
Genshin Impact: The Mangaka System

•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Notes: Now, obviously, I do not own anything. The works that will be mentioned in this work are not mine and are owned by their respective authors. Oh, and by the way, the first two chapters are a bit messy but it will get better at chapter 5+ •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Sypnosis: In Liyue Harbor, many young girls are squealing over the 'comic' or, as the author like to call it, 'manga' they bought. It was called 'Your name'. "It's a great book. Try reading it, Childe." Even the person who often forgets his Mora is reading it! In Monsdadt, a certain librarian of the Knights of Favonius is sipping on some tea as she quietly reads a mystery thriller book called 'Moriarty the Patriot' "Such a good thriller... But why do most girls want to see Sherlock and Moriarty together? Strange..." Said Lisa, hearing all the blushing girls that read the book A certain drunk bard, however, was busy reading a series called 'Tales of Teyvat: The conqueror of Demons' "Ah~ So that was him?" He said. And on Inazuma, the young mistress of the Kamisato clan is reading a manga called 'Demon Slayer' with her brother who's sipping on some Boba. "Do you like it, Ayaka? If so, I'll urge the seller to make more." The older brother said. As for a certain Shogun, she and a certain fox were reading a book called 'To Your Eternity.' "I might have to rethink the type of Eternity I chase after..." Said the Shogun Meanwhile, the supposed author of these books is currently in his shop counting the money he made. "I won't get copyrighted if I'm in another world," He said •~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~• Cover by: Me (Artist is from Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/59336265) (Previous cover was from DarkSide69)

Unusual_Hilichurl · Video Games
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71 Chs

Osmanthus wine...

In Wangsheng funeral parlor, everything is still going as usual. Retainers are doing their tasks and there would be some people that will come in, though not frequently.

As for the director of this funeral parlor, she is currently on her daily "Advertisement" by going around Liyue searching for customers. At times when she can't find any customers and is feeling frustrated, she would hunt down some Hilichurls, and on some rare occasions, Fatui Agents that are planning malicious intent in the woods.

While the director was doing all of this, the person temporarily in charge of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is a trusted and capable consultant, Mr. Zhongli.

Many people in the Funeral Parlor actually praise him for his capability, though at times, he seems to lack common sense despite his knowledge. For example, he would sometimes buy something expensive and forget his Mora, leading to the Funeral Parlor to pay for it. But thankfully, with the mysterious sponsor appearing recently, Mr. Zhongli's funds are being covered by the Northland Bank.

Ms. Ferrlady knows this too well. After all, she is the one keeping track of Mr. Zhongli's expenses. She even said to one of the trainers at one time: "Ha, honestly, Once you become entangled with Mr. Zhongli, there's no getting away from him at all."

Now then, to the person on the topic. Zhongli is currently writing some official papers regarding the Funeral Parlor. After all, as a consultant, it is his duty to offer advice and expertise to the company he works for to help them improve their business performance in terms of operations, profitability, management, structure, and strategy.

"Haaa..." Zhongli released a sigh. He finally finished his paperwork, and though, it did not tire him physically or mentally, he still needs to act "Tired" to truly act like a human.

Zhongli placed his paperwork on the side and decided to go out and drink some tea. Zhongli went out of his office and headed to Feiyun slope to visit his favorite restaurant: Third-Round Knockout.

He enjoyed this restaurant as he could drink in peace while listening to interesting stories outside with some morning fresh breeze brushing off his face.

After about 15 minutes of walking from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor to Chihu Rock and to finally, Third-Round Knockout, Zhongli finally arrived.

Seeing a regular, the storyteller, Iron Tongue Tian, greeted Zhongli. "Good morning, Mr. Zhongli. You're just in time for another one of my stories.",

Zhongli smiled and replied, "And as always, I am interested in hearing them. Well, all of us that come to hear you do."

Iron Tongue Tian smiled as he liked Zhongli's answer. And so, with 9 people listening to him outside the restaurant, he began relaying his story. And this time, it was the legend of the Yakshas.

"And so, for today, I shall be bringing another story to the audience! It all starts roughly 2,000 Years ago..."

"Lingering hatred of the fallen gods from the Archon War caused plagues, curses, and miasmas all over Liyue, which harmed countless people. At that time, Rex Lapis gathered 5 Powerful Adepti under him and formed a group known as the Yakshas... And they...-" Iron Tongue Tian continued his story as Zhongli silently listened.

As usual, Zhongli ordered a kettle with his favorite tea inside and one small cup of Osmanthus wine. He first took a sip of the wine and sighed before drinking the tea.

He reached out for his pocket and took out a thick book. On the cover, two people facing back each other while the sun was setting were present. Zhongli took a sip of tea and flipped the manga open.

When he opened the manga, he saw a page with a well-drawn character on it, Fully colored, starting at the night sky as a comet was passing by. On the side of his head, a strange small black rectangular box was present and the boy was speaking to it as if there was another person inside.

'Interesting...' Zhongli thought as he saw the strange device. 'From the looks of it, it is a communication device... However, how does it operate, and how come it is so small? Truly interesting...'

Zhongli already found the first page of the 'Manga' he bought interesting. And one should know that, as the oldest Archon alive, he had seen many things. And the device that the person he was seeing in the book is definitely not one of the technologies he has seen. 'Though, except those devices from Khaenri'ah... This one is much smaller...'

Zhongli still remembered the nation of Khaenri'ah 500 years ago. At that time, he traveled there to see the god-less nation and saw some of their inventions which awed him in surprise. One of them is a device capable of long-distance communication, though, that device itself was expensive and quite large.

'However...' At this moment, Zhongli's mood slightly turned serious. 'How did the author of this book think of this idea? Or... Does he/she know anything about the technologies of Khaenri'ah? Hmm...'

Zhongli took another sip of tea as he continued flipping each page. As he progressed through each chapter, his suspicion grew more and more. 'Some of the technologies shown here have a very keen resemblance to that of Khaenri'ah's. Although some of them look quite impossible to make, it is quite possible if the humans are given enough time...'

Although Zhongli was focused on the advanced technologies shown in the manga, he was still paying attention to the story. 'Fascinating, two people from different locations and different sex, switching bodies... A rather unique story, I must say so.'

'As for their names... Is the author of this book Inazuman? How bold... The Sakoku Decree is currently ongoing and the author is publishing a book with Inazuman content...' Although Zhongli sounds like he's mocking Igarashi, he was actually complimenting him for his boldness and bravery. 'Though, it does not matter. As long as no official from Inazuma comes to Liyue, then the author is safe. Moreover, there had been a lot of Inazuman people washing up ashore since the Sakoku Decree was enforced'

It was true. Ever since the Sakoku Decree was made by the Raiden Shogun, tough and daring Inazumans tried to leave Inazuma. Needless to say, many died trying to pass the tempest of storms. Some, however, were lucky enough to wash up ashore on the mainland and getaway. 'There's that green-haired young miss that studied at the law school here in Liyue about a month ago, so there's that...'

Zhongli ordered another kettle of tea and two cups of Osmanthus wine. He drank one cup of osmanthus wine and sighed.

He then continued reading. It then came to the part when the main character, Taki, stopped switching with Mitsuha. Taki then searched everywhere until he finally found Mitsuha's hometown, Itomori. 'I see, something must have happened to that girl's hometown... And based on some clues I picked up, it has got to do something with that comet...'

It had been around an hour since Zhongli started reading and the people around him don't seem to care about him that much. After all, who would bother a man focused on reading? That would just be disrespectful.

Zhongli sipped a cup of tea which was lukewarm now and sighed. He then looked at the inventions of the humans made by the author of the book and thought to himself: 'I wonder if the humans can really reach this stage of technology... If it wasn't for celestia... Khaenri'ah would've...'

Zhongli stopped thinking of Khaenri'ah and Celestia for a moment as he did not want to bring those horrible memories back.

Because... At that time...

"Haaa..." Zhongli sighed and stopped thinking if this matter.

He poured some tea into his cup and drank it and continued reading. It finally came to the same moment when Taki and Mitsuha are trying to prevent the destruction of the latter's hometown.

Seeing this, Zhongli found it amusing he silently thought: 'If only this body-switching was real...'

It was revealed a while back that the two of them were actually from different periods which amused Zhongli more. His interest in the story is increasing due to its uniqueness of the story. 'Humans always do have the most imaginative minds...'

Another hour passed and it was already 11 am, and it was technically the afternoon. And during this time, Zhongli has been reading Igarashi's manga.

And how, he is nearing the end. Unlike Xiangling, who was overreacting from all the scenes, Zhongli was calm and level-headed as he read through the manga. Though he had to admit, he had liked the story so far.

After Mitsuha and Taki disappeared from each other's view, the scenes continued to play out. The former saved her hometown and achieved her dream of moving to the place she had always wanted to. As for Taki, he is now a responsible adult.

Though, that feeling of loss is still lingering within them. Seeing this scene, Zhongli showed a gentle smile. 'Though the memories have faded, the feeling remains... That... Is love.'

Zhongli was amused at his own thought as the figure of his friend, Marchosius, appeared in his mind. His friend sacrificed his vitality to nourish the land of Liyue in exchange for his memories and experiences. But nonetheless, even though the memories have faded, his friend's love of things still remained. 'I should visit him after this...'

The story continued to play out until the two of them eventually found each other again. And of course, the familiar staircase scene was shown exceptionally beautiful. Add in the fact that it is colored, of course.

Finally, after three hours, Zhongli finished the 'Manga' named 'Your Name'. He put the book down as he stares up at the sky with longing in his eyes and curled up a warm smile. "Yes... Memories. Even if they are gone, they will eventually shall be found again..."

He picked up a cup of Osmanthus wine and enjoyed its taste. "Osmanthus wine tastes the same as I remember... However, where are those that share the memory?"

"Right? Guizhong?"

At this moment, a voice can't from the side of Zhongli. "Uhh... Mr. Zhongli? What are you muttering?"

He turned his head and saw a familiar face. It was Hu Tao who had her polearm at her back.

She then showed surprised expression bashes pointed at Zhongli's face. "Whoa... I've never seen you shed a tear before! That's new!"

Zhongli was confused and touched his cheek, and to his surprise, there was a tear that fell down. 'I... Shed a tear?'

Zhongli calmed himself and wiped the tear off his face and controlled his emotion. He then stood up and told to Hu Tao: "I'm fine. Let us go back to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor."

Hu Tao didn't listen and just bugged him more. "Ehhh? No way, I want to know more about why our stern Mr. Zhongli would shed a tear! Come on, tell me!"

However, before they left, the waitress of Third-Round Knockout shouted at Zhongli. "Mr. Zhongli! You forgot to pay again!"

Zhongli stopped and stood still. And just said, "Ah."