
Genus Ad Divinitatem

So painful were those moments When the earth shook and the seas rose How cheerful life could stand still As though everything was killed All the happiness gone once for all That seemed to me a painful fall Everything I knew wiped away All I could hear was the deafening silence All I could feel was emptiness As if everything was shrouded in darkness All I could hear was my sister crying in madness Adapted from Farah Sherazi's Destruction, Death and Decay.

Yamaguchi03 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Chapter 24: Base Exchange

It was the third day after Raziel arrived in Red River navy base that he was allowed to leave the Vice-Admiral's apartment. The night he was branded, Vice-Admiral Rowland had ordered for a durag to be delivered to a base exchange on the naval base. The durag was meant for Raziel to cover the branding on his forehead.

Raziel walked behind Betty and was using his hand to hide the scar on his forehead.

Betty stopped and used her hand to push Raziel's hand away from his forehead, "There's no point in what you're doing. Everyone on this base knows you have a mark on you. The Vice-Admiral made sure of it."

Raziel put his hand down. He seemed to accept his fate but he was uncomfortable with everyone staring at him.

He asked Betty, "What level are you? I saw you use your powers two days ago. You're a water pathway superhuman."

Betty skipped on the road leading to the base exchange. She nodded her head, "Yes. I'm at level 2."

Raziel was confused, "If you're at level 2, why working for the Vice-Admiral as a maid? Surely, there must be other lucrative jobs for a level 2 superhuman."

Betty shook her head, "True, there are good jobs for a level 2 superhuman but nothing beats working under the Vice-Admiral. He is the strongest in Nicaorh. The amount of power he wields is not something you can imagine. He has access to every form of knowledge there is in Nicaorh. Why do you think I was able to reach level 2 quickly? In this world, without the corresponding knowledge you can't advance."

She looked back at Raziel, "If you had the right knowledge, you could have been a level 3 superhuman by now. In fact, you might have been a level 4. Working for the right people will benefit your advancement."

They had reached the base exchange by the tike Betty was done talking. Right before they entered, Betty said to Raziel, "It's in your best interests to serve the Vice-Admiral properly. It doesn't matter whether you like or not. The easiest way to become very strong is by following someone stronger."

Betty greeted the owner of the base exchange, Agnes in a cheerful manner. They seemed to know each other. Agnes was standing behind a counter smoking a cigarette.

Betty whispered to Raziel, "Agnes can get you anything you want. The legality doesn't matter. You should keep contact with her. She can help you get stuffs even when you get to the capital."

Raziel nodded as a greeting to Agnes, "Hello!" He pointed at his forehead, "I'm sure you know who I am."

Agnes stretched her hands forward for a shake, "I know who you are Raziel. I'm Agnes. I'm pretty sure Betty had introduced me."

Raziel shook her hand and was surprised. She had slipped a burner phone into his hand. Her handshake was even too strong for someone that looks like she was in her sixties.

Agnes pulled him forward with her strong grip and whispered in his ear, "You can use the burner to contact me whenever you need something you can't get in an ordinary store. It's very secure. I don't sell out my customers."

Agnes released her grip and took out a durag from under the counter and passed it to him, "This durag was made out of a level 2 leopard skin. It's very strong and won't be easily destroyed."

Raziel collected the durag from her and wondered what to do with it. He had never used one before.

Agnes could see his dilemma and asked him to move closer. She helped him to tie the durag and handed him a mirror, "You should go on YouTube and learn how to tie a durag."

The durag was grey colored and accentuated his face. He instantly liked it. It also performed it's primary duty which was hiding the mark on his forehead. He instantly took a liking to Agnes.

Agnes said to Betty who was going through the shelves in the base exchange, "I hope you brought money with you this time. I can't sell to you on credit anymore. You're already owing me a lot and your salary can't cover it."

Betty came back to the counter, "What? How much am I owing you?"

Agnes pulled out her credit book, "You're owing me six thousand dollars and you only make two thousand dollars a month."

After the world disaster, everyone was using a unified currency which was the dollar.

Agnes blew out a smoke, "You can't get anything on credit from me anymore unless you pay off your debt. If you do a job for me, I can write off your debt."

Betty shook her head, "No thanks. The last time I did a job for you, I almost died. I'll pay off my debt with my salary. Let's go Raziel."

When they got out of the base exchange, Raziel asked Betty, "How the fuck do you owe six thousand dollars?" As a teacher, he barely made one thousand five hundred dollars a month and it was fucking enough for his sister and himself.

Betty just smiled and didn't answer.