
Chapter 5: The Fractured Alliance

In the Hokage's office of Konoha Hidden Village, a tense meeting was underway among the village's leaders. The atmosphere crackled with unease as discussions about Sunagakure intensified.

With a fierce thud, Danzo slammed his hand on the table, his voice echoing with anger. "Sarutobi, why should we stop attacking Sunagakure?"

Shimura Danzo's fury was palpable, causing everyone around him to instinctively tense up, wary of his notorious temper.

"Why?" Sarutobi Hiruzen sneered, meeting Danzo's gaze with sharp eyes. "Danzo, don't you understand? If it's not clear to you, let Sakumo and Orochimaru explain it again as the commanders."

While others feared Shimura Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen did not. As the current Hokage, he had to consider the bigger picture, not just Danzo's personal vendetta.

Danzo's face contorted with frustration, but he knew he couldn't challenge Hiruzen's authority head-on. "Give me more time. I will find a way to penetrate Bunpuku's Sandstorm. I won't rush into negotiations so quickly," he said, lowering his head and trying to calm his tone under Hiruzen's piercing gaze.

"If you can't break through, we will have to keep our troops on Sunagakure's side. Not to mention Iwagakure and Kumogakure's forces at the border. Once we retreat, mobilizing our shinobi will be too late," Hiruzen asserted dominantly. "And when that time comes, it will be you, Shimura Danzo, or the Shimura clan, or even me, Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, who will bear the consequences of the loss."

Hiruzen's voice grew louder, eventually turning into a roar. He was deeply disappointed. His old comrade could no longer see the situation clearly.

Danzo retreated to his seat, bowing his head and remaining silent. The young Sarutobi Hiruzen was not someone he could easily suppress. As others witnessed this scene, they also lowered their heads, not daring to interfere in the affairs between the two close friends. Even Mitokado Homura, Utatane Koharu, and Uchiha Kagami shared the same sentiment.

"Shimura, I understand your perspective, but there is no alternative. That is Bunpuku, the current perfect Jinchuriki. With Shukaku's Chakra Reserves and the terrain of Kaze no Kuni, we are under immense pressure. If we cannot continue the attack for more than ten days, we will face a counterattack from Sunagakure's formidable territory," Hiruzen explained. "At that point, both Iwagakure and Kumogakure will not spare us."

Observing his despondent friend, Hiruzen let out a sigh and quickly regained his composure. He still felt a strong sense of responsibility and needed to engage with his friend. "Don't worry, Hiruzen. I understand the priorities. You should discuss other matters first," Danzo finally spoke, his tone subdued.

Shimura Danzo forced a smile and mustered his spirit to respond. For the first time, he realized the importance of power. He needed authority, authority that Sarutobi Hiruzen could not overlook. He no longer wanted to be suppressed and dismissed. "Understood," he replied.

Observing Danzo's attitude, Hiruzen smiled with satisfaction. Indeed, Danzo deserved to be his close friend, considering his own interests.

"Sakumo, you will go to Kaze no Kuni and discuss the next steps with Sunagakure. Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade, lead your troops to Ame no Kuni. According to the information we have, no one has been sent there yet. Kakashi, lead the Uchiha and other Konoha clan members to the border of Kaminari no Kuni and do your best to halt their advance," Hiruzen quickly issued his orders.

Mitokado Homura and Utatane Koharu remained in Konoha to assist him in safeguarding their homeland and provide support whenever needed. Sakumo and Orochimaru were dispatched. This time, Danzo's frustration made Hiruzen realize that he couldn't rely solely on his senior and junior comrades. He needed a more resolute group of individuals to support him. And who could be more loyal than their own disciples? No one.

In Sunagakure, Hitoshi grew increasingly frustrated with the slow progress of the infiltration plan. This discomfort was unbearable. For the infiltration plan, all the Jonin in Sunagakure began to focus on mastering water-based chakra. But this approach was inadequate. The progress was too slow.

"When will we start seeing results at this rate?" Hitoshi's face contorted, observing the Suna shinobi diligently practicing water-based jutsu.

"Hehe, Kazekage-sama, there's no use getting anxious. Water Release is not our specialty. Besides, the situation is much improved," Ebizo, standing nearby, said with a broad smile, his face beaming like a chrysanthemum. Having lived for several decades, he had never been this content.

"Tell me, Elder, what good news do you bring?" Hitoshi yawned, turning his head to look at Ebizo.

"There is news from Konoha and Iwagakure. They are ready to negotiate at the border," Ebizo revealed, a smile playing on his lips.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Hitoshi looked at Ebizo and asked, "What do you think this means? The tripartite peace talks. I must say, I'm grateful to them."

"It's a form of pressure. Konoha and Iwagakure had an alliance before. Now, Bunpuku is guarding Konoha's side, and Yasuke's sideline shinobi are guarding Iwagakure. With their geographical advantages, neither side can launch a major offensive. They've reached their limit," Ebizo analyzed cautiously, emphasizing the need for caution.

"In that case, our opportunity to profit is here. Gather all our 'useless' materials. Oh, and remember the gift I asked you to give to the Daimyo. Is it ready?" Hitoshi and Ebizo exchanged glances and burst into laughter. They had prepared a grand gift for the Daimyo. Since he refused to provide them with materials and chose to sell them to other countries to undermine Sunagakure, they were going to demonstrate the power of the supernatural.

In the Daimyo City of Kaze no Kuni, the Daimyo and a group of nobles were fuming with anger. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! Our supplies have completely vanished! What does Sunagakure think they're eating?" the portly Daimyo angrily bellowed at the person kneeling before him.

"Your Excellency Daimyo, we sent a message to Sunagakure. They claim that the war has caused too much damage and they have no time to address your concerns. They suggest that you send samurai to resolve the issue yourself," the nobleman quickly explained, speaking as if his words were borrowed and would need to be repaid later.

"No time to address it, hmph, very well, let's move on. Now that the war is over, we will terminate the military transactions with Iwagakure and Konoha," the Daimyo huffed, sitting back down and catching his breath. Upon hearing these words, the nobleman hurriedly exited the room, fearing any further delay. However, just as he was about to leave the grand hall, the Daimyo stopped him and assigned another urgent task.

"Oh, and make sure to assign missions near the Konoha and Iwagakure areas to me," the Daimyo added hastily, his voice still piercing through the air.

"Yes, Lord Daimyo," the others responded promptly. Once the nobles and subordinates had left, the Daimyo sat alone in his seat, muttering to himself, "Could it really be that Sunagakure and the bandits from Konoha and Iwagakure are behind this? But somehow, I feel like Sunagakure was the one who snatched everything."

"Your Excellency Daimyo, I believe it was Sunagakure who took the supplies. They are extremely impoverished, and you've reduced their missions. This is their way of preserving their so-called dignity," a scarred-faced individual emerged from a corner of the grand hall, enthusiastically addressing the Daimyo.

"I hope you're wrong. The Five Great Countries agreement is in place. Sunagakure shouldn't dare to act against it," the Daimyo reluctantly remarked. From the glimmering light in the Daimyo's eyes, it was evident that he had begun to believe the words of Scarface. He was well aware of his actions during the war, and he also understood Sunagakure's expertise in gathering information. After all, it was their specialty.

"Daimyo, please trust me and let me handle the investigation," Scarface sighed. He was well aware that his ambitious plans would not be easily achieved.

"Go ahead," Daimyo responded softly, giving his consent.

This discomfort was unbearable. For the infiltration plan, all the Jonin in Sunagakure began to focus on mastering water-based chakra. But this approach was inadequate. The progress was too slow.

"When will we start seeing results at this rate?" Hitoshi's face contorted, observing the Suna shinobi diligently practicing water-based jutsu.

"Hehe, Kazekage-sama, there's no use getting anxious. Water Release is not our specialty. Besides, the situation is much improved," Ebizo, standing nearby, said with

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