
Get stronger in the multiverse

This is my first novel and English isn’t my main language so I am really sorry if it’s hard to read. ——————————————————— this is story about Mc travel though the multiverse to get stronger and of course get harem. Mc wil have starter pack and the system will help mc when mc go to the world that have super power like give mana or something.But the main function will be travel through the anime verse. first word : high school of the dead second world : demon slayer third world : Mairimashita! Iruma-kun fourth world : Naruto

Over_Sleep · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 23 test and new friend

-swoosh swoosh-

I am now practicing my sword in the morning.

"Oh, Are uou praticing sword art Shiki-Kun" Gramps said.

"Ah yes" I nod at gramps.

"Can I look at your sword? Shiki-Kun" Gramps asked.

"Ah, yes here" I handed my nichirin sword to gramps.

"Oh this sword have properties to harm demons. Where did you get it Shiki-Kun?" Gramps asked with curious tone.

"Well after gramps said that I have magic power.I found out that I have storage magic and in my storage I found this sword and some items." I said.

"Em maybe it's your bloodline magic" Gramps said.

"Can I borrowed your sword for a while?" Gramps asked.

"Ah, yes" I said. Well, as if I had choices but Gramps shouldn't do anything to me, So I guess it's okay.

Then after I had my breakfast. I go to school.

-3 POV-

"You could have adopted as many demon as you'd liked and yet you choose a human as your grandchild.What are you thinking? Sullivan-Sam's" Opera asked.

"Not really" Sullivan answered.

"It's just that They are cuter the more trouble they are. Alright Let's follow him" Sullivan said while take out his camera.

"No you have work to do today" Opera said while drag his master away.

-3 POV end-

"Good morning Shiki-Sama" Alice said while bow at me. Well I said to him last time that he didn't need to kneel down but he's so stubborn. We end up that he's just bow is enough.

"Hello Alice" I said.

" It's the honor student"

"Asmodeus really is serving him"

The group of demons gossip.

-At first class (summoning test)-

"I am today Administrator, Naberius Kalego." Demon that have purple hair said.

"Whether you are trash or somewhat useful. I will be the one who judge" He said.

"For example the one who use their grandfather influence" He said while glance at me.

"Your grandfather already submit that you didn't have to take the exam" He said with annoyance.

'Ha, I already talked with gramps. I don't want to summon demon like original and make everyone suspicious about me after all'

"Well, I am a demon so do bad things is normal right?" I said with cheeky smile.

"Then bye sensei, bye Alice I will wait for you." I said.

"Hi. Shiki-sama I will do my best" Alice replied.

'Shi, just as annoying as his grandfather. Kalego think.

Then after that I went out for walk.

"Rolling Thunder" Someone roll past me and

crash into something.

"Whoa. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I am Clara do you want to play with me" she asked with excited look.

"Hmp I am quiet free now so it's okay. I am Shiki let's play." So it's her let's get along well and I also want to beat some bastard that scam her too.

After we finish I playing.

She pull some juice from her small bag and give it's to me. ( She has bloodline magic that can pull out everything she have seen before)

"Oh thanks I will pay" I said.

"It's okay It's compensation,If I don't give they something they won't play with me" She looks at the ground.

Then the three demons come and call Clara to give them some snacks but I cut them off.

"Oh! Is it fun to do this thing?" I spoked at three of them.

"Y.. you are honor student." One of them spoke.

I pull out gin-san bokuto from my inventory.

"Don't come near her again" I said.

"What if we do" they asked like third rate villain.

'Second Form : Rice Spirit'

I released five arched slash at them and knocked them out instantly.

"Then I will beat you up" I said. Well, They can't hear now.

"And you" I said while pointed my finger at her.

"W..What?" She said while looks very nervous.

"Even you don't give something to me if I have free time I will still play with you.So don't go to this trashs again"I said.

"R..really" She said.

"Yes,sure I promised" I replied to her with a smile.

"Uwahhhh Shiki-chi" She cried out and hug me tightly.

"There there" I said while pat her back.

'Children are very troublesome but I don't hate them' I think.

"Shiki-Sama" Alice come and shouted.

"Who are you don't come near Shiki-Sama" Alice said when he see Clara.

And then they start bicker.

'It's seem I already have two subord..ahem! I mean friends like the original work' I think while walk away.