
Genshin Impact: Ultimate System

Warning: this is wish fulfillment, MC will be shameless enough to copy anime moves since yours truly is the most uncreative being in the whole multiverse Synopsis: Well shit, it seems I died but luckily enough god pitied me and sent my sorry ass to another world with the anime system.

Shonpufi · Games
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80 Chs

Ch 39-Akagi War 1

A/N: Sorry if the fight feels too bland but this is the first time I've tried to make a decent fight scene with my mediocre writing skills. Hopefully, it gets better along the line


Rushing to the crowds of people I started to swing my sword down on the first line soldier making her kneel, I jumped up and used his head as a platform to jump up into the air.

looking down I could see that they were all watching my every move with nervous faces.

With a grin, I concentrated on Aether on my body to reinforce it and concentrated Aether into a small tile on the bottom of my foot, I kicked off it sending me flying to the ground.

"Move out of the way he's coming!" yelled a soldier

But It was already too late when he said that as I already crashed into the ground making a shockwave that knocked a lot of them out. I didn't want to kill them since they are all just doing their job, but that doesn't mean that I don't mind giving them a bruce or two.

"R-run!" Screamed a soldier in fear as others followed after him,

well, that was easy, wonder when the two of them will come-. 

'Shit' Feeling a sense of danger behind me through my [observation haki] I swiftly but barely dodged the hand that wanted to pierce my head. without a second thought, I grabbed the arm and judo-threw the person from the back of my shoulder. As I pulled the person that attacked me in front of me, before she could crash into the ground she flipped her body midair, managing to kick me in the face making me stager a few steps.

Rubbing my face in pain I looked at my attacker and said. "You know Kaga, it's not nice to kick people in the face" with a joking tone.

"be quiet, hand over the children for my sister's sake" she snarled at me.

lifting up both swords I said "Make me"

a bullet and an arrow suddenly flew toward Kaga making her dodge. As her attention went to that I quickly slashed my swords toward her only to be parried by her nails.

"Shit, what are your nails made of!" I said in surprise.

not answering my question a blue hue started to surround her nails, probably meaning that she reinforced them with Adpetal energy. pushing at me we started to clash our deadly weapons towards each other. I could probably use Odins or Bahamut power to end this faster but I want to focus on Martial experience.

Parrying one of her claws I stabbed forward with lost Vayne. Akagi tried to intercept it but I let go of it mid-stab making her hand go through the gap between the sword and my hand. I quickly pushed off from the floor towards her, grabbed my sword that was still midair from where previously left it, and stabbed against her while she was open from her attempted parry but she sidestepped before I could get her.

With the sword in my other hand, I swung where she sidesteped to but she merely jumped back gaining some distance between me and her.

"I've never seen a swordsman let go of their sword. that move you did right now was a first I've seen and would be considered dishonorable to a swordsman" She commented.

"Honor is something from the dead, and I'd very much like to stay alive. I also learned it from a certain Jedi though it is a bit different from what he did"

"Jedi?" (Kaga)

"Never mind lets continue" (Meliodas)

Rushing to her again I performed a furry of slashes toward her, but Kaga masterfully parried them all. Seeing that this was taking us nowhere I decided to take things up a notch.

Concentrating on Odin's Power I turned into a blur, appearing behind Kaga in a flash, I could see her visibly panic as she saw me disappear. I slashed toward her back giving her a large gash across her back.

"AHHH!!!" screamed Kaga as he felt the found on her back. looking at me with eyes full of hatred, a sudden burst of energy came out of her as if she was about to go supper sayan.

'Shit I pissed her off' I thought as I started to sweat a bit.

As her Adeptal energy started to leak, her body started to change into more animalistic features. her eyes turned into cat slits, her ears started to get a bit fluffier and her hands turned into paws with even sharper claws.

'It looks like a semi-prime, she probably didn't fully turn into her adeptal form' I thought inwardly.

As she finished transforming she closed her eyes and her claws extended with concentrated energy. making a sort of energy claws around her paws. opening her eyes she spoke "I-"

before she could even start speaking, I flashed in front of her and slapped her in the face with the flat side of the sword making her go flying into the buildings.

"Sorry!, I followed the power-up anime rules but once you finished it's all fair game" I joked with a chuckle. 

'Hopefully, that knocked her out so I can go straight towards Akagi' 

As I was making the joke, I felt danger coming from where she crashed, moving my head to the side I felt something sharp scratching my cheek, looking behind me I saw Kaga with a face of anger. 

she rushed at me again with great speed and attacked me with her claws as she changed her position and the direction she came from, I parried claw after claw that came rushing towards me. 

feeling her coming from behind I let her stab her arm toward my chest area. feeling her getting close I moved my chest area a bit to the side and lifted my arm a bit, making her claw go through the gap of my arm and body.

Quickly I closed my arm and swung her caught arm between my torso and arm, sending her whole boy into the air.

two shots came towards her which were an arrow and a bullet, she managed to dodge the arrow in midair but the bullet hit her in the leg. with a grunt of pain, she fell down to the floor upright like a cat. However, she limped as her leg was injured from the bullet.

Usually, bullets wouldn't be able to do that as her body was protected by Adeptal energy but they are Destiny 2 guns, don't know what the fuck they feed those bullets. Still, they do the job and they will do damage to most beings no matter the defenses or powers they have, especially since the weapons my clones are using are Exotic rarity.

"Give up now I don't want to kill you, just your sister or at least critically criple her so that she won't go after the kids again," I said in a serious voice.

I didn't want to hurt her since she was just a sis-con, and she'll do whatever her sister says. to me, she's nothing but a little soldier that can't work without her sister's orders.

But with Akagi, it's a different story, shell probably put out bounties or send her people to look for us, and for me, loose ends will only bite you back in the ass in the future.

"Bastard! il rip you appart-" 


When she finished speaking I gave her a haymaker on the face, knocking her completely cold.

"Whew, one down another to go... isn't that right Akagi"

"Fufufu~ so you knew where I was the whole time" a sudden voice came from behind me.

Akagi came out of a building that she was hiding in. I already sensed her while I was fitting Kaga through my haki

"Yup, I knew that you were watching your sister getting trashed around by me" (Meliodas)

"Well you can't blame me right~ Your full of surprises after all~," she said in a sweet voice.

"I guess I can, but that's not the important thing here, Let's end this Akagi. I don't like smart and witty people like you after me"

putting away [Fragrant olive sword] and [Lost Vayne], Meliodas Summoned [Zantetsuken] to his hand.

"Oh? So you have Odin's power? he has quite the nifty abilities I must say~"

Hearing her words my whole body tensed up. 

'S-she knows, how!. unless she likes me'

"Y-you your a-"

"Reincarnator indeed, just like you. I was reincarnated as Akagi from Azur lane as you became Izumi Miyamure from Horimiya, though you go by a different name than the character you look like"  (Akagi)

Seeing my panicking face must have brought her joy because a huge smile appeared on her face, which was turning out to become quite disturbing.

"Originally I wasn't quite sure in which world I was born until hearing the word Adeptus coming out of my dear sister, of course, that didn't really reinforce my guess until one day I found some Japanese guy with black hair, carrying the future Geo Archon~" Said Akagi as she kept her amused smile on her face.

fuck so that's why she went through all this trouble to get the kids, it wasn't just because they were dragons but because she knew Rex's future.

Damit I showed too many abilities already and I don't even know what her special ability is, I'm sure that she isn't just going to have normal Adeptal abilities. All reincarnators should have some sort of cheat, and she should be no exception.

I also already dissolved my copies that were for backup long-range shots during the fight, but I'm sure that they will be useless now.

"I See... I hope you are ready" I said as I got into an iai sword draw stance with Zantetsuken,

"Fufu~, let's start then." Saying those words she reached behind her and pulled out a normal-looking Japanese curved sword.

I didn't know if that weapon was her Golden finger or not, maybe she could make it longer or something?, No, it shouldn't matter right now, if her sword does get split in half by Zantetsuken then it means that it's a special weapon I should be careful for.


I quickly rushed at her, though she seemed unbothered by it. finally reaching Akagi, our swords clashed making sparks between our weapons.

"I See so the sword should be your Special Ablity huh?" I said as I got my answer from our first clash. Putting more weight behind her body she pushed more as our swords kept pushing against each other for supremacy.

"I shouldn't be surprised that you find out so quickly~" (Akagi)


With a bit of pressure, I pushed her backward as I gained all the information I needed, and that was to stay the fuck away from her sword. I know I sound too cautious but when it comes to the golden finger, for all I know that thing could kill me with a mere scratch and steal my soul or some bullshit like that.

Gathering large amounts of Dark Energy, I semi-primed into a full set of dark Odin armor for protection.

I raised my hands creating swords out of concentrated darkness that flew behind me. I rushed once again towards her and quickly changed strikes with her, but she mostly tried to dodge as she probably remembered Odin's special stackability.

I don't need to hit her directly on her body but as long as I hit her or the weapon she is using, the Zan-Metter will fill up slowly, as hitting her body would make it fill up faster.

She jumped backward to escape from my flurry of sword slashes but I won't let her get away easily.

As she was midar from her jump I pulled Zantatsuken back into a draw stance and activated my ability [The Lord Measure]. Creating Dark Outlines midair where she was.

She visibly panicked as I swung my sword, activating all the lines to cut whatever was in between them.

Sadly a sudden burst of fire came from her feet, pushing her upwards out of my attack reach.

"HAHA, that was close Meliodas, I might have been cut in pieces if I hadn't used my fire. wasn't that ability from the Odin Bossfight by the way?" She said with a nervous laugh.

"Be quiet you shinra wana be!" I said with a growl, concentrating all my strength on my legs I jumped off the ground at amazing speed and reached in front of her without her able to react, I slashed forward but I didn't get her head. Instead, I managed to cut off her empty arm as she dodged last second to the side

"AHHHGH!!!" She screamed in pain. I Along with her severed arm fell back down to the.

As I reached the ground with cracks spreading on the floor like spiderwebs, I looked at the flying Akagi that was wailing in pain. Although I'm sad that I didn't get her head, I am glad that my decisive one-hit strikes are becoming effective. your opponents can't block Shit if they can't react to it, to begin with after all.

As she calmed down her screaming of agony suddenly her arm regrew completely new, as if I hadn't just cut it off earlier before.

"reversed Curse Technique!" I said in realization.

from what I remember, my copy had already detected great amounts of both cursed and Adeptal energy, But I didn't know that she could perform the reverse Curse Technique! Even when I had attempted to do it I ultimately failed.

It ain't as simple as it sounds, you just have to multiply negative energy by an equal amount of negative energy, but even it very hard to perform even with extensive knowledge about it once you begin learning it.

Right ow things are going to start getting harder, because to get the kil il need to either cut of her head or completely destroy her body. And I'm dam sure that she hasn't even shown me her full abilities.