
gho(st)²ories (yan/obsessive chrollo x reader)

You were so happy to finally be able to live alone only to find out that you are not as alone as you would like to be. Your deceased great aunt left you not only a house with spiders in every corner, but so much more that you can't seem to get rid of and which is becoming a greater danger.

milli0n_of_dreams · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs

Act 3, Chapter 2

It was a wise decision to listen to Ms. Abriyah and not drive just yet.

tears were streaming while you down your face while telling her everything that had happened the past week, making it hard to see and you were sure you couldn't concentrate on the road anyways.

When you finished talking she asked you if there was anything else that had happened but there was nothing so you said no.

"Not like that either?" She had opened a page in the notebook where your great-uncle talked about the broken objects that he narrowly avoided after Chrollo threw them.

You shook your head "No".

You have told your great uncle that but forgot to mention it to her.

Her eyebrows drew together for a moment before that expression disappeared again.

"Have you ever felt in danger or threatened in the house?" she asked and you didn't have to think long to give her an answer.

,,Yes,...partly.  Not really threatened, nor as if I was going to die at any moment, but I often felt uncomfortable, oppressed. The stairs from the attic jumped down on me when I went up there for the first time, I could only dodge just in time..." you admitted and thought about whether there were one or two more moments when you felt threatened or in danger.

Sure, the hair on the back of your neck stood up inexplicably from time to time, but Ms. Abriyah had already explained to you that this was completely normal when there was a ghost in the house, humans had a hidden sixth sense for it.

But even if the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, it felt more like your body was really only feeling something that your eyes couldn't perceive.

She noticed how you were deep in thoughts.

"How is your grandmother anyway?" she asked after asking you to start driving.

"She died a while ago." You replied and Ms. Abriyah apologized but you assured her that it was okay.

The train station was at the other end of town so it would be a good 30 minute drive to the house through the inevitable traffic.

When you were halfway there, Ms. Abriyah suddenly started talking, before that there was silence.

"(Y/N)" she said and her voice sounded urgent and cautious, you gave her a quick look.

"What do you think is the strongest feeling in this world?" Her gaze was straight on the street her hands laying quietly in her lap.

"Anger?" - "Almost, it's the second strongest."

Now she glanced at you, your face had regained some color.

Just as you were about to take the word for a second chance, she continued.


It was quiet for a moment and you didn't know if it was because she admired the tall treetops you approached or if she wanted to choose her next words carefully.

"Going to war over blind rage is dangerous, deadly.  But death is not the intention.  I'm sure you've heard of love stories that have a tragic ending, like Romeo and Juliet.  Because they cannot be together in life, they hope that death will unite them. When Romeo thinks Juliet has died, he takes his own life, when she wakes up because her poison didn't kill her, she is even ready to face death a second time, which she does.  Both die without ever knowing whether it will be death that can unite them."

You knew the story of Romeo and Juliet, everyone knew it.

So why was she telling you that, what was she getting at?

"People are willing to ignore their survival sense, the strongest of all senses, because there is someone they want to protect and/or have to live. Death is a dear price for love, and consciously so."

She paused and you could hear her swallow hard.

"Ghosts feel anger too, it hasn't been proven, but if they have one emotion they may have others too.  And no matter what I'm going to tell you now, don't let Chrollo know that you know."

You drove into the forest, along the pebbly-sand path still adorned with leaves through the fall.

Cold sweat formed on your forehead, why did Chrollo suddenly feel so human when you knew he wasn't?

Ms. Abriyah continued after another pause that seemed unbearable, apparently needing to collect herself.

"I think I know why you never got a clear sign from Chrollo.  He wanted to remain undetected in order to keep you in the house as long as possible and I'm afraid that once he has gathered enough energy he won't let you out unless absolutely necessary until he can no longer tie himself to the house but to you." -  "W-what do you mean by that?"

You knew what she was about to say, but you refused to accept and believe it until she confirmed it.

The sweat on your forehead slowly ran down your face and it felt like your heart was sinking into your pants.

"He wants to keep you in the house because he seems to have some sort of love for you, or at least some affection.  I've had a case similar to yours before, this ghost was behaving very much like Chrollo."

And there it was, what felt like the end.

"And I fear that this love Chrollo seems to feel is stronger than what I can do against him."

Tears welled up in your eyes again, but you blinked them away.

"And what if you can't do anything about him, do I have to move?" you asked.

You wanted to avoid that as much as possible.

Not only because you didn't have enough money to go through with this plan in the first place, but also because your parents would surely sell the house.

So the next owner would then have to deal with Chrollo.

,,It can be. However, if there are new tenants, I cannot guarantee that we will survive Chrollo. As soon as I stood across from you I could feel how strong he is now and I fear that he has gathered enough energy to manipulate far more in the house than we both would like. When I first met him he was quite weak and I was inexperienced but it seems his power is increasing at an incredible rate and I can't promise you that my experience will hold up with him."