
Chapter 8: A New Dawn

The streets of Amegakure were bustling with activity as a remarkable sight unfolded. The renowned Third Kazekage, Hitoshi of the Shinobi World, was actively recruiting individuals alongside his guards and entourage.

"We're hiring! Sunagakure has numerous job opportunities available," Hitoshi announced, his voice carrying through the rain-soaked streets.

"Whether you possess skills or are simply willing to work, come join us and experience a better life," added a representative, handing out flyers to passersby. "With a twenty-year track record, Sunagakure guarantees stability and reliability."

"Place your trust in us, and we'll provide you with a promising future," Hitoshi continued, his charismatic presence drawing the attention of the crowd.

Underneath their umbrellas, the Sunagakure representatives cheerfully greeted the people on the streets of Amegakure. "This weather is truly desirable. No more droughts, floods, or waterlogging. We can bring balance to nature," one of them remarked.

Sitting comfortably beneath a shelter, Hitoshi gazed up at the pouring rain and let out a sigh accompanied by a smile. Curiously, as the rain approached him, it naturally split apart, avoiding him completely.

"Yes, Kazekage-sama, if only this heavy rain could fall in Sunagakure. Our lives would be so much better," expressed Pakura, a female guard by his side, filled with emotion.

Hitoshi chuckled softly. "Hehe, Hanzo would certainly wish for this rain to grace our beloved Sunagakure. If we had rain like this, Ame no Kuni's national strength would rival that of Konoha."

Ame no Kuni boasts a favorable geographical location, well-established transportation, and serves as a vital commercial hub. Its lands are abundant and its forests flourish. Without these days of heavy rain, their national strength would remain concealed, unknown to the world.

Hitoshi's eyes sparkled with amusement. "Hehe, you find it amusing," he remarked with a smile.

The young female guard's eyes widened in surprise, unable to comprehend his statement.

"Pakura, as a prodigious member of the Kana Clan, remember not to limit your vision to a single perspective. Observe and explore more, as it will benefit your future," Hitoshi cast a glance at the girl beside him, speaking in a serious tone.

Pakura, the only kekkei genkai user in Sunagakure, possessed formidable combat abilities, but Hitoshi desired more for her. He didn't want a brilliant young girl to be limited to fighting and killing alone.

"Yes, Kazekage-sama," Pakura replied, bowing her head respectfully.

Inside the administrative building of Amegakure, Hanzo was engrossed in governmental affairs. "Leader, the Third Kazekage is recruiting individuals throughout the village. Should we put a stop to it?" a young shinobi asked.

"There's no need, let them proceed as they wish. The Third Kazekage, he's not a fool; he will provide an explanation," Hanzo replied, his gaze fixed on his work. Those who attain leadership positions possess astute political intelligence and have their own ways of navigating the world.

"Assign more individuals to monitor the movements of Konoha and Iwagakure. It's likely they will choose to engage in battle at Ame no Kuni," Hanzo issued another order.

"Yes, understood."

In Konoha, Sarutobi Hiruzen was consoling his three disciples, focusing primarily on comforting Tsunade. Tsunade, filled with shame and frustration, was in a foul mood and lost her temper.

With a loud bang, Tsunade forcefully slammed her fist on Sarutobi Hiruzen's desk, shaking with anger as she roared, "You old fogey, why did you succumb to such humiliation? Those scoundrels from Iwagakure and Sunagakure dared to scheme against us. Sunagakure is nothing more than a bunch of losers."

"Calm down, Tsunade. The old fogey must have his own reasons for making such decisions," Jiraiya hurriedly stepped forward to persuade Tsunade.

"Tsunade, listen to the sensei. He must have his own reasons," Orochimaru added, feeling a tingling sensation on his scalp.

After hearing their words and seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's embarrassed expression, Tsunade finally sat down, catching her breath.

"Ah, there's no other choice. Konoha is facing too many constraints. We are already fighting on multiple fronts, and we don't have the capacity to fight Sunagakure as well," Sarutobi Hiruzen said helplessly. "Besides, we haven't come away empty-handed. We've obtained something we desired."

As he finished speaking, a glimmer of excitement flashed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes. The revelation immediately caught the attention of Orochimaru and the others.

"What about the mission objectives?" Jiraiya asked cautiously.

"You fool!" Tsunade punched Jiraiya, sending him crashing to the ground.

"The research on the One-Tails by Sunagakure, that's what matters most," Orochimaru reminded them with a sly smile.

Jiraiya was filled with doubts and raised his concerns to the sensei. "Sensei, why does Konoha need the information on One-Tails? We have Lady Mito, and it's simply impossible for the Nine-Tails to cause trouble. Why do we need the information on their Bijū?" he questioned.

"You fool! We have Lady Mito here. The Nine-Tails is under control. Even if Lady Mito has passed away, we still have the Uzumaki Clan as allies. Our sealing jutsu is top-notch," Tsunade responded, looking down on Jiraiya's lack of understanding.

"Yes, as Tsunade said, our research on Bijū has been insufficient. I suspect that the power of the Third Kazekage is connected to the One-Tails. Don't you feel it? He possesses an overwhelming amount of chakra," Sarutobi Hiruzen added with a look of fear on his face.

Chakra itself is not terrifying; what's frightening is when it is combined with high IQ, a strong teacher lineage, and innate talent. Hitoshi possesses all these necessary qualities, which is why Sarutobi Hiruzen is filled with apprehension. His own Nine-Tails was equivalent to a nuclear weapon that could not be used. Other people's Bijū, on the other hand, could be used both as a nuclear weapon and as a submachine gun. This fact made him uneasy.

"Hey, old fogey, why don't we just leave Amegakure? Kumogakure shinobi are constantly watching us like tigers eyeing their prey. There's nothing for us here," Tsunade said, looking at Sarutobi Hiruzen. She had no desire to stay in this sorrowful place for even a moment. The three of them had joined forces and lost in terms of imposing manner, which was truly embarrassing.

"Don't you want to challenge Kage Level opponents?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, perplexed.

Silence fell upon the room as his words hung in the air. Don't they want it? Have they not considered the path to Kage Level? One cannot become Kage Level simply through teaching and training alone. It is impossible to reach that level without the courage to challenge higher-ranked opponents and without the determination to continuously grow. Random training and occasional sadness followed by an awakening is not how one becomes Kage Level. Bursting with chakra alone will not make one Kage Level. It is simply impossible.

In the original work, the Sannin were able to create shockwaves throughout the Shinobi World. Their battles were fought with strength, and the number of experts they encountered in their battles is unknown. They engaged in fierce fights and faced life and death battles.

Tsunade sighed and said, "Stop arguing with the old fogey. We can fight against Danzo, Lord Mirror, and you, and we won't kill each other. As for the others, we won't let them go unless it's a last resort."

She wondered if there was really no chance for them to fight against Kage Level opponents. In Konohagakure, there are several Kage Levels, such as Bunpuku and Yasuke, who fought in the Sunagakure battlefield. However, they have yet to engage in a real fight with a Kage Level opponent. Konohagakure wouldn't really harm them; they wouldn't be able to kill them considering the identities of the three of them.

Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up and walked to the window. He sat on the opposite side of the street, looking at Hitoshi, and said with a smile, "Ha, can I deceive you? Just wait, your chance will come."

Hatake Sakumo, with water stains on his clothes, appeared in the room with a brush in hand.

"Lord Hokage, Yasuke from Sunagakure has confirmed his departure. Additionally, we have received a message from Konohagakure stating that the Sandstorm at the joint border has subsided. According to the information, One-Tails Jinchuriki Bunpuku has returned to Sunagakure," Hatake Sakumo respectfully reported.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Tsunade and the others with a faint smile. "See, isn't this an opportunity?" he remarked.

Tsunade and the others clenched their fists tightly, a mixture of excitement and apprehension evident in their expressions as they looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.