
Get stronger in the multiverse

This is my first novel and English isn’t my main language so I am really sorry if it’s hard to read. ——————————————————— this is story about Mc travel though the multiverse to get stronger and of course get harem. Mc wil have starter pack and the system will help mc when mc go to the world that have super power like give mana or something.But the main function will be travel through the anime verse. first word : high school of the dead second world : demon slayer third world : Mairimashita! Iruma-kun fourth world : Naruto

Over_Sleep · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 24 New items

The next morning I came to school with Alice and Clara.

"Let's us go inside our classroom" So this is the Misfits Class huh.

I take out the bokuto and push the door.

Then a lots of weapon fall down at me.

'Fifth Form : Heat Lightning '

I unleashed upward sword slash and make sword wave to dispel all weapon.

"WOW. So cool!!" my classmates shouted excitedly.

"What are you all doing?" Alice said with angry looks.

"It's just a pranks" Demon with yellow hair said.

Then they start to talks about their bet.

I walk in and take half of money from their bet.

"It's me who participated so It's okay If I take half right?" I said with a harmless smile.

"No no it's okay" the one who have money said with sweats on his head.

Then a tall super saiyan blonde hair style come in and boast about how he will become demon king.

After sometime passed our teacher come.

"You are too lound. I am your homeroom teacher Naberius Kalego. Let's go to perform our class" He said with angry look and walk away while Clara go snoozed him.

-Behind the school : Peak-

" You all will fly and reach the flag on other side of valley as fast as possible " He said.

"Then let's started" He gave signal.

I use my magic power to transform celestial to demon wing form and start to fly.

'System find the fastest way to reach the goal" I said.


After sometimes passed I finally reached the goal.

'It's look like Sabnock was helped by teacher huh' I think while stole a glance at him.

And then Kalego sensei call out the owl that will give us ranking badges.

Then when I picking up my badge.I feel something on my right index finger 'So this should be ring of gluttony huh'

Before the owl fly away I forceful find another base and pull it out.

'I…Is that ring like in the prophecy?' Sabnock think while looking at my ring.

'Gimel rank three huh not bad' I think while I looked at my badge and then focus on my new item.

[ "Ring of Gluttony (Growth type)

The more user magic powers grows the more magic powers that can store in the ring ]

[System met requirements to update. Sleep mode on]

'Huh' I feel a little surprised.

And then like in anime my ring have a shadow come out and it started screaming until everyone fell to the ground.

I laughed out at my classmate,well they are the one who started first.I am a petty person after all.

'It's seem like this ring won't absorb the owner magic power. Good thing then' I think.

After sometimes my gramps come and fill it's with magic power.

So like that my tiring day at school end.

-At home-

"Shiki-Kun this is your sword that I borrowed" Gramps said while returned my sword to me.

"I have the best blacksmith that I know upgrade it with many materials"Gramps explained excited looks.

"It's now more sturdy , more sharp , more lethal to demon and you said before you want to learn lightning magic right?" Gramp asked.


"This sword can now easily channel lightning elements and can also amplify them multiplefold. Take it as Congulations gift " Gramps explained with a happy face.

'Double f**k'

'This is just a lightning-holy sword, right? Damn, so this is how a heir with strong backgrounds feels' I think.

"Thank you Gramps" I said with sincerity smile.

"It's okay but can I take pictures of you with sword?" Gramps excitedly asked.

"Yes, sure gramps" I replied and take some pictures with gramps.

-At night-

'With this ring of gluttony. I need to practice how to control my magic seriously and also learn lightning magic too' I think.

'If I master lightning magic. I can use it without chants like Alice's fire magic's. Now I feel very excited because I don't have ploblem with my mana pool anymore.