
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Liberating the Heart

Ling Qiushui gazed at him with anticipation. She knew Mu Yunxuan's personality very well after living in Cloud City for some time. She understood him better than anyone else.

"Jincheng, take her away. Send her to the Wu clan and hand her over to their patriarch for punishment. This time, I want the patriarch to explain to the Mu family. Otherwise, let the Wu clan handle their own food and clothing next year," Mu Yunxuan ordered coldly. He was determined to make the Wu clan pay if they dared to harm their precious daughter.


Jincheng, dressed in a black robe, tall and remarkable, had an expressionless face that contrasted sharply with Su Zimo's gentle and soft demeanor.

Ling Qiushui took a few steps back, unwilling to be captured so easily. She knew that if she returned to the Wu clan, they would throw her into the Cave of Ten Thousand Snakes, where the deceived venomous snakes would devour her until there was nothing left.

"No, I don't want to go back. Yun Xuan, please, I truly love you. You can't be so heartless to me," Ling Qiushui pleaded, shaking her head as she looked at Mu Yunxuan.

But Mu Yunxuan's face remained expressionless, showing no intention of letting her go.

Ling Qiushui retreated, desperately searching for a way to escape.

Suddenly, a voice echoed from behind her.

"Shui'er, come with me."

Ling Qiushui's body jolted backward, and the person disappeared from the cell.

Mu Yunxuan furrowed his brow. "Jincheng, go after them. They must have used stealth techniques."

"Alright, I'll go," Jincheng turned around, his deep eyes glancing at Su Zimo before he left.

Finding herself alone in the cell, Su Ziyun grew even more afraid.

"Su, Su Zimo, what do you want?" Su Ziyun stammered.

A cold smile curled up at the corners of Su Zimo's lips. With a glimmer of coldness in her eyes, she stepped forward, her slender figure graceful like jade. Swift as lightning, she wielded her Xuan Bing Snow technique and hooked it towards Su Ziyun. Su Ziyun never expected Su Zimo to suddenly attack her.

Su Zimo forcefully pulled Su Ziyun towards her, and in a swift motion, she grabbed Su Ziyun's neck with her right hand. Su Ziyun felt an overwhelming sense of oppression. "What can I do?" Su Zimo said coldly. "It would be easier to strangle you than to crush an ant, but I won't kill you now. Killing you would only dirty my hands."

She then pushed Su Ziyun forcefully, causing her to fall to the ground, screaming in pain.

Mu Yunxuan observed the scene and asked in a deep voice, "Just letting her go?"

He knew that Su Zimo was angry with him. It was because of him that Ling Qiushui had attacked Xin'er, and now Ling Qiushui had escaped, putting the four of them in danger.

"If we don't leave, do you want to stay in this prison and wait?" Su Zimo retorted before walking out.

Seeing Su Zimo for the first time, Mu Yunxuan noticed her true face as soon as he entered the prison. He never expected that there would be such a beautiful woman in the world. While she was indeed beautiful, her temper, as Yun Han had said, was not pleasant.

Darkness surged in Mu Yunxuan's eyes. He couldn't help but feel a momentary astonishment at her peerless beauty. She always managed to attract attention wherever she went. He picked up Su Li and crossed paths with Su Zimo, but he remained silent.

"Just leaving like this?" Mu Yunxuan spoke in a deep voice, aware that she was angry with him and disappointed that he let Ling Qiushui escape, putting the four of them at risk.

"If we don't leave, do you expect us to stay in this prison and wait?" Su Zimo replied coldly before walking away.

Su Zimo saw the pain in Mu Yunxuan's eyes, but she didn't have the strength to comfort him. The pain was becoming unbearable, and she leaned against the wall for support.

"Ugh!" Su Zimo winced, her eyebrows furrowing in agony.

"Mother, what's wrong?" Su Li heard her mother's painful sound and looked at her with concern and worry.

The pain grew more intense, and Su Zimo released her grip on Su Li.

"Li'er, go on ahead by yourself. Your mother will be fine," Su Zimo reassured her, quickly checking the small black dot in her palm that was slowly moving.

Waves of pain coursed through her body, and Su Zimo worried silently. The Heart-Devouring Demon was truly powerful, but the mere thought of having a bug inside her body disgusted her to the core.

Mu Yunxuan watched Su Zimo's retreating figure and quickened his pace.

"Mother, you have sweat on your forehead. How can you say you're fine?" Su Li exclaimed angrily, looking at her mother.

Her mother always cared more about others than herself.

"Ah!" Su Zimo leaned against the wall, the pain threatening to overpower her consciousness.

"Madam, are you alright?" Mu Yunxuan hurriedly supported her, his deep eyes filled with solemnity and a hint of murderous intent.

Concerned, he gazed at her beautiful face, which was now damp with sweat.

"Where does it hurt, Madam?" Mu Yunxuan asked in a deep voice.

"Please, take me back to the villa," Su Zimo pleaded weakly once the pain subsided.

The unbearable pain beneath her eyes made it difficult to look directly at anything.

Su Li trembled with anxiety, his whole body shaking.


Su Zimo gasped for breath and looked at Su Li. "Li'er, go ahead and inform Qi Er that Ling Qiushui has used the Heart-Devouring Deception on me."

"Alright, Mother. Quercus is on his way," Su Li replied, glancing at Mu Yunxuan with trust that he would protect his mother.

"Heart-Devouring Deception?" Mu Yunxuan's eyes flickered with an intense killing intent.

"Come," he called out, his voice carrying a powerful surge of Xuan Qi.

Soon, a group of black-clothed masked men appeared beside Mu Yunxuan, forming a formidable formation.

"Dig three feet into the ground, find Ling Qiushui, and kill her without mercy!" Mu Yunxuan's cold roar expressed his deep anger.

"Yes, Holy Lord," the group of masked men responded in unison and scattered in all directions.

Mu Yunxuan's eyes narrowed, and he lifted the pain-stricken Su Zimo into his arms, swiftly flying towards Mingyue Villa.

In Bright Moon Villa, Su Qi had already made preparations and was anxiously awaiting his mother's return.

A sense of urgency filled the main hall, especially in Murong Shaofeng, who wore a self-blaming expression. He regretted not accompanying Momo when she went out. How long had she been gone? She had fallen victim to the Heart-Devouring Deception.

"Here they come!" Su Qi exclaimed with excitement as he saw his father and mother returning.

He shouted with excitement, recounting how his brother informed him that their mother had fallen victim to the Heart-Devouring Deception, causing him to sweat profusely.

Mu Yunxuan landed with Su Zimo and watched as she slowly lost consciousness due to the pain.

"Qi'er, Uncle, come quickly!" Mu Yunxuan urgently called out.

"Hurry, quickly take your mother to Mingyue Chamber," Su Qi instructed, looking back at Li Zifu. "Grandpa, you don't need to come. I will heal my mother."

Suzie spoke and ran off.

"Alas! I'm a ghost doctor! Even I can't handle you, little brat. What are you hesitating for?" Li Zifu stomped his foot in anger, feeling annoyed by a five-year-old child.

Mu Yunxuan, holding Su Zimo, disappeared from sight.

Murong Shaofeng looked at their departing figures with a pained expression. It wasn't a matter of missed opportunities or fate—it was his inability to be there for them whenever Momo was hurt.

Shoulders slumped, Murong Shaofeng's back seemed burdened with pain and helplessness, but no one noticed him in that moment.

Everyone anxiously waited for news, their worry evident.

"Daddy, quickly lay Mother on the bed," Su Qi urged.

"Alright!" Mu Yunxuan gently placed Su Zimo on the bed and removed the mask from her face.

As he observed the sweat on her face and felt the pain suffocating her, he blamed himself for not going to the prison earlier, which allowed Ling Qiushui to exploit the loophole.

"Madam, endure it a little longer. Qi Er will heal you immediately," Mu Yunxuan said with guilt, his eyes filled with anxiety.

"It's okay, I... I can endure," Su Zimo narrowed her eyes and looked at Mu Yunxuan, witnessing his anxious and remorseful expression.

Even her heart, which seemed as solid as stone, began to waver.

Su Qi quickly took out the Soul Devouring Bell, and this time, he held a white porcelain bottle in his hand.

"Daddy, hold Mother's left hand," Su Qi instructed.

"Alright!" Mu Yunxuan gently held Su Zimo's left hand.

Upon seeing the black dot in her palm, slowly moving, Su Qi's eyes flashed with determination.

"The Heart-Devouring Demon hasn't entered Mother's heart yet. It seems she was recently affected, and it can be easily resolved," Su Qi explained, his small hands moving swiftly.

"Jingle bells... Jingle bells..." Su Qi rang the Soul Devouring Bell, producing a brittle and pleasant sound. Using a golden needle, he pricked the black spot on Su Zimo's palm.

A dizzying pain caused Su Zimo to furrow her brows.

The Soul Devouring Bell in Su Qi's hand shook faster and faster, creating a trembling sensation even for Mu Yunxuan, despite his strong spiritual power.

"Daddy, close your eyes," Su Qi hurriedly instructed, forgetting to mention how powerful the Soul Devouring Bell was to his father.
