

Amelia Rosi is a very ambitious and talented girl. By meeting a wealthy businessman, the door to her dreams opens for her. But will she be brave enough to get out of her comfort zone? **** - Good morning, Miss Rosi - he muttered and passed me by accidentally nudging me. This gentle blow was enough for me to stagger and fall down from my squat to my knees. I closed my eyes at the mere thought of how pathetic it must have looked when I landed with the cloth straight under his feet. - You don't have to worry about that - he said, looking down at me with a ferocious smile. Only when I lifted my head and on the way noticed that the button in his pants was unfastened, and the shirt was being buttoned, I understood what he meant. I leaned back as if I was burned, rolling my eyes in the process. - It was inappropriate - I pointed out to him. ****

Ania_Madejska · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

- You didn't answer my calls - the brunet said as soon as I entered his office.

- Sorry, I had a lot to do.

Actually, I didn't feel like talking to anyone.

- Please sit down, I would like to talk about your project - he pointed to the chair on the other side of the desk.

I nodded and sat down in his designated spot. To be honest, I had no motivation to act. I spent a whole week working on this lousy project, but all the other problems only prevented me from working properly.

- I admit that I am pleasantly surprised - the man smiled gently at me, but I did not return the gesture.

I was playing with the eraser of my briefcase, looking at the brunet with indifferent eyesight. If a month ago I saw myself in such a hopeless position in front of someone who might want to give me a job in my dream company, I would have given myself twice in the face for revival. Suddenly, it all started to take a different picture - before that, I definitely looked at the world with a grain of salt.

- In my opinion, the only thing that could be improved is the investor's cost estimate. It is not legible and I think you did not include some important information there - he leaned in over the desk and he looked from the computer to me. - Do you have it on paper?

I nodded my head and opened the briefcase that I had been keeping in my lap so far. I took out a pile of sheets and put them on the desk, letting the brunette take them into his own hands. I watched him carefully page after page, muttering some remarks under his breath that I wasn't listening to anyway because I was focused on one thing - a cramped studio apartment or a house.

- Are you looking for a tenant?

- Listen? - I frowned, breaking out of my thoughts.

- You printed a few ads - he twisted one of the sheets in my direction.

- That shouldn't be in this briefcase, sorry - I sighed and took it from his hand immediately making a small ball of it.

Brunet put the papers on the desk and lowered his back to the back of his large armchair. He looked at me for a moment in silence, apparently noticing my unusual humor.

- Don't you think it's a bit dangerous to rent a room to a stranger? - he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

- There's always a risk - I shrugged.

- Isn't it better to look among your friends?

- It's more of a personal matter where I'm going to look for a tenant - I muttered and looked around the office for a trash can.

- Okay, so let's go back to what we've met here for - he said in a slightly irritated tone.

- It's out of date - I shook my head. - Sorry for causing you so much trouble with this and just taking your time unnecessarily - I got up from my seat.

- How is it out of date?

- Just. I needn't even come here. Sorry again and goodbye - I said, and headed for the door, clutching my briefcase.

I am a master in dealing with various matters.

- Miss Rosi - he stretched, sighing heavily.

I glanced at him over the shoulder before pushing the handle and stepping out into the hallway. Seeing that I was not going to stop, Brunet rose from his chair and headed towards me with a quick step. Apparently, she remembers that I'm also good at escaping the scene.

- Could we talk? - He grabbed my arm, stopping me in a half-step.

- What would you like to talk to me about? - I asked, turning to face him.

- I see you have a problem - he scanned my face as if trying to find in it the reasons for this decision.

- Whether I have it or not, you are still at work and have more important things on your mind than moving an almost unknown girl - I said, shrugging my shoulders.

- Are you moving? - he raised his eyebrows questioningly.

- Boss, could I ask you for a moment? - A short chestnut leaned out from behind one door and looked at the man with questioning eyes.

- Yes, I'll be there in a moment - he said quickly, his eyes returning to me in a moment.

- Sorry again for the inconvenience - I smiled sadly and took a step back.

- I think you like to apologize - he shook his head amused, then glanced at his watch.

- Maybe I don't have much time right now, but I'll pick you up after six and we'll talk then.

- That's very kind of you, but I don't feel like crying on anyone's shoulder.

- It wasn't Miss Rosi's offer - he said, and a moment later he disappeared through the glass doors of his employees' office.

I raised my eyebrows up and for a moment I stood there watching him walk over to the round table and lean over it, resting his hands on the tabletop. He shook his head and pointed at something, then laughed, patting another man on the back.

I peeled off the ground the moment he turned his head towards the door for a moment, glanced at me for a moment, and strode fiercely towards the elevator.


I groaned loudly as I managed to put another carton of things against the wall. It's unbelievable how much lumber I managed to pick up during these three years of living here. Not once did it occur to me to change them and throw them away in case I find myself in the situation I am now - in the event of a move-out. I've already taken ten bags of rubbish into the trash, and I'm not even half of what should have been thrown away. In addition, flying up and downstairs is mercilessly tiring.

I threw more unnecessary items into a large black bag and when it was completely full I tied it with a ribbon and put it in front of the door. I slipped my shoes on and once again, within an hour, I started my trip to the neighborhood trash. I locked the door because prudent is always insured - although if someone decided to steal some candlesticks, he would at least help me get rid of them.

I kicked the exit door with my foot and slowly began to follow the path in the right direction.

- I thought you forgot about me - a familiar voice sounded right behind me.

I turned to face him and put the bags on the ground. He was leaning against the hood of his car, just like in all those teen movies. He must have come here immediately after work because he was still wearing a suit, but completely stripped of his jacket and tie. He pulled the fabric of his shirt out and rolled up the sleeves to the elbows.

And I? A gray mouse on its way to a smelly dumpster. Perfectly.

- How long have you been waiting? - I asked, deep down hoping he had just arrived.

- We've got six-thirty, and you still not answering the phone - he said, and pushed himself away from the car, then headed towards me.

- I didn't think you'd really come - I said, embarrassed, and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

- If I declare something, I keep my word - he looked at me significantly.

- I've been busy - I sighed and grabbed the two bags again, intending to return them to their rightful place.

- I'll take them there - he said, and took them from me.

I didn't resist because I lost my strength completely after the fifth time, and this one was probably nasty.

- You must have taken the whole house there - he laughed low, commenting on the sight of a large number of bags.

- If it were that simple - I sighed, watching him go.

- Now you take a well-deserved break - he winked at me.


- What for you? - the waiter asked after he had saved my order.

- The same - the brunet nodded and returned to me with his eyes. - So now you will tell me why you don't want a job with my company?

- It's not that I don't want - I laughed softly. - Actually, it was what I dreamed about for the last six months, but it has just changed a little for me since then, and now I just ... have to move out - I shrugged and looked away at the window through which I could see the crowded streets.

- Where are you moving to?

- I'm going back to my family home - I smiled sadly, playing under the table with my fingers.

Only I could understand why it is so hard for me to go there.

- How far? - he asked, his elbows resting on the tabletop.

- Three hundred kilometers from here - I looked at him.

Brunet raised his eyebrows and looked at me for a moment without a word, then fell back on the back of the chair, completely not hiding his shock.

- Was that your decision?

- Yes.

- Coffee for you - the waiter appeared next to our table and placed two cups of caffe latte on it. Before we could answer something, he disappeared to pick up the order from more customers.

- You don't look happy to be going there - he said, looking at me closely.

- Because I was sure I wouldn't have to go back there until I was completely old and needed peace and quiet.

- So it's a small town?

- Countryside.

- Is it because you didn't find a roommate?

- Yes, I mean, I still had the opportunity to move to the studio, the block next door - I said and picked up the cup.

- What was wrong with her?

- Maybe she was fine, but not me - I laughed softly, taking a sip of my coffee.

- Miss Rosi, do not talk in riddles - the brunet did not take his intense eyes off me for a moment.

- It's just ... a childhood trauma prevents me from living in such an area.

The man thought about something for a moment, then narrowed his eyes at me.

- Can we finish this conversation in the car? - he asked, taking money from his wallet.

- I'll pay for mine - I smiled gently, so he shook his head amused.

Well, for him, pay for a coffee is just like a bread crumb for a pigeon.

I got up from my seat, not really understanding why he wanted to leave so suddenly, but obediently headed for the door he opened for me.

- Getting back to our conversation - he said as he started out of the parking lot. - I also go crazy in small rooms. However, I have the impression that there is something much more serious behind your phobia.

- Why do you think so? - I laughed softly.

- Because I managed to notice how much you care about your studies in the States and probably if not for some unpleasant situation you would have moved there a long time ago to save some money - he shrugged, glancing at me temporarily.

I leaned my head against the headrest and said nothing. I sighed softly and stared at the windshield.

- I'm not going to force you to tell me anything, but sometimes it's easier for someone to spill out - he said, noting that I was getting even more depressed.

- First, you need to find a trustworthy person - I pointed out.

- Come with me, please - he nodded, then parked right under one of the skyscrapers.

I got out of the car and looked up to see the top of the building, but it was too dark for me to see it. Only a few windows had a light on, which had a dark effect.

Brunet placed his hand on the bottom of my back, leading me to the entrance. The look on his face He didn't even reveal his intentions as he passed the reception desk completely indifferently and headed for the elevator. He pressed the twenty-fifth floor on the panel and smiled mysteriously.

- You don't have to be afraid - he laughed softly.

What could he do to me there? Throw on the bed and rape?

- In case of anything, I can scream aloud - I declared.

- Valuable information, Miss Rosi - he smirked.

I rolled my eyes as I realized how he took it. His hand landed on my back again as the elevator reached the correct floor. We walked in silence through a completely dark corridor. I had the feeling that he knew exactly where the light switch was, but he had a great time seeing the confusion in my face as he led me into the ever deeper darkness.

- It's scary - I laughed nervously.

I parted my mouth as his hand tightened on my hip and pressed my body tighter against his side to cheer me up. It did not last long, however, because literally a few seconds later he let go of me, leaving an amazing void. He slipped his hand into his pants pockets and pulled out the key, which he then inserted into the lock. He swung it deftly twice to the left and a moment later pushed the door forward, inviting me in with a gesture of his hand.

I stepped over the threshold and automatically smiled when I saw the living room with glass windows. Without waiting for brunet's permission, I came closer and parted my lips at the sight of the night panorama of the city.

It's always been so fucking exciting to me.

- I don't think I have to ask if you like it - the man laughed and sat comfortably on the big couch, his keys jingling in his hand.

- Like that understatement - I said dreamily. - This is your apartment? - Finally, I looked away from the glass and looked at the brunet.

- Yes, and in fact, it has been completely empty for a good few months.

I nodded and looked from side to side, even though the room was lit only by rays from outside.

This guy likes the dark.

I shyly sat down next to him on the couch when I noticed him staring at me all the time.

- I bought it for myself to have a quiet place of my own when everyone is pissing me off - he laughed softly, staring at me from the side.

- It seems to be a really quiet place.

- Now you can live here.

- Listen?

- I don't want to lose someone so young and talented in my company, so I want you to stay in town and live here - he shrugged. - You don't have to worry about any fees.

- No way - I shook my head. - It is not a shabby cottage so that I could live in it without any remorse.

- Why would you feel guilty?

- It's just ... it costs too much to take it just like that as a gift.

Brunet ran his hand over his chin, then leaned forward, supporting his elbows on his knees.

- I was supposed to hire someone to look after the place anyway. I was away for two months and all the flowers are withered - he muttered, rising from the couch. He walked over to a large fern and touched the completely dry leaf.

- It's still not enough for a free apartment in such an apartment.

- At least see the rest of the rooms.

- That I can do - I laughed and stood right next to him to lead me somewhere else.

Kitchen, huge bathroom, and finally a bedroom with a giant bed in the middle of the room. Brunet turned on the light, laughing softly under his breath.

- If only you could see your eyes sparkle at the sight of this apartment.

- Well, what if you want to take a break from the world and this apartment will not be empty anymore? - I asked, turning towards him.

- I'll come and take the other side of the bed without asking anyone's opinion - he shrugged, his intense gaze shifting to me.