
Chapter 6: Clash of Shadows

In Ame no Kuni, under the auspices of the so-called Demi-God Hanzo, the peace meeting between Sunagakure, Iwagakure Village, and Konoha officially began.

"Tsk tsk, add two more people, and we can start the Five Kage Summit," remarked Hitoshi, intrigued by the sight of the so-called shadow cloak in front of him. His eyes gleamed with amusement as he surveyed the gathering.

"Haha, Your Excellency Kazekage is indeed young," Sarutobi Hiruzen said with a gentle smile.

"A hypocritical guy," Hitoshi thought disdainfully. "Better than hiding and being deceitful, old fellow."

"He's just a junior, that's all," Hiruzen chuckled.

"The waves of the times have brought us here, and now it's time for the old man to leave," Hitoshi mused, thinking of the rapid changes in the world.

"Hmph, Tobirama that guy disappeared quickly," Hiruzen added, reminiscing about his old rival.

Swords and tongues clashed as the two old foxes bantered, leaving Hitoshi amused by their long-standing rivalry. Their playful exchange was a facade, a dance of power and history.

After observing them for a while, Hitoshi turned his attention to the other participants in the meeting. Seated in the position of the Master, Hanzo had a grim complexion, and even his mask couldn't conceal the aura of hostility surrounding him.

Onoki and the Four-Tails Jinchuriki stood behind Hanzo, both familiar faces whom Hitoshi had faced in battle. They were now fixated on him.

"Same old faces," Hitoshi thought. "But it's the new generation that interests me."

His main focus was on the three individuals who would later be known as the Sannin. Jiraiya, with his head shaking, the blonde and voluptuous Tsunade, and Orochimaru, affectionately referred to as Uncle Snake.

"Interesting, worthy of the Sannin, the protagonists of this era," Hitoshi mused, calmly signaling Yasuke to stand down and smiling in response.

Sensing the change in atmosphere, both Onoki and Sarutobi Hiruzen ceased their "discussion."

"Interesting, these three disciples of Sarutobi. Let them experience the power of the Kazekage," Hanzo quickly composed himself after a slight surprise.

"Very well. I've heard that these three youngsters possess great strength. Let them test each other. Regardless of the outcome, we can seize the opportunity," he sneered.

There was no hint of camaraderie with Konoha's allies. Once Sunagakure withdrew, they became enemies.

"Ah, I'm in a rush, but it doesn't matter. The three of them working together will be a test for the Kazekage," Sarutobi Hiruzen reluctantly conceded, still having a soft spot for his direct disciples.

After all, they were his most powerful supporters.

Yasuke paid no mind after seeing Hitoshi's signal. Onoki and the Four-Tails Jinchuriki, with a spectator's mentality, were eager to witness the outcome of Orochimaru and the others as a form of entertainment.

Both of them recognized Hitoshi as their main force, especially Onoki. The memory of being completely overwhelmed and beaten down, facing an onslaught of unfamiliar and increasingly powerful attacks, comparable to the chakra reserves of a tailed beast, was still fresh in their minds. It was clear that such a threat was beyond the capability of ordinary individuals.

"If Onoki had not allied himself with the perfect Jinchuriki, they would have been in a dire situation," Hitoshi thought, recalling past battles.

The competition of auras gradually began, and even an astute observer could immediately see that Orochimaru and his companions were at a disadvantage. Three individuals fought against one person, and sweat gradually formed on their foreheads.

"Interesting. It's no wonder that in the original work, it's not just any three Kage-level individuals who can rival Hanzo. Aside from their hidden techniques, their temperament alone is enough," Hitoshi mused.

He was slightly surprised by the strength of the three individuals. Having inherited Irene's abilities and memories, undergone intensive training with Shamon, Chiyo, and others, and even undergone body modifications, he surpassed the capabilities of an average person.

"Is this all they have?" Hitoshi thought, feeling a mix of admiration and disappointment.

"Frustrating. Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, and Uchiha Kagami are already formidable opponents. Now, the next generation of disciples has grown as well. Where does Iwagakure go from here?" Hanzo clenched his fist, feeling overwhelmed.

"Ai, Hidden Rain Village, where do we go?" Hanzo pondered, a sense of loneliness in his eyes. As a renowned figure in the Kage-level, he had earned the title of Demi-God through his own strength.

"Ai, let them go. It's good for them to experience firsthand the oppression of the Kage-level," Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head, suppressing the urge to intervene. After careful consideration, he decided that even if they would face disadvantages later, he couldn't stop it.

He couldn't bear to personally confront his own disciples, so he allowed others to do so. He could see that Hitoshi had no intention of killing.

"How is this possible? This is the true strength of the Kage level? Even when three people team up against him, they still can't budge him," Jiraiya angrily exclaimed, his heart filled with frustration.

As an apprentice of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the alternate Hokage, and a student of Kage-level shinobi, Jiraiya took great pride in his abilities. Especially after receiving the inheritance from Mount Myōboku, he couldn't help but feel a sense of superiority.

"I've underestimated the people of the world. Is this the tolerance of a Village Kage?" Orochimaru sighed inwardly, realizing that the gap between himself and his teacher was far greater than he had thought.

"Kage level?" Tsunade clenched her teeth, determined to prove herself. As a member of the Senju Clan, she refused to accept defeat and was determined to reach that level sooner or later.

"My grandfather is Senju Hashirama, the legendary Shinōbi, my second grandfather is Nìdaime Hokage Senju Tobirama, my teacher is Sāndaime Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, and my mentors are the enigmatic Shinōbi Shimura Danzo and Uchiha Kagami," Tsunade thought. "Despite growing up with such influential figures, I, too, am a shadow of Sunagakure. So why do I restrain myself?"

Tsunade's unwavering pride propelled her to take the lead in displaying an imposing presence among the three of them. Sensing Tsunade's transformation, the two who had momentarily backed down found their determination once more.

"Interesting, no wonder Tsunade becomes the Gōdaime Hokage. Holding steadfast to her beliefs is enough," Hitoshi mused with curiosity. In the original work, Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura always supported Tsunade, allowing a woman who had been absent from the village for over a decade to ascend to the position of Hokage.

Reflecting on the past ten, almost twenty, years, Hitoshi realized how much a village can change within a generation. And yet, an elderly woman could effortlessly assume the mantle of leadership.

"Now that you have arrived, let us push ourselves to the limit," Hitoshi resolved, unleashing the self-imposed restraint on his imposing aura, causing it to surge like an unleashed flood.

The imposing presence of the Tsunade trio appeared fragile, like a boat adrift in a fierce storm.

"Enough, thank you, Kazekage-sama, for your guidance," Tsunade spoke, her voice filled with gratitude, as the trio struggled to maintain their composure.

Just when Tsunade and her comrades were on the verge of collapse, a gentle sigh echoed, and two distinct Kage-level auras converged with Hitoshi's. One emanated a tranquil aura that defied the nature of a Shinōbi, while the other exuded the sharpness of a honed sword, pressing forward relentlessly.

Standing in the midst of tranquility and sharpness was Sarutobi Hiruzen, the peacekeeper, accompanied by a white-haired youth who had suddenly appeared by his side. The remaining individuals in the room cast curious gazes at the white-haired youth, their expressions filled with intrigue.

All present were at the esteemed Kage Level, yet none among them had encountered this mysterious white-haired youth before. Hitoshi's interest piqued as he observed the newcomer intently.

"How intriguing. It appears that Sarutobi Hiruzen chose not to bring his close friend Shimura Danzo or Uchiha Kagami, instead opting to bring three of his own disciples. Little did I know that he possessed such a skilled and secretive Shinōbi in his ranks," Hitoshi thought.

"Disregarding the potential of the trio, for they had not yet reached the level of Kage, would be unwise."

"Hatake Sakumo, I acknowledge your presence," the white-haired youth, identified as Hatake Sakumo, respectfully greeted the assembled leaders with a bow.