
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Su Zimo Devoured His Heart

"Excellent!" Murong Shaofeng concealed the emotions in his eyes and smiled brightly.

Regardless, she didn't reject him from being by her side and discussing things. He didn't feel guilty in his heart, but rather relieved. He didn't want to be ambiguous; he wanted to prove everything through his actions, as actions were more powerful than words.

Mu Yunxuan, who was hiding in the shadows, frowned upon hearing this.

So this is it? Murong Shaofeng didn't express himself passionately, so he put down Xin'er and hurried over to eavesdrop. As a result, Murong Shaofeng couldn't say two words before it ended.

Mu Yunxuan couldn't help but feel annoyed by his actions.

But some things are easier said than done. Can he bear it? As Qi Er said, patience is also a virtue.

Mu Yunxuan returned to the main hall first and coincidentally met Su Li, who had just come back.

Mu Yunxuan was overjoyed.


Su Li immediately stood up and looked at Mu Yunxuan with a furrowed brow.

"Why are you here? What about Xin'er and her mother?"

"Big brother, why is Xin'er here?"

Upon hearing Su Li's voice, Xin'er replied loudly.

A rare smile appeared on Su Li's face.

Su Li glanced at Mu Yunxuan and quickly entered the main hall.

Upon entering, he was greeted by an old man with a childlike appearance.

Su Li realized that the other party was also looking at him.

Su Li didn't mind and walked towards his sister.

Li Zifu looked at Su Li in surprise. They looked so similar. This was the eldest brother, a ninth-order Golden Xuan period expert—powerful, incredibly powerful.

"Xin'er, are you alright?"

Su Li examined Su Xin from head to toe, feeling distressed when he recalled the delicate state she was in.

"Big brother, it was Grandpa Li who woke up Xin'er, and it was Daddy who kept protecting Xin'er."

Xin'er smiled sweetly at Mu Yunxuan, who was approaching them.


Su Li couldn't help but turn his head. Did even Xin'er call him "daddy"?

"Li'er, are you willing to go with your father?"

Mu Yunxuan's expression softened. Now that Xin'er and Qi Er were willing to call him "daddy," he couldn't accept Li'er not calling him that. He had to quickly earn Li'er's forgiveness.

"To where you went last time?"

Su Li recalled the place he hadn't been to before.


Mu Yunxuan nodded.

"Big brother, go with Daddy! Mom said we can acknowledge our father."

Xin'er understood very well in her heart that her elder brother desired a father figure. Despite his irritable temperament, she truly hoped that their family could live happily together after experiencing hardships.


Su Li nodded.

"Good!" Mu Yunxuan's heart was filled with excitement.

"Junior Uncle, I entrust Xin'er's safety to you."

Mu Yunxuan lifted Su Li and disappeared swiftly.

Once the father and son left, Su Zimo and Murong Shaofeng arrived.

Upon realizing that Mu Yunxuan was no longer present, Su Zimo furrowed her brows. He had probably returned to Cloud City.

"Shao Feng, this is the Ghost Doctor who healed Xin'er."

Su Zimo introduced.

"I have long heard of the renowned Ghost Doctor and am fortunate to meet you today."

Murong Shaofeng greeted politely.

"Hmph! This prince is flattered."

Li Zifu, who noticed Murong Shaofeng's interest in the girl, understood why Xuan'er had hurriedly left.

Afterward, everyone sat down and chatted. Su Zimo had some matters to attend to and mentioned that she would be leaving for a while...

Mu Yunxuan took Su Li and arrived at the mountaintop cliff.

He brought Su Li to his and Su Zimo's gravesite.

Su Li looked around and realized they were in a cemetery.

"Li'er, this tomb is where your mother and I first met."

Returning to the place where it all began, the memories of that night flashed through Mu Yunxuan's mind. He had a smile on his face, reminiscing about the past, his mood fluctuating.

"At that time, I had been dead for three days, and it was because of your mother, my father, that I came back to life."

After hearing about his three-day death, Su Li's heart ached.

Gazing at the name engraved on the tombstone, Su Li found it particularly striking.

"So what?"

Su Li maintained a calm expression, not believing that coming to this place would make him forgive.

"The Mu family has been cursed for a hundred years. The eldest son of the Mu family does not live to see twenty. The person buried here is the previous eldest son of the Mu family, who died before reaching twenty."

Mu Yunxuan spoke the truth. Li'er was the current eldest son, and it was somewhat cruel to expose him to such words. But as Su Zimo had said, it was time to investigate all of this.

Mu Yunxuan squatted down. "I'm sorry, Li'er. It's all daddy's fault. If daddy had been faster that night, your mother wouldn't have fallen off the cliff, and I wouldn't have missed the first five years of your life." Mu Yunxuan sincerely apologized and felt an increasing sense of guilt. He had never been an irresponsible person. From the very beginning, Su Zimo held a special place in his heart.

Su Li silently observed him, his lips trembling slightly.

"Are you saying that the curse that has been passed down for a hundred years will also affect me?"

"Li'er, don't worry. Daddy won't let anything like that happen to you."

Mu Yunxuan gently brushed the hair around Su Li's ear.

Su Li's temperament and personality were most similar to his own. Mu Yunxuan truly felt blessed to have two talented sons and a lovely daughter.

"Li'er, daddy hopes that you can forgive him. Daddy will spend the rest of his life making up for the mistakes he has made. Your mother saved daddy, and there is a connection between us. Li'er, I hope that our family can live happily together, don't you?"

Mu Yunxuan looked at Su Li with anguish. Ever since he learned of their existence, he had hated himself. He despised himself for not being able to save Su Zimo in time. If only she hadn't fallen off that cliff, everything would have been different. He had also hurt Su Zimo deeply and caused immense pain to their children. He detested and blamed himself, but he couldn't undo everything in an instant. The only thing he could do was to try to make amends for the mistakes he had made.

Su Li stared at his sincerely remorseful eyes and nodded, feeling his heart gradually soften.

For him, he truly wished to have a complete family. It pained him to not recognize his father as his father. However, he cared more about his mother's feelings. In this world, no one could replace the special place his mother held in his heart.

"I still maintain my stance. When my mother forgives you, I will call you daddy."

Su Li still didn't let go.

But for Mu Yunxuan, he was already content. The fact that Li'er didn't reject him brought him great joy.

"Let's go, daddy will take you around Cloud City. I heard your second uncle talk about that night. Li'er and Qi Er are amazing."

Mu Yunxuan lifted Su Li up, and the father and son flew toward Cloud City.

Being in his father's arms for the second time, Su Li couldn't help but involuntarily smile. Was this what it felt like to be embraced by his father? It made him feel safe.

In the prison of the Criminal Department, numerous prisoners created a noisy and foul atmosphere. Ling Qiushui and Su Ziyun slowly regained consciousness.

Ling Qiushui regained consciousness more quickly.

Upon seeing her surroundings, her eyes narrowed, and a scene of vile actions flashed through her mind. She quickly touched her face, realizing that her face veil was gone. Looking around in horror, everything that came to mind confirmed that her memories were real.

Ling Qiushui's face turned dark, her beautiful eyes filled with frost. She coldly turned her head to look at Su Ziyun, who was slowly waking up.

"Why are we here? Can't you remember anything?"

Ling Qiushui's voice, filled with anger, pierced Su Ziyun's eardrums.

Su Ziyun then gazed at Ling Qiushui, taken aback by the grotesque and repulsive appearance that she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Who are you? Your face is so hideous."

Su Ziyun could only glimpse Ling Qiushui's true appearance occasionally, and she couldn't recognize the completely unrecognizable Ling Qiushui standing before her.

However, the information in her mind told her that the woman in front of her was Ling Qiushui.

"Ling Qiushui, who do you think you are? How dare you call me an idiot!"

"Hmph! Aren't you the idiot who exposed our identity? Are we going to destroy ourselves today because of your stupidity?"

Unable to find an outlet for her anger, Ling Qiushui directed her rage toward Su Ziyun.

"Hmph! Veiled Mysterious Man, so it was you all along."

Su Ziyun pondered for a moment, unable to comprehend why Ling Qiushui had chosen to spread rumors about Murong Shaofeng and Su Zimo instead of spreading rumors about Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan. Those three children were the Mu family's descendants, and if the world found out they were Mu Yunxuan's children, it would be nearly impossible for Ling Qiushui to marry into the Mu family. Su Ziyun finally understood everything upon seeing Ling Qiushui. Everyone knew that those three children were Mu Yunxuan's, but Ling Qiushui didn't want to let that information spread. Instead, she used Su Ziyun to tarnish Su Zimo's reputation. However, what could tarnishing Su Zimo's reputation achieve? Six years ago, Su Zimo was already an outcast, and even if her reputation was further ruined, what could she do? She still had the ability to cause a bloody storm.

Su Ziyun shouted loudly, alarming the nearby prisoners.

The prisoners eagerly anticipated a show, but they were disappointed as they couldn't catch a glimpse of the beautiful figure. Women were rare in this prison.

"Su Ziyun, don't try to shift the blame onto me. It's truly virtuous of you to be treated by Su Zimo so miserably, and yet you still have the audacity to speak ill of me."

Ling Qiushui's face turned dark, and he tore a piece of cloth from his clothes to cover his face.

"And you're no better? Look at your pustules. It's not just disgusting, even the sight of you makes me want to vomit."

Su Ziyun also sarcastically mocked Ling Qiushui. He had transformed into a ghastly figure that everyone feared, and he had the nerve to criticize others.

"Hmph!" A pleasant silver bell-like laughter rang out.

A figure dressed in purple landed in the cell.

"What a dog-eat-dog spectacle."

It was Su Zimo, wearing a purple dress, emanating a cold aura with her crisp voice.

"Who are you...?" Su Ziyun didn't ask directly, but she had a vague idea of who it was.

"Su Zimo."

Ling Qiushui gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Su Zimo? You wretch! You ruined me. Do you think you can escape? Wang Ye won't let you go."

Su Ziyun shouted excitedly.

Su Zimo's imposing presence left her at a loss.

She used to bully Su Zimo, doing whatever she pleased. But now, Su Zimo stood before her, unaffected by worldly affairs. How could she not be furious? Her dominance had been snatched away. How could Su Ziyun bear it?

"Su Ziyun, be grateful that I allowed you to live for six more years."

Su Zimo removed the mask from her face, revealing her beautiful features.

Su Ziyun and Ling Qiushui gasped in awe. They had never seen such beauty before. Su Zimo's purple dress made her fair skin appear even whiter, and her eyes were captivating.

Su Ziyun had always known that Su Zimo was beautiful, but she suppressed her at every turn because Su Zimo was more beautiful than her. Even her mother made her wear the ugliest clothes and use the worst cosmetics.

But the current Su Zimo was completely different from before. It was as if she had transformed into a different person.

Ling Qiushui looked at Su Zimo with envy. No wonder Mu Yunxuan was interested in her. With that face alone, she was worthy of attracting Mu Yunxuan's attention. However, Ling Qiushui believed that her own beauty was not inferior. She refused to believe that she couldn't win against Su Zimo.

"You're all to blame for what's happening today. Su Ziyun, I didn't expect you to betray your own mother. Your mother killed mine, and this matter will be thoroughly investigated. My brother and sister have already arrived at the Criminal Department, and I will make sure your mother pays for mine."

Su Zimo's face was cold and solemn, but it didn't diminish her beauty in the slightest.

"Su Zimo, are you really going to kill them all?"

Su Ziyun bit her lip. Today, she had been controlled by someone, and she would expose everything. Now, not only had she harmed herself, but she had also caused harm to her mother. If her mother died as well, she couldn't bear the consequences.

"It's your Su family who wants to kill them all."

Her cold gaze fixed on Su Ziyun, devoid of any mercy. The Su family would die without her pity. Su Zimo would show no mercy.

"Su Zimo, how can you say that we're sisters? Are you really going to kill me?"

"Hmph!" Su Zimo smirked as if she had heard a funny joke.

"Su Ziyun, you dare mention sisterhood to me? Did we ever have a day where we were sisters? I will make you experience the pain you inflicted on me, one by one."

Su Zimo looked at Su Ziyun with a mocking expression. This woman had an incredible audacity to speak of sisterhood. Thanks to her, Su Zimo had suffered.

"Su Zimo, go to hell!"

Ling Qiushui snarled fiercely. Jealousy and hatred burned in his eyes as he looked at Su Zimo.

He swiftly launched two poisoned silver needles towards Su Zimo.

Upon seeing this, Su Zimo's expression turned grave.

She calmly moved her body.

The silver needles grazed her body and flew past, embedding themselves in the opposite wall.

"Ling Qiushui, did you really think I wouldn't be prepared? Jin Xuan's subversive cultivation is enough to kill you, even my son could do it."

She stared at Ling Qiushui coldly, her eyes filled with sarcasm.

Her gaze grew increasingly gloomy.


Ling Qiushui laughed maniacally a few times. His appearance was extremely ugly, and after abruptly stopping, he sneered at Su Zimo.

"Su Zimo, I have long been prepared for you. When you dodged, I had already implanted the Heart Devouring Demon in your body. Your cultivation is not as high as your son's, so dealing with you is an easy task. Now, you'll taste the feeling of a fate worse than death!"

Ling Qiushui laughed wildly. However, to his surprise, his face cloth suddenly fell, and a pill appeared in his mouth.


Ling Qiushui clutched his throat violently, staring at Su Zimo in horror.

"What did you give me to eat?"

"Hmph!" Su Zimo snorted coldly. "You ask me what I gave you? Of course, it's a taste of your own medicine. Since life is better than death, let's all experience it together. I stopped the Heart-Cutting Pill that brings a fate worse than death. It's not much worse than your Heart Devourer. If you inflict twice the pain on me, I, Su Zimo, will return it tenfold. And let me tell you, this poison can only be solved by me, Su Zimo, no one else."

After speaking, Su Zimo looked at her left hand. A black spot had appeared on her palm. She had truly fallen into Ling Qiushui's trap. She had underestimated him, even though she knew he was a member of the Wu clan, her defenses were still too low.

"Su Zimo, you wretch! You won't have a good death. Do you think you can elope with Mu Yunxuan without my permission, Ling Qiushui? You're dreaming!"

Ling Qiushui angrily roared. He never expected Su Zimo to be so treacherous. Praying mantises hunt cicadas, but they themselves are prey for yellow birds. Su Zimo's cunning ran deep.

"What are you, Ling Qiushui? Su Zimo and I don't need your permission to be together. It's a joke. Even if I Su Zimo and Mu Yunxuan have children, what can you do? Who do you think you are, Ling Qiushui? I doubt you're even worthy of the name. Palace Master of the Wu Clan."

Suddenly, Ling Qiushui's eyes widened in shock, looking at Su Zimo in disbelief.

"How do you know my identity?"

For a moment, Ling Qiushui felt that Su Zimo was even more terrifying than Mu Yunxuan.

"Hmph! When someone wants to kill me, I naturally investigate their identity. I wasn't completely sure before, but you just admitted it yourself. I had long suspected that you were a member of the Wu clan. Coincidentally, I saved someone from the Wu clan. Last time, Xin'er was attacked by your Silkworm Ice Moth. I had a hunch about your identity. You are the illegitimate daughter of a Void Daoist member. You were fostered in the Ling family, but there's one thing I can't understand. How did your father determine that Mu Yunxuan could be saved through the Underworld Marriage? I came here to confirm this matter after discussing it with Mu Yunxuan that night. Something felt off, so I had Jin Die go to the Wu clan. She returned here when she received news from Jin Die."

Su Zimo's words were sharp and incisive. She looked at Ling Qiushui with confidence. Kingdie's speed was incredible, enabling her to travel to and from the Wu clan within a day. She arrived at the prison after receiving Kingdie's message.

"Since you already know, why bother asking me?"

Ling Qiushui glared angrily at Su Zimo. This woman was truly formidable. Even Mu Yunxuan couldn't find out, yet she knew everything.

"If I don't ask you, who else would I ask?"

A stern voice suddenly sounded.

Su Zimo turned around and saw Mu Yunxuan approaching, accompanied by two handsome men she didn't recognize.

And to her surprise, her son was also there.

Su Zimo quickly put on her mask.

"Mother!" Su Li exclaimed, walking to her side.

"Mmm!" Su Zimo nodded.

"Madam, why are you here alone?"

Mu Yunxuan's face exuded infinite tenderness when facing Su Zimo.

The term "Madam" caused Su Zimo's and Jincheng's lips to twitch. Yunxuan's change was astonishingly fast.

Ling Qiushui and Su Ziyun were completely dumbfounded. The situation had gone beyond their wildest imaginations. How were they involved in Mu Yunxuan's affairs?

"Yunxuan, are you really going to be so heartless?"
