
Ghost Marriage, the Abandoned Wife Has Three Treasures

Su Zimo, a daughter of the Su family who was deemed worthless and incapable of cultivation, had her engagement with the Third Prince abruptly terminated by him on the streets, just a day before their wedding. To make matters worse, her own sister took her place in the marriage to the Third Prince, making her the subject of relentless gossip in the city. Consumed by resentment, she struck herself against the gate of the Su Family, inadvertently becoming the target of others seeking a ghost marriage. When Su Zimo finally regains consciousness, she finds herself awakening in a coffin. Considering her previous actions of hitting her head on the gate, this isn't entirely surprising. However, what astonishes her is the presence of another person lying beside her, dressed in vibrant red wedding attire. Overwhelmed by this sight, she nearly loses consciousness. On the other hand, he is burdened with an inexplicable and cursed status, which has plagued his family for generations. This curse, which has now befallen him, brings about unforeseen consequences. An accidental ghost marriage, a fierce business rivalry, and a tumultuous journey of love intertwine their destinies in a profound manner.

Anta_Esterlin · Fantasy
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260 Chs

Eaten and wiped clean again

"But the outcome remains the same. Don't forget the purpose of bringing you here. Although three days may not change everything, it can greatly strengthen our relationship. Su Zimo, you have expectations for me in your heart, so you should give me a chance."

Mu Yunxuan's tone carried a hint of authority, causing Su Zimo's eyes to widen with surprise as she suddenly recalled the Mu Yunxuan she saw at the Mountain of No Return that night.

"There are many ways to build a relationship. It doesn't have to be done this way," Su Zimo expressed her reluctance, not wanting to be manipulated and used.

"For me, this is the best way," Mu Yunxuan remained steadfast. He wanted her heart to lean towards him in his own way, rather than catering to her, as that would not yield any results.

If he didn't take the initiative, Su Zimo would retreat back into her shell, and his efforts would be in vain.

"But I dare not agree to your way," Su Zimo's tone carried a touch of anger.

"Fine, I'm tired. Let's rest," Mu Yunxuan declared dominantly, leaving Su Zimo wondering what he was thinking.

He turned around and headed towards a low cabinet, retrieving a jade box and opening it.

"This is the Hundred Poisons Invincible Pill. Take it."

Upon hearing this, Su Zimo tilted her head and replied, "A Hundred Poisons Invincible Pill worth ten thousand taels of gold? You're quite generous. Why not just give me food?"

"For me, the gold mountain is not as important as your well-being. This time, I was by your side, but I failed to protect you and let you get hurt again," Mu Yunxuan expressed guilt. He didn't want her to experience even the slightest bit of pain, but it often ended up happening.

"Are you trying to compensate me?"

"Using this little thing to compensate you feels insufficient for me. I, Mu Yunxuan, want to give you the entire Mu family, but I still worry whether you want it or not," Mu Yunxuan's words sounded like a joke, but his tone was serious.

"Why not? When a big opportunity falls from the sky, no matter how big it is, you should seize it, shouldn't you?" Su Zimo's lips twitched slightly as she secretly wondered if she was the type of person who traded feelings for money.

"Heh!" Mu Yunxuan chuckled. "Your expression reveals that you don't want it."

"Who says that?!" Su Zimo stammered, realizing she had contradicted herself. Didn't she just say she wanted it?

"The look on your face gives you away. Haven't you noticed? In front of me, you become more and more unable to control your emotions. That alone proves that you hold feelings for me in your heart and that my words and thoughts matter to you," Mu Yunxuan said, catching her off guard. Could this girl read minds?

"Mo'er, as long as you don't deny your own heart, you will gradually feel my love," Mu Yunxuan didn't allow her to escape and forced her to face herself.

"I will not deny my own heart. You can rest assured. Only by seeing your own heart can you understand what you truly need," Su Zimo thought to herself. Since she couldn't escape, she wouldn't run away.

"Mo'er, take the pill," Mu Yunxuan handed her the elixir.

"When I consume this, ten thousand taels of gold will be gone," Su Zimo panicked inwardly. Ten thousand taels of gold was not easy to come by!

"Are you feeling sorry for my money?" Mu Yunxuan looked at her with an amused expression.

"Who said I feel sorry for your money?" Su Zimo swallowed the pill in one gulp.

"This way, you'll be able to see things clearly tomorrow morning. It's a beautiful sight. I brought you here with that intention," Mu Yunxuan explained. He wouldn't explain himself to just anyone. Everything he did, aside from her, was an exception.

"I miss Xin'er," Su Zimo changed the subject. In just a few hours, she realized she could no longer control her heart.

Who says ancient people don't understand romance? This Mu Yunxuan is comparable to a twenty-first-century player! Su Zimo lamented inwardly. He shouldn't be so good to her. She might really fall for him...

"Soon, Uncle Junior will bring Xin'er back, and you'll be able to see her," Mu Yunxuan also missed his daughter.


"You sleep on the soft bed," Su Zimo still disagreed with Mu Yunxuan's previous approach.

"Alright! I'll sleep on the soft bed. But once you're asleep, I'll join you. We can sleep together. I won't insist on this," Mu Yunxuan compromised.

"Dad, how can the Holy Lord be so blind? That woman might be beautiful, but beauty isn't everything!" Feng Yin, who had returned to the back garden, questioned her father. Her tone indicated her anger on behalf of Mu Yunxuan.

"Yin'er, the decisions made by the Holy Lord are not something we can question. You must remember your identity and cherish the life here. Our father and daughter can live in this paradise because of the Holy Lord's favor. You've also witnessed how the Holy Lord treats Madam. Have you ever seen the Holy Lord be so attentive to any other woman?" Uncle Ran was worried that his daughter might be swayed by this matter. After all, when a man of superior conditions and excellent appearance like the Holy Lord showed interest, it could easily captivate any woman.

"Daddy, I understand that. I understand my position. Many times, I have to suppress my feelings for the Holy Lord due to my special identity. But every time I see him, my heart can't help but grow closer," Feng Yin bit her lip. It was because of her unique status—him being the lord and her being a servant—that she often had to quell her feelings for the Holy Lord. Yet, every time she saw him, her heart couldn't help but gravitate towards him.

"Yin'er, between love and duty, one can choose to prioritize either. It all depends on your heart. You must learn to discipline yourself, fulfill your responsibilities, and stay on the right path. These are the things you should focus on. Our father and daughter have been blessed with this life, and it's thanks to the Holy Lord. We must understand the value of blessings and gratitude."

"Dad, Yin'er understands. Yin'er won't go astray. I was just venting. Since she's a woman favored by the Holy Lord, no matter who she is, we just need to do our part!"

Feng Yin smiled sweetly, and her mind instantly cleared.

"Is this Daddy's little girl? Go back and rest!" Uncle Ran smiled, looking at his daughter with relief. As a father, he wished for his daughter to find complete happiness.

"Okay! Daddy, you should rest early too!"

"Hmm!" Uncle Ran nodded and watched his daughter walk away. He knew that his daughter was not a heartless person when it came to feelings; she needed someone to guide her.

In the middle of the night, Su Zimo slowly woke up. As she tried to turn over, she realized there was a warm body behind her. She attempted to open her eyes but found that it was still dark. Su Zimo wondered if it was not yet morning or if her vision was still impaired.

"What's wrong, Mo'er?" Mu Yunxuan looked at Su Zimo, who had woken up.

"Mu Yunxuan, is it already dawn?" Su Zimo felt a sense of anxiety. Was the antidote she took last night working quickly?

"No, Mo'er, it's still dark outside," Mu Yunxuan reassured her, understanding her concerns, but his innocence remained unchanged.

"Oh, you startled me. I thought it was already morning, and I still couldn't see," Su Zimo breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Mu Yunxuan intently.

"Mu Yunxuan, aren't you supposed to be sleeping on the soft bed? How did you end up in my bed?"

"Mo'er, I felt cold!" Mu Yunxuan didn't pay much attention and didn't want to sleep alone. Since they had slept together on Sanqing Mountain, he disliked sleeping alone and enjoyed sleeping with her. Her soft body and faint fragrance captivated him.

"Cold?" Su Zimo didn't fully believe it and wanted to take the opportunity to push him away.

However, Mu Yunxuan anticipated her move and held her in his arms.

"Do you know? For the past six years, every night in my dreams was the moment you fell off the cliff. It never stopped, and when I woke up, I couldn't fall back asleep. But on the night of Sanqing Mountain, when we slept together, I didn't dream of that scene for the first time in six years. I slept until I woke up naturally," Mu Yunxuan's voice was not loud, but filled with self-blame.

Upon hearing this, Su Zimo felt a pang in her heart. For six years, she had thought that she was the only one filled with hatred and anger, but it turned out that he had suffered just like her.

"Sleep," Su Zimo finally relented, overflowing with kindness.

She turned her back to Mu Yunxuan. Although she wanted to address the issues between them, she also wanted to sleep.

Outside the courtyard, on a large tree, two men dressed in white were present—one old and one young.

"Master, are you sure about drugging Senior Brother?" The young man, dressed like a scholar, spoke with a slightly effeminate voice. His handsome face had distinct features, even more captivating than that of a woman. Despite the late hour, he continued to wave his fan.

The old man, dressed in white beside him, had a youthful appearance and an extraordinary temperament.

"How could I not? Did you not hear what they said? They're both sleeping on the same bed. Can't we take advantage of this situation? Look at your Senior Brother, he's so inept when it comes to women! He's the world's most clueless person," said Bei Cangshu, the master who had been traveling abroad with Mu Yunxuan. The slightly effeminate man was Bai Cao, Mu Yunxuan's junior brother.

"Master, if Senior Brother finds out that you drugged them and resigns as the Palace Master of Xuanxian Palace in anger, you'll be in trouble. The Bei family will have no successor," Bai Cao earnestly advised, although he was also curious. Senior Brother had never shown interest in women, so how did he end up sharing a bed with one?

"Hey, hey! Let's let the medicine take effect and head to Sanqing Mountain. Didn't your uncle mention that he took Xuan'er's daughter as his apprentice? Even though it's chaotic, your senior uncle has finally found someone to carry on his legacy. He's not worried about anything else in his life, except for lacking a successor in medical skills. He has been away for two years and has returned with a five-year-old child. It's truly amazing and joyous. It seems we'll be staying in the capital a little longer from now on," Bei Cangshu laughed mischievously, his eyes narrowing. Although he had a crazy appearance, he possessed peerless cultivation, and now someone knew of his existence.

"Are you sure Senior Brother hasn't sensed us outside now?" Bai Cao asked, raising an eyebrow as he glanced sideways at his master. Not only did he not feel awkward, but every movement he made exuded charm.

"You foolish boy! Do you think that doing something like this wouldn't make your Senior Brother sense our presence? I've set up a barrier, so your Senior Brother won't find us. If he does, can the position of Palace Master of Xuan Nether Palace be shifted to you?" Bei Cangshu chuckled, grabbing Bai Cao's collar the moment he tried to move.

"You sly brat, you're crazy! As soon as you step out of the barrier, your Senior Brother will not only detect us but also prevent you from holding back tonight. Look at the master. Let's go soon," Bei Cangshu smiled mischievously, not letting go but also not stopping. He lightly flicked the synthesized medicinal powder in his hand, sending it flying through the window and dispersing it accurately over the bed.

"Let's go," Bei Cangshu dispelled the barrier and quickly disappeared into the tree with Bai Cao following suit.

Su Zimo drifted in and out of sleep, her senses dulled. Suddenly, a distinct fragrance reached her nostrils, leading her to believe that the scent of flowers from outside had entered the room. However, she paid little attention to it.

Mu Yunxuan immediately sensed that something was amiss. How could there be such a sudden fragrance? No, he didn't want to dwell on it; his body had already reacted.

"Hmm!" Su Zimo let out a soft snort and shifted her body.

Hearing that, Mu Yunxuan, captivated by the enchanting voice, instinctively pulled Su Zimo into his embrace.

Su Zimo, half-asleep, felt a pair of strong arms wrapped tightly around her waist, exerting so much pressure that it almost felt suffocating.

Opening her eyes slightly, the darkness still enveloped her vision. Mu Yunxuan's robust and broad physique blended perfectly with her own soft and slender body, as if they were meant to be one.

Su Zimo suddenly became aware of the noticeable physical changes occurring in Mu Yunxuan's body. As she carefully identified the lingering fragrance in the air, her beautiful face underwent a subtle change in the dim night.

"Mu, Mu Yunxuan?" Su Zimo's voice sounded dull.

"Mo'er, don't be afraid. I'm here," Mu Yunxuan's deep and gentle voice reassured her. His large hands began to wander restlessly, while his hot breath brushed against Su Zimo's back. There was only one thought in his mind: he wanted to merge with her, their flowing hair intertwined like a waterfall.

The growing warmth on her body startled Su Zimo, and combined with Mu Yunxuan's physical reaction, a surge of anger surged within her in the dark of the night. Who had the audacity to drug them in the middle of the night? Su Zimo wanted nothing more than to tear that person to pieces.

Meanwhile, Bei Cangshu, on his way to Sanqing Mountain, couldn't help but sneeze a few times.

"Hmm! Who lacks virtue and wants to curse me at this hour?"

"Mu Yunxuan! Wake up! Can't you tell that someone has drugged us?"

Su Zimo spoke angrily in a lowered voice, her anger tainted by the effects of the drug, making her voice sound somewhat hoarse, not angry but rather seductive and charming.

Rather than waking up Mu Yunxuan, who had already placed his lips on her face, it only fueled his desire even more.

Mu Yunxuan flipped over violently and pinned Su Zimo beneath him. The weight made Su Zimo feel dizzy, a piercing hissing sound echoed in her ears, and she suddenly felt a cool sensation on her chest, followed by a scorching touch that made her yearn for the relief of plunging into cold water.

"Mu Yunxuan, you scoundrel!" Su Zimo was shocked and infuriated. She was both afraid and expectant.

At that moment, Mu Yunxuan's face turned red as if blood would drip from it. His handsome features, usually captivating, now tightened slightly. Beads of sweat formed on his prominent forehead and the bridge of his high nose. His bright peach eyes were gently shut, and his long and slender eyelashes trembled faintly. His sensual thin lips moved towards her face. Mu Yunxuan was too enchanting, almost like a demon capable of seducing all living beings.

Feeling Mu Yunxuan's increasingly scorching temperature and the heat emanating from his body, Su Zimo's emotions surged to their extreme. In the dead of night, someone had actually drugged them. Who could be so morally bankrupt? Su Zimo just wanted to tear them apart limb by limb.

Just as Su Zimo's thoughts became muddled, Mu Yunxuan grabbed her hands and effortlessly lifted them above her head. Their bodies entwined tightly, sending tingles throughout her body. Su Zimo widened her eyes, unable to see clearly. How could this be? Her heart filled with fear—could she not see anymore?

Sensing the uneasiness in Su Zimo, Mu Yunxuan met her gaze, his intense stare unsettling her. After blinking a few times, he slowly opened his eyes, still heavy with sleep.

"Mo'er, you're awake!" His melodious voice held a touch of charm. Recalling her alluring cries from the previous night, his heart trembled. After six years, he once again experienced the sensation of losing himself in her presence. That feeling was so beautiful, it would remain etched in his memory for a lifetime.

Su Zimo spoke coldly, "Let go of me."

Instead of getting angry, Mu Yunxuan smiled brightly. He leaned over and bit her soft lips as if expressing his dissatisfaction. The undercurrents in his deep eyes grew even more intense.

"Hmm...!" Su Zimo struggled. Did this beast want to do it again?
