
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

It is a guest, naturally treat each other with courtesy

There was a gentle knock on the door outside the study.

"What's happening?" He Yunting inquired.

"Master, Steward He, Steward Liu has returned."

"It's Shiyu who's back. Let him in," He Yunting replied, feeling relieved that someone could finally assist him after his busy two months.

"Liu Shiyu greets the master," Liu Shiyu respectfully saluted as he entered the room.

"Shiyu, you've worked hard on your journey. Have a seat," the master said, gesturing to a chair next to He Yunting.

"Thank you, master," Liu Shiyu replied and took a seat.

"Shiyu, I hope the heavens have finally repaid you," He Yunting said with a hint of relief, wondering if his joy had come too early.

"Don't rejoice too soon. I won't be able to assist you immediately upon returning. I have other matters to attend to," Su Zimo said coolly, causing He Yunting to wear a bitter expression, realizing he may have prematurely celebrated.

"Yunting, Oak is quite intelligent. She has learned many things during our travels in the past two years. During this time, take Que Er and my brother under your wing. If there's anything you can't decide, come to me," Su Zimo said with a cold squint, determined to handle the Su family and Jun Lintian now that she had returned.

Knock knock...

Another knock sounded from outside the door.

"What's the matter?" He Yunting asked.

"Master, the Taifu Mansion has arrived. They wish to see the master," Qinglian's voice came from outside.

"Escort them in and let them wait," Su Zimo furrowed her brows slightly under her mask, realizing things were slightly delayed. She wondered how formidable Su Ziyun truly was and should have anticipated how to deal with her.

"Yes, Miss."

"Momo, the people from the Taifu Mansion are undoubtedly here to cause trouble," He Yunting commented with indifference, a charming smile forming on his lips. He didn't pay much attention to the situation.

Liu Shiyu, on the other hand, frowned, worrying about Su Zimo. The master had just arrived in the capital, and she always acted decisively. He feared she might fall into a trap.

"It's natural for them to cause trouble. Although the King's decree for the concubine selection wasn't directly ordered by the Haoyue Emperor, he is aware of it. Now that the marriage has been called off due to Mingyue Villa's interference, they will undoubtedly come seeking trouble. Arrange a place for Shiyu to stay, and handle the matter yourself," Su Zimo stated firmly. She got up and walked out, having other tasks to attend to. She wouldn't allow any of those who had harmed the original owner in the Taifu Mansion to escape.

Su Zimo led Qinghe to the side hall. As soon as they entered, they saw Su Ziyun, Su Weichen, Xie Lengchan, and surprisingly, Jun Lintian as well.

Since Su Zimo's encounter with Jun Lintian on Qingyun Street, he had been restless and uncomfortable. His heart tightened, and he decided to accompany Mrs. Su to Mingyue Villa, wanting to see how this woman intended to deal with him. He had never been threatened by a woman before and felt uneasy.

Upon seeing Su Zimo enter, several people's expressions turned sour. They were invited to the side hall, which was undoubtedly an insult for those proud individuals.

Su Zimo didn't dwell on it and calmly walked to her seat. After sitting down, she spoke lightly, "Mrs. Su's words are unjust. Guests should naturally be treated with courtesy, while those who are not guests can be treated as they wish."

The second half of her statement carried a hint of coldness.


"My lord..." Xie Lengchan, sensing the situation turning sour, quickly interrupted Su Weichen.

Su Ziyun seethed with anger, but she had to suppress it. She looked at the invincible Su Zimo, feeling deeply uncomfortable. Moreover, she noticed that the man she liked kept glancing at Su Zimo, causing her heart to feel inexplicably uneasy.

"Master, there must be some misunderstanding! The day before yesterday, Nian'er and Jue'er accidentally entered Mingyue Villa. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and request that you allow their return to the Taifu Mansion," Xie Lengchan tactfully smiled, attempting to hide her malicious intent. She was clever and cunning, and even Su Zimo's father obeyed her. She had easily concealed any harm or mistreatment inflicted on the original owner by the Su household.

"Mrs. Taifu, there is no need for discussion between the master of this villa and you. Su Zimo has shown kindness to the master of this villa. Now her sister is being forced by her father into a marriage she dislikes. The master of this villa cannot stand idly by. The master of this villa has already saved her."

Su Zimo's words were direct, intending to make it clear that bringing people back was impossible. Additionally, she wanted the Su family to understand that even with royalty present, she wouldn't show the slightest bit of deference in Mingyue Villa.

This was a semi-monarchical society, and as long as one had the ability, they need not fear the royal family. Su Zimo dared to return and seek revenge, and she was fully prepared.


Xie Lengchan's face turned slightly unnatural. When had the timid and powerless Su Zimo ever saved anyone? Did she suddenly possess the ability to save people?

"May I ask, master, when did this happen?" Su Ziyun was equally puzzled. Su Zimo was a coward who could only be bullied. How could she suddenly have the capability to save someone? She couldn't comprehend it.

Jun Lintian, on the other hand, stared at Su Zimo with a fierce and scrutinizing gaze. His heart was filled with various suspicions.

"Why would the master of this villa inform you? If there's nothing else, please leave!" Su Zimo coldly issued the order to dismiss them. Next, they would have a taste of their own medicine. However, she didn't consider Xie Lengchan a good person either.

Nevertheless, Xie Lengchan persistently said, "Master, please don't be angry. Since the master is someone our Mo'er saved, the Su family is connected to us. Now that Mo'er is gone, the master still remembers this kindness. The master's character is truly admirable. It would be best for the master to leverage this goodwill and allow Nian'er and Ju'er to return to the Taifu Mansion."

Xie Lengchan didn't give up. Su Zinian's fate was tied to her daughter's life. Once Su Zinian married General Wang, whether as a concubine or the main wife, the Third Prince would undoubtedly marry Yun'er to the Three Kings Mansion. Yun'er couldn't wait any longer, and she finally saw a chance with the Third Prince, only for it to be destroyed by this sudden woman.
