
Genshin: New Life, New Hype

I died by a missile, which is very strange. I was transported in Genshin Impact but the world is not what I expected it to be. The world is bigger than the game. So I decided to live in this New Life. _________________ Support me on patrêon.com/KyuNova Buymêacoffēe.com/kyuto If you want to access all advanced chapters.

Kyu_To · Video Games
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72 Chs

Scouting or Strolling?

After walking out of Rizark's office. I entered the lobby again. I searched for Leah and easily found her.

I didn't pay attention earlier but, Leah has unique features. She has a tail, a cat's tail?

She should have cat ears too.

I approached her.

"Hi Miss Leah, can I trouble you for a moment?"

"Oh, Mr. Ronan you're here. What can I help you with?"

"I want to find Captain Hertha."

"Speaking of Captain Hertha she just got out. When she heard you were in Captain Rizark's office she left this." Leah bent her knees as she took out something under her desk. She placed the bag on the desk.

"She told me to give this to you." Her smile widened.

"Ah, Thanks." I took the bag and opened it.

30 primogems and 100,000 Mora. Quite a decent reward. This should be for me and Lumine's reward.

As usual, I take the Primogems.

After giving my thanks to Leah. I walked out of the building. I took out the map that Rizark gave me.

Let's see. Eula and her teams should be in the southwestern part. The village is on a nearby cliff. Where the Starsnatch Cliff is supposed to be.

This map is different than expected. If I remember correctly there should be a sea below the Starnsnatch Cliff, it did but this beach is very large, and it stretches far.

This place is where you spawn in the beginning but this isn't the place where I saw Lumine.

Between Calla City and Mondstadt, the Star Fell Lake resided.

On the way to Starsnatch Cliff, I encounter Hilichurls. As usual, they were very hostile to humans, when they saw me. They did not even hesitate to attack me.

There were two shooters, one was Pyro while the other was a Cryo shooter. I have to be cautious with those.

The melee Hilichurls move slowly as the Shooter is using a charge attack.


I waited for the Charged attacks to come. They didn't disappoint me, the shooters took a shot. It should be impossible for a normal human to dodge an arrow but for me, it looked slow, so it was easy to dodge.

The first melee Hilichurl attacked me with its sword. I swung my Claymore-infused Pyro.

Compared to the Claymore, the sword couldn't compare. I easily cut its sword in half with it. The Hilichurl disintegrated without resistance.

Another comes and I deal with it with ease.

I was dodging the arrows before I wiped out the Melee fighters. What's commending about these Hilichurls is that when faced with danger they wouldn't run away.

Oh yeah, I can hear what they are saying.

"Enemy! Enemy! Attack!" This is what they are saying. It terrifies me but I will not repeat the same mistakes.

I sprinted towards the shooters. They are still charging their attacks.

"Slow!" I said.

"What! Gaaa!"

Not long after, the other shooter also disintegrated. Why do they disintegrate though?

Also, they drop materials.

How do Hilichurls even repopulate?

Shaking my head. This will give me a headache. I picked up the drop before continuing my journey.

Not long after. I saw a camp. Some knights were patrolling the area.

"Stop! Identify yourself. This is a restricted area." Usually, Knights of Favonius welcomes people with a smile. However, when it involves serious matters, they will be hostile.

I stopped.

"I'm Ronan, I'm here for Captain Eula. Is she here?"

The knight guard places his sword on his waist. "It's Mr. Ronan, Yes, Captain is here."

His eyes flashed with respect. But I didn't see it, why would I stare at a man? That's gay. Sorry, for h*mophobic but I don't care. I dislike what I dislike.

"Come with me."

He guided me to the large tent. Inside Eula is pointing on the map.

"Send some scout team in this part. We've already cornered them around this part yesterday. Their next action should be around this part. If you see they are here, report to HQ immediately. Go now. Time is of the essence. I will not forgive any tardiness. Understand!" Eula crossed her arms. Her voice contained seriousness and coldness that could freeze someone's soul.

"Yes! Captain!" The scout team leaders saluted, and they got out of the tent one by one.

When Eula saw me, she remained stoic. I wave my hands to say hi.

"Ronan, you're here." Her voice was still cold. Her eyes look at the knight guard "You can go now."

"Yes! Captain!" He saluted and left.

After he left. Her coldness receded. This made me smile. My heart was beating again. Girl can't you be more obvious?

"I didn't expect you to visit me." Her voice was still cold yet there was a hint of it being soft and warm. Her eyes were glistening.

"Well, I wanted to see you," I replied honestly.

"How can you be so frank? Do you even get embarrassed?" Her cheeks slowly blushed red.

"I want to be as honest with you as possible. Also, I wanted to say what's on my mind when I'm with someone I can trust."

"..." She got closer and raised her head. She's a little short but quite tall for a girl in this world.

The distance between us is getting closer. She didn't say anything but stare at my eyes.

"What did I ever do to make you look at me with those eyes." Her voice did not contain coldness anymore. She grabs my hand. It was soft.

My heart keeps beating. I bet she can hear it. I don't know what she sees. I'm only looking at her sincerely.

At first, it was just admiration because she is one of my favorite characters. But as I interacted with her last night. My feelings slowly came to be.

I'm a man who is always pursuing what I want. How could I be the most hunted hacker in the world? I learned to have because I wanted the world to know what the world governments are concocting. Although it created chaos, as long as everyone knows. That was just a passing thought before.

I'm not the type of man to ignore his feelings. I want to convey what I want. This could be seen as being naive. But I'm not stupid either. I thought of the consequences of my actions before acting.

"You are incredibly honest. I fear you'll be led astray in this cruel world." She raised her hand, which was holding my hand. She placed my hand on her cheek.

I unconsciously caress her face. It was very soft. If I didn't have the self-control I would have pounced on her.

In the end. I'm enjoying this even more. It was very serene. Like we are the only people in the world.

"Come with me. I have something to show you." After some time we lost in this moment. Eula remembered something as she dragged me away.

Outside. Gasped can be heard. But Eula ignored them.

Her team was shocked by what they were seeing. They were rubbing their eyes to confirm if they were not dreaming.

When they snapped out of their thoughts. Eula and I disappeared from their view.


Dusk has arrived.

Eula dragged me to the top of the Starsnatch Cliff. The wind brushes my face. I turn my head to Eula. Her hair flutters from the wind.

Her beauty encompasses the view in this place. I was mesmerized. Trailing her hair with her finger at the side of her face.

"Look the sun is setting." She pointed at the west side. "Isn't it beautiful?"

My eyes did not leave her. I was so entranced that I nodded at her question.

Eula turns her head. She saw me staring at her. She raised an eyebrow before sighing. He didn't even listen, but she was happy for some reason.

"You, I don't know what to do with you. If you keep doing this. I will not be able to control myself." She whispered. She raises her hand, placing it on my cheek.

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