
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Murong Shao Feng

"Xingchen, Yunfan, where have you two been? You've been missing for an entire day?" Mu Yunhan inquired.

"Yun Han, my royal brother is here, and Yun Fan and I went to see him," Murong Xingchen replied, a smile appearing on the corner of her mouth. She glanced at Ling Qiushui, who had tears in her eyes, and her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Your royal brother, Murong Shaofeng?"

"Yes! Yun Han, my prince royal brother rarely leaves the Star Moon Kingdom unless there is something important. He mentioned an old man here, so he wanted to come and see him. He also wanted to discuss business with that old man."

"Deceased? Discussing business?" Mu Yunhan and Mu Yunxuan exchanged glances. It was widely known that Murong Shaofeng, the prince of the Star Moon Kingdom, rarely left the kingdom unless it was for something significant. The fact that he personally came to see someone and discuss business meant that the person was of great importance to him.

"Where is he now?" Mu Yunxuan asked. He had a good impression of Murong Shaofeng and had a connection with him. He was curious about the business Murong Shaofeng wanted to discuss, as there weren't many things that could pique Murong Shaofeng's interest.

"He is staying at the Drunken Jun Building, but my royal brother doesn't want too many people to know about his presence."

"Yun Han, go to the Drunken Jun Building and invite His Royal Highness the Prince to Yuncheng for a gathering. My relationship with him is good, and as the hosts in Yuncheng, we should extend our hospitality," Mu Yunhan suggested.

"Yes, big brother," Mu Yunhan agreed, looking at his mother-in-law.

"Yue'er, accompany your mother back home to rest!"

"Okay!" Mu Yunyue nodded. Jun Zixi didn't say anything more and left with Ling Qiushui. She knew her son well, and sometimes a gentle approach was needed.

In Mingyue Villa, after several days of reorganization, the entire villa had been stabilized. The people recruited by He Yunting had arrived, including two attendants for Su Li and Su Qi. Although the two brothers didn't pay much attention to them, they didn't let them leave either. They were to stay in Mingyue Villa.

Today, Su Qi had been following Su Li around all day.

"Brother, Mother said that Daddy is still alive. Don't you want to know who Daddy is? Where he is?"

Su Li suddenly stopped and looked at his younger brother coldly.

"Shut up! You've said this more than twenty times today. That person has nothing to do with us. I made a promise to Mother that I won't go to him. It's not easy for Mother to raise the three of us alone. In addition, Xin'er's condition is unstable. If Mother finds out that we went to find this so-called father, how hurt do you think she would be?"

Su Li roared coldly, his eyes filled with gloom as he looked at his younger brother, who didn't mean much to their mother. They were doing just fine without their father. Even if they were called illegitimate children, their origin unknown, they wouldn't be saddened. They had a mother who loved them dearly, and one day, Su Li would support the entire Bright Moon Villa, so that their mother wouldn't have to work so hard.

Su Qi shrank back and fearlessly said, "Brother, why are you so stubborn? Don't you keep ignoring me, so I keep asking? Brother, you misunderstood Qi'er's meaning. Qi'er doesn't want to recognize our father but wants to know who he is."

"Forget about it. Don't even think about it. Go refine your elixirs if you have nothing to do. Mother wants to start here, and it requires a lot of silver and experience. The pill you're refining now is already a seventh-grade Xuan-level. By advancing further, you can put Mother's mind at ease. Isn't there a pill competition in the capital of the Haoyue Kingdom in a few days? Go and participate," Su Li said, leaving abruptly.

Su Qi looked at her brother's retreating figure, pursing her lips. "I knew your mouth was stubborn, but I want to know who our father is more than you."

Su Qi muttered to herself, "Hmm! Who could it be? Jun Lantian is nothing like them. He can't be their father. No, no, I have to secretly investigate."

Su Qi placed her hands behind her back, shaking her head with a worried expression.

"Second Prince."

Su Qi turned sharply and saw the gatekeeper entering with Liu Shiyu.

"Oh! Uncle Shiyu, you're back!" Su Qi instantly smiled upon seeing Liu Shiyu.

"Yes! Why are you standing alone at the gate?" Liu Shiyu, dressed in a white robe, looked simple and capable, with a warm smile on his handsome face.

"Huh!" Su Qi scratched her head and smiled. "Uncle Shiyu, my mother and Uncle He are discussing matters in the study."

"Then I'll go to your mother first. I'll bring gifts for the three of you later."

"Thank you, Uncle Shiyu." Su Qi couldn't stop smiling. Every time Uncle Shiyu returned from the Star Moon Country, he would bring gifts for the three siblings.

In the study, Su Zimo and He Yunting were discussing matters. After He Yunting finished speaking, he noticed that Su Zimo was lost in thought again. Today, Su Zimo seemed to be distracted more than once.

"Momo, you seem absent-minded today," He Yunting remarked.

Su Zimo slowed down and replied, "Hmm, it's nothing! I'm just a bit distracted." Damn it, seeing Mu Yunxuan again managed to affect her emotions.

"Are you sure? You've spaced out twice," He Yunting said, unable to believe Su Zimo's words.

"Hmm," Su Zimo's eyes flickered with a hint of unnaturalness. "Yunting, the things you mentioned earlier are minor. We currently have thirteen shops in the capital of the Haoyue Kingdom, and they are all in good locations. The most important thing right now is finding a steward. The rest can be easily managed. Apart from the ready-to-wear, pill, and paper shops, we can put the other shops up for sale. Our focus now is on developing the paper industry. Do you remember the dwarf trees on the mountains near Mulian Village? Those trees are called Huang Ruixiang. The branches and leaves are abundant, and we can take part of the bark, while the rest can regrow in the following spring. Send someone over with some silver, so the villagers can peel the bark from the mountain and sell it to us. The skin of some rattan plants can also be used to make paper."

"Good! Momo, what about the person in charge? I've seen a few candidates, and I'll have them come over for you to meet tomorrow. As for the bark in Mulian Village, it's a small matter. I'll send someone over, and it will be done in a few days," He Yunting replied. He was now intrigued by what Su Zimo was planning to do, and he eagerly anticipated how their Bright Moon Villa's paper industry would make waves in the Haoyue Kingdom.
