn't expect Su Qingjue's determination to be so strong that the final strike that scratched his arm almost used up all of his predecessor's strength.

Su Qingjue wiped the sweat off his forehead, his resolute expression never wavering.

He straightened his back, gripping the sword in his hand even tighter, and pursed his lips firmly.

"Ah...!" Su Qingjue let out a loud roar, once again launching himself at Nalan Ruoyan. A fierce killing intent filled his warm eyes as his profound energy surged, causing winds to howl and the surrounding grass to sway. Some cattle and sheep were startled and ran away.

Su Qingjue's attack was ferocious and swift, catching Nalan Ruoyan off guard, causing him to retreat several steps.

In an instant, Su Qingjue's eyes changed, and he increased the speed of his sword. In a lightning-fast move, he stabbed Nalan Ruoyan in the chest.

"No, General!" Nalan Lixi couldn't believe it and cried out in despair. Nalan Ruoyan was her only hope. The throne was originally her father's, but it was usurped by the sudden appearance of Nalan Wenhao, who even killed her family. She was desperate for revenge, and Nalan Ruoyan was her last hope.

Seeing Nalan Ruoyan fall, Nalan Lixi's eyes filled with despair. Behind her, thousands of cavalry soldiers sat helplessly on the ground. Her eyes, filled with hatred, were now clouded with deep hopelessness.

Nalan Ruoyan looked at the sword in his chest and smiled. He glanced at Nalan Lixi, feeling a bit guilty. He had ultimately failed to complete the task given to him by King Luo Zhan and Queen Wuna. Nalan Ruoyan slowly closed his eyes, and Su Qingjue forcefully pulled the sword out of his body, turning away. His heart was like thunder and lightning, a mix of clarity and darkness.

A cheer erupted from the surroundings! The onlookers smiled as they watched Su Qingjue. By defeating Nalan Ruoyan, he had become a hero of Lixia Kingdom.

However, Su Qingjue paid no attention to the jubilation. He kept his eyes lowered, lost in his own thoughts.

Su Qi quickly approached Su Qingjue to bandage his wound.

"Xie'er, did you see that? That's the difference between your father and Nalan Ruoyan, Queen Wuna. They were responsible for the death of the previous emperor and did many despicable things. I'm sure you don't want to hear about those things," Nalan Wenhao said, looking at Nalan Lixi with a serious tone.

"You're talking nonsense! My father is the legitimate successor. What right do you have to be the king of Lixia Kingdom? What qualifications do you have?" Nalan Lixi shouted in her lost sanity. She couldn't listen to Nalan Wenhao's words; all she felt was hatred toward him.

At that moment, the city gate opened, and a pair of riders quickly approached Su Zimo and the others.

The leader, a middle-aged man dressed in luxurious attire, bore some resemblance to Nalan Wenhao.

"Elder Brother, I'm late," he said.

"Wenbin, you've come at the right time!" Nalan Wenhao replied.

Su Zimo immediately recognized him as Nalan Wenbin, the youngest prince of the Nalan royal family and the father of Nalan Lixi. He was also Nalan Wenhao's closest brother.

Glancing sideways, Nalan Wenbin looked at Nalan Lixi with a trace of tenderness in his eyes. "Xie'er, why do you have to do this?"

Nalan Lixi coldly glanced at him and sharply replied, "You are not me, so don't make assumptions about my thoughts. You will never understand the pain in my heart because you are not me."

Nalan Wenhao and Nalan Wenbin understood what was happening at the moment, but Nalan Lixi couldn't listen to anything they said.

Nalan Wenhao ordered the guards to take Nalan Lixi away.

Meanwhile, the people Nalan Wenbin brought along were still cleaning up the fallen guards on the ground.

Within moments, the events at the city gate spread throughout the entire capital of Lixia Kingdom.

Especially the news of Su Qingjue defeating Ruoyan spread like wildfire through the streets.

Afterward, Nalan Wenhao introduced Su Zimo and his group to Nalan Wenbin.

"Congratulations, Elder Brother. Your family is finally reunited."

Nalan Wenbin's eyes were sincere, and Su Zimo could tell that he was a quite affable person.

"By the way, Elder Brother, where is Xinxin?" After looking around for a while without seeing his daughter, Nalan Wenbin looked puzzled.

"Xinxin went to the Star Moon Kingdom," Nalan Wenhao said helplessly.

"Don't worry, Wenbin. I have already sent someone to protect Xinxin secretly. You don't have to worry too much," Nalan Wenhao assured him.

"Thank you, Elder Brother. Xinxin can be quite stubborn," Nalan Wenbin lowered his gaze, pondering for a moment.

Su Zimo naturally understood the purpose of Nalan Lixi going to the Star Moon Kingdom.

After exchanging greetings, Nalan Wenbin led Su Zimo and his group into the palace.

The decor of the Lixia Kingdom's palace was unique, with hints of ethnic colors. Images of the twelve zodiac animals could be seen everywhere, especially the stone statue of a sheep's head. The clothing was also beautiful, with a touch of Miao ethnic style.

Su Zimo raised an eyebrow as he observed his surroundings. The palace of Lixia Kingdom was not as grand and solemn as the palace of the Hao Yue Kingdom. It had a vibrant color scheme that gave a relaxed feeling.

Nalan Wenhao had made prior arrangements. Along the way, the palace maids and eunuchs respectfully bowed upon seeing Su Zimo and the others, their astonishing beauty capturing their attention.

Some of the bolder ones even whispered among themselves.

The handsome appearances of Yun Xuan and Su Qingjue were particularly captivating, and the palace maids secretly admired them.

"Xie'er, Jue'er, Mo'er, this will be your home from now on," Nalan Wenhao turned around and looked at the four siblings, feeling an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. This was what he had sought all his life - filial children and a peaceful kingdom.

"Yes!" Su Qingjue and his siblings exchanged glances and smiled. Having a home meant having family, and the word "home" carried the weight of profound affection, especially for Su Zimo. She no longer felt like a lonely individual; she had integrated into this time and space.

After resting for a day, Nalan Lixi's matter was quickly forgotten, treated as a minor episode.

Inside the palace, everything had been cleaned up overnight.

However, Su Zimo understood that the members of the Wuna family wouldn't let it go so easily. On the day of the Crown Prince's enthronement ceremony, they were bound to cause trouble. The ceremony was just three days away.

Sitting alone by the lotus pond, Su Zimo watched the goldfish swimming in the water, feeling bored.

Qinglian and two palace maids stood nearby, waiting.

From a distance, Su Qingjue spotted Su Zimo and walked towards her with a smile.

With his changed status, as soon as Su Qingjue returned to Lixia Kingdom, everything, including the palaces, was designated according to his identity as the Lixia Kingdom's Crown Prince. Unlike the attire of other crown princes, the Lixia Kingdom's crown prince wore predominantly red robes with gold trimmings, adorned with soaring dragons. Su Qingjue looked even more stunning in them.

"What are you thinking about, Mo'er?" Su Qingjue approached, and Su Zimo turned around, wearing a cheerful smile.

"You've become even more beautiful, Brother."

Su Qingjue lowered his gaze, a slight blush crossing his face.

"Now you're teasing your brother."

"Brother was already handsome, and red robes suit you very well."

Su Zimo stood up and walked toward the lotus pond, watching the yet-to-bloom lotuses. Her mood had improved significantly.

Su Qingjue followed, standing beside Su Zimo, shoulder to shoulder.

"Are you worried that those rebels will disrupt the ceremony?" Su Qingjue asked, glancing at Su Zimo's beautiful face. When he was calm, his face was as gentle as jade, and when he smiled, he was stunningly attractive — a rare sight to behold.

"You've seen through me, Brother."

Su Zimo looked at her brother's handsome face and thoughtfully said, "Brother, there's something Father told me. Not far from here, on Baihu Mountain, there is a very special cave. When you feel bored, Father suggests that you go there and take a look."
