
Chapter 9: Shadows of the Past

"Lord Hokage, Princess Tsunade, are they really okay? They don't seem to be in a good state," Hatake Sakumo asked when they were alone in the room.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, the weight of leadership visible in his weary eyes. "Well, Sakumo, I'm not sure. But sometimes, in order to rebuild, one must first go through destruction. If they can't overcome their current struggles on their own, their future strength will be compromised."

Hatake Sakumo's eyes flickered, but he remained silent, absorbing the gravity of Hiruzen's words. The room was thick with unspoken concerns.

"We don't have the luxury of time to wait for them to regain their composure. We have to resort to more forceful measures," Sarutobi Hiruzen continued, his voice carrying a mix of resolve and resignation.

Hiruzen knew the three individuals very well. As their teacher, his insight into their minds was unparalleled. His teaching skills were exceptional, and coupled with his formidable strength as a Kage, he could easily discern their mental state.

The Sannin were once proud and arrogant, prodigies even during their time at the Shinobi Academy. After graduation, they became Sarutobi Hiruzen's students and eventually part of the prestigious Hokage lineage. Their status grew even more elevated when they gained the admiration of the three Sage Regions' Summoned Beasts.

Their path as shinobi seemed smooth and effortless until they encountered Hatake Sakumo and crossed paths with the young Yasuke on the battlefields between Konoha and Sunagakure. Their mental state started becoming increasingly unstable. At that time, Danzo and Mitokado Homura were still able to keep them under control, although the signs were not yet apparent.

However, when Hatake Sakumo surpassed them and reached the Kage Level first, it completely shattered their already fragile mentality. On the battlefield, their attacks became more ruthless, their killings more frequent. They appeared calm on the surface, but in reality, they had deviated from the right path of cultivation.

If it weren't for Danzo and Mitokado Homura, who were also Sarutobi Hiruzen's disciples and their martial uncles, they might have been used as bait to lure and eliminate enemies.

A few days ago, when Hitoshi suppressed their imposing manner, it was like nullifying all their efforts, leaving them feeling frustrated and disheartened.

"I'm sorry, Sakumo. From now on, you may need to fight alongside me against them," Sarutobi Hiruzen said wearily, the burden of his decisions heavy on his shoulders.

"Don't worry, Lord Hokage. I will do my best to protect the three of them," Hatake Sakumo replied in a calm and unwavering voice.

Footsteps echoed through the halls of the Amegakure building, which rarely welcomed outsiders. Today, however, it received two unexpected guests.

"Kazekage-sama, why are the people from Konoha and Iwagakure villages still not leaving? Are they waiting for us?" Pakura couldn't help but voice her frustration as she looked ahead at Hitoshi.

"Hehe, who knows? Maybe they're just waiting for us, as you said," Hitoshi sneered, a smirk playing on his lips.

Ever since he accidentally sensed Jiraiya's presence a few days ago and noticed the change in his demeanor, he became certain of Sarutobi Hiruzen's plan. Hitoshi didn't fully understand what kind of person Jiraiya was. According to the original work, Jiraiya should be a confident and composed man. Even in his youth, he wouldn't have been as cold and ruthless as he was now.

"But why are they waiting for us?" Pakura reluctantly asked, her confusion evident.

She couldn't comprehend why, despite the negotiations being over and their obligations fulfilled, the people from the two factions were still observing them closely.

"Don't dwell on it. I'm going to meet with Hanzo. You stay here and behave," Hitoshi said, patting Pakura's head. Before leaving, he left a trace of his aura and a seal on her body, smiling as he walked inside.

"It's been a while, Kazekage-sama. I'm curious to know how things have been going for you these past few days and if you've recruited any talented individuals," Hanzo said sharply, his Kage Level Peak imposing manner emanating as he looked at Hitoshi entering the grand hall.

"I haven't found the specific talent I was looking for. I plan to visit other countries and see what I can find when I return," Hitoshi spoke honestly, not hiding anything.

Hanzo responded with a mixed expression, saying, "I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad. It's sad that Amegakure doesn't have the talents you need, but I'm glad that our patriotic education is being successful."

Hitoshi looked at Hanzo with a faint smile and replied, "It all depends on Lord Hanzo's own perspective."

Shaking his head, Hitoshi sat down on a chair and spoke indifferently. He hadn't initially intended to recruit any talents. His main purpose was to build a reputation and make preparations for the future.

"In that case, why did Kazekage-sama come to see me? Shouldn't you be preparing to return?" Hanzo abruptly raised his voice and questioned Hitoshi.

"I've come to discuss cooperation with you, Lord Hanzo. Ame no Kuni has a surplus of water, while Sunagakure is in need of it. I propose that we establish a water supply arrangement," Hitoshi replied, shaking his head and avoiding unnecessary small talk.

Hanzo hesitated upon hearing Hitoshi's proposal. He needed to carefully consider the implications. Cooperation with Sunagakure would align Amegakure with them, and this decision required thoughtful consideration.

Dragons do not consort with insects. Amegakure needs to clearly recognize their own strength and status.

"What will we gain from this?" Hanzo tapped his fingers on the table and asked, his eyes narrowing.

"At Sunagakure, we will assist you in constructing dams to prevent floods. When necessary, we can send troops to help defend against your enemies. Most importantly, we have a surplus of military supplies that have not been utilized. We can offer them to Amegakure at a low price," Hitoshi replied, preferring straightforwardness. Too many complications could easily affect his mood.

Since Hanzo inquired, Hitoshi stated the low price directly. If Hanzo agreed, it was fine. If not, Hitoshi felt he could reevaluate the value of Amegakure.

"In exchange, we, Amegakure, will send personnel to assist you in developing a water diversion plan," Hanzo declared, after considering for a moment.

"Good, straightforward, it's a deal," Hitoshi responded, expressing his satisfaction with the outcome.

The ten-year agreement coincided with the duration of the Second Shinobi World War, which worked out well.

Hanzo didn't take advantage of the opportunity to request more concessions. Overall, both parties were content with the agreement.

Hitoshi stood up and shook hands with Hanzo, signifying their cooperation.

"It's enjoyable to converse with intelligent individuals who don't create unnecessary problems," Hitoshi remarked with a smile.

"Yes, I appreciate Kazekage-sama's straightforwardness, and your generosity is highly valued," Hanzo responded.

Amegakure will address the issues discussed during their next meeting. It is precisely because they are aware of these problems that they understand what needs to be done.

"Lord Hanzo, you will not be disappointed. I am well aware of Sunagakure's scientific research capabilities, and we will also assist in resolving the issues in Ame no Kuni," Hitoshi assured, not concerned about making casual promises.

Without a signed contract, it didn't matter if he made promises in advance. If they can fulfill their commitments in the future, great. If not, Hanzo couldn't expect them to deliver.

During the rest of their time together, the two leaders discussed important matters concerning their respective nations. Eventually, the meeting concluded, and the guests and hosts parted ways with satisfaction.

Both of them knew that Hitoshi would face a challenging battle ahead.