
Get out of the Game

When all you knew becomes a game. You must over come it all with your friends and family. Matthew was a friend to all and a co-designer to a major gaming company. He and his friend created a full VR suit for a popular zombie company test run. When it all went wrong one day.

Intentcentaur79 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

1.6 Let the Games Begin

I'll retake my suit with an automatic crossbow with incendiary and explosive tips as well

one that shoots two at a time. Tons of oil and cloth for the large arrows for this castle place. I

need land mines, to place around my second weapon will be a great sword that is molded by the

four elements.

All done but you can't use the same armor because all the stuff does have a duration and

your helmet has run out it may be better to use a new mask a swift suit should do.

Why does it have a duration on it? I never saw one on it when it was in my hands.

It did it's just small plus you kept changing your stuff. If you had continued with your

first weapons they would have broken but you also put a lot of power through them, so it

accelerated their destruction.

Hey, Matthew are you in there still. Jim and I are a bit worried about you, and we are

ready to go start the level. Axe said.

Ok good let's get to work I said.

Hank, we will continue when we are done, and I got a plan for this map as well.

Good luck Matthew and I hope you can win this map without them seeing you this time.

Matthew, are you ok you were in there for a while compared to last time, and we thought

we heard you talking to yourself, but when we got close, it went silent like nobody was in there.

Yes Jim and Axe I'm fine I know I was acting weird earlier, but that's ok it was a bit of a

shock to me, I think it's over now. Ok, you two should head to the cannons while I load the

arrows in the front and middle don't fire anything until I signal.

Ok are you sure you can handle all of this by yourself are you sure you don't want help

with those is alright.

No, I'll be fine with just now with you guys down there just hurry and close the gates

behind you, so the zombies don't get in as fast.

Yes, and with the three of us, it should work for us you two shut off all the entrances. I'll

use the castle defenses to defeat them.

Is that it?

If you see the half of it, I said to myself.

Three...two...one... Star, once again it started the same but only with two hundred fifty

zombies up to around eight. It was easy to keep them from entering the castle with the massive

and explosive arrows.

What is going on compared to last time, it was a breeze that is going on is what Hank said

is going to happen to us in the long run. I can't believe what is going to happen now?

Round..round final three thousand zombies and five hundred climbers.

What, what happened it just was round eight now it's the round with five hundred strong

zombies. He was right something terrible did happen if this happened the second time and what

will happen that last two times.

I'm glad I didn't overdo it too much in the first eight rounds, and most of the mines are

still intact, but I know the first wall is a week, so I'm going to the middle so that the zombies can

fall into my traps. But I don't know what those names mean. It's that they can climb the walls

which are not good for us anyhow it's time to light traps.

I started to fire flame rounds onto the gas-filled spike pits that were already filled with

their corpses. The whole middle filled with fire and that's when the new ones came up to the top

of the wall which caused the auto-turrets to focus on them and light. Which was terrible as they

were loaded with explosive rounds.

No, I can't stay here anymore to get out of here before they go off.

I jumped down to the last ground behind the third and final gate before the castle doors.

So did one of the climbers and just before he was five feet from me a massive bomb went off,

and a cannonball hit him and went through the walkway around the third wall.

Thanks for that. It was a close one thanks to you guys.

No problem but what was that thing it leaped just as far as you did it wasn't any regular


From what I can tell I think they are called climbing zombies so more or less can do what

their names imply.

There's more than one kind of zombie in this game.

It seems to be that way.

What do we do now that they can climb the walls?

What do you think? Just shooting them down with the cannons. The only way to throw a

fiery inferno here so I don't think they'll come through here anytime soon so it should be safe.

That was our only shot. There was only one cannon and one cannonball. Plus it locks up

again, so we don't have the best weapons.

What, give me your equipment, and I'll see what I can do about that and why did it lock

up again don't tell me because Max left. I must find out why it's locked still; it also could be

because of the new level. Either way, I can not let them get evil weapons. I can do this only if I

have just as good companions and they can be going around with less than par guns.

Ok but I don't see the reason why we should you can't do anything about them now can


Just have to try and see.

Trade for better weapons in blades and crossbows.

Access granted better weapons no sent thank you for using master can't summon.

It works way better, and that was a new voice a female could have been. I was sure that

each sound I've heard is a real person but who are they?

Axe here my crossbow and a long sword while Jim here is the katana and a regular


Now you two, please go to the top two towers and be careful. I will stay here and while I

remained here and started the zombies. That will be when you two fire arrows down here killing

the zombies from afar. So that none will follow you back by the noise.

If you say so but are you sure Matthew there are still four hundred of that thing and

they're not slow. It's ok but Jm I'm taking the sword back I think I might need it if things get hair

down here but you two need to hurry up, or I'll be in trouble.

Ok, Matthew, we'll be there soon to give you support on this.

Thank you, guys.

As soon as they entered the main castle, the walls were surrounded by the new zombies

and at least two hundred of them were there.

So you were waiting on just me I could tell that, but I don't think they did so are you

going to fight me or not.

They all started to jump down into the small arena-filling it up fast so that they could

block me from the two exits, but I already know that I wouldn't be leaving until I defeat most of


Let's see how fast you guys can go.

I ran towards the wall but was stopped by the others that had already climbed the fence.

So you expected me to do that so you also know of what I can do so I'm going to have to

try something new, maybe this will work as I've only seen it in a movie. One hundred

twenty-pound vortexes of the flaming dragon.

A sideways tornado formed out of the wind of blades that had taken out the first three

gates and the fifty-nine zombies blocking it. Most of the zombies backed away or rejoined the

wall of zombies. Now we got three hundred forty-five left, and it seems both of them have

reached the towers and are shooting at the zombies on the walls.

Right looks like support here now it's time to use both swords on them.

I zipped around unable to be spotted by them with their crossbow sights.

I took out Jim's blade as well and jumped up on the wall to start taking out the zombies

which would have been a smart plan if they didn't jump down as soon as I did and run into the

castle building.

No, they are going after the other two in the towers I need to tell them and fast, or else I'll

lose both of them. I'm sorry, but if I don't do this, I'll miss them to those zombies again.

I ran to the tower, but they were already climbing and going up the stairs, so I took both

my swords and climbed up the wall of the tower as well.



Axe be careful with that Matthew to catch me.


I slammed the sword into the wall and reached my left out as Axe jumped from the

middle of the tower.

What happened.

They came after the two of you. Once I jumped up on the wall they jumped down and

entered the castle. Then why are you here with me Jim only has the auto-crossbow

I know, but I was closer to you, so I came here plus I believe that he can pull something

off until we get there.

Ok then you head there I'll go into the castle and enter the keep the tallest tower and

barracked the door if that's ok with you.

Ok, that sounds good to me so go on ahead Jim, and I will be there soon to do the same.

So as I broke the sound barrier to get to Jim, I heard him yelling as he had gotten hit in

the left arm tearing the skin down to the bone. He hit the ground, but this time I was there in time

to stop the zombies.

As the last thirty zombies circled around Jim I cut their heads off and they collapsed to

the ground.

How did you get here so fast, didn't you just save Axe from falling down and then me

from the herd of those things. I can believe it, even though I was a zero health or a second later

you healed me while fighting. Matthew thanks but it's time to check…

Ok, he must have gone to the world map overview. I am more than likely heading back to


Hello, Matthew welcome to the game I have been expecting you and I hope you have fun.

Hey, who are you?

You will find out in time, and I hope the time you spend is unpleasant indeed.

Welcome back to the armory Matthew.

Hank somebody just talked to me in the last few minutes is there any way to figure out
