
GeNiuS That's NOT really ME !

Reborn Tears unfolds the poignant tale of a 42-year-old man on the brink of death, grappling with illness and abandonment. As he lies in a frail state, awaiting the arrival of a family that seems to have forsaken him, he reflects on a life marked by regret and longing. Unexpectedly, a mysterious figure, a "fetcher" from Filipino mythology, appears. Reborn into a new life, the man grapples with the unfamiliarity of his surroundings. As he gazes upon the faces of his newfound life, he confronts the potential for a fresh start. However, shadows of his past still linger, and the fear of repeating history haunts him. Through the man's journey of reincarnation, the narrative delves into the complexities of familial bonds, the consequences of one's actions, and the pursuit of a brighter future against the backdrop of life's harsh realities. Will he break free from the cycle of pain, or will the shadows of his past continue to cast a long-lasting impact on his newfound life? __________________________________________________________________ Author's NOTE: Please a comment and review if you like the story. i appreciate your support. *Copyright [2023] by [vetlog/Unique_entity]. All rights reserved.* All Rights Reserved

vetlog · Sci-fi
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21 Chs


They say you should find your husband who is at the same level as you, but for me, your level depends on how high your standard is, even if it is very, very ugly, weak, and sick. As long as you love someone else, the value of this person in your life

I, a royal in the small world, forced myself to follow my heart before I regretted in the end that I did not choose the decision that suited me. I fell in love with a farmer. I met him at a noble party because he had been dating me for almost 4 years. He made my heart skip a beat, but

"You already know who you are going to marry!"

This is how our family arranges the marriage of the five letters already sent to other nobles for marriage and new connections.

As you can see, the galaxy we are in is under the control of three kingdoms.

and my family is one of those maintaining their power to still control their own kingdom.

This is why I fled from my home. I offered myself to Uranus if he wanted to marry me, and if not, I would return home in tears and accept my fate. We got married, and I left my nobility and got married—the end of the universe.

My full name is Gaea Astra, as I'm 30+ years old now. As you can see, I'm now a full-fledged adult.

Previously, the age of 18 was considered to be an adult, but as lifespans have increased, the same can now be said of a person.

I want to be a mother! but...

I have difficulty giving birth, or I won't be able to give birth because my body is weak.

"You are enough for me."

My husband said, I was so happy I cried that it made him cry, and we do what we need to make a healthy baby as we wish for it.

But it's different to have a child in life, and you won't feel complete if you don't have a child in the family. Because my body can't handle it, we planned to use a machine to carry our son with uranus, but he said it would be very different if it were me who carried our son or daughter in 9 months because he would be sad if his son came from a machine, so I insisted that we could do it. Even my life is at stake.

I know I will die in my condition.

We did it for several years, and no matter how superstitious or what kind of medicine I took,

It still didn't work.

Even I talk to Uranus, my husband, to get a technique that can sustain pregenancy, and with our gamete, we can create our son. but the technology of this level can only be found in another empire.

Everything changed when we went to the biggest church in the universe. one of the four greatest religions of all, and I asked heaven for help so I could have a child, but no matter what I did, I couldn't really do anything. But everything changed because of a miracle, and here I believe in it. And so a miracle was born with little hope.

"Congratulations! Very healthy child!" This is what the doctor told me.

These are the words that have made me happy all my life, and I've been waiting for them for a long time.


"Doc! The child is not crying!" said his nurse assistant.

NOT CRYING? What's happening? Why does this have to happen to my son?

(Trivia: when the child does not cry inside for 1–5 minutes, it can die.)

please! please! please!

I heard someone being hit and slapping my child. Is he really dead?

'My child is my baby'

and when I looked at them. He was.. Not moving... Even when he was weak, I tried to reach the doctor with my hands, but it forced me to be weak and made me want more sleep!

I can't die unless my son is safe! I can't sleep!

"DOC, save my son!"

I was so sad. My chest hurts. My only son is dying.

'If he dies, I better die too! '

"Mam, calm down. Mam, don't close your eyes. Just stay awake!"

and she points to her assistant nurse.

"Don't let you die! Don't sleep, madam!"

'What are you saying? die.. What are you saying, dying? I'm not going to die! I was just going to sleep.'

"Wah!!!!! Wah!!!!! Wah!!!!!!"

As I heard it, everything blew away! My emotion came down to one: happiness!

All my fear and tiredness disappeared when I heard his voice; it was an angelic cry, as if I were wide awake. I could clearly see him in my chest with every breath he took. Here, I saw that the child was special. my child!

but why? 

"Wahhhh! Wahhhh!" As I hear my baby, it makes me want to look at his cry.

He was like an angel!

I hug him; this is bliss!

after a few minutes.

My baby is sleepy in my chest; he can hear my heartbeat, my little arms, and other things. You can see that he needs someone to protect him.

"Waaahhhh! Wahhhh!" I hugged him a little, and I don't know, but it was more comfortable to hug him.

'I will not do the mistakes of my parents to you; even if the world turns upside down and everyone is an enemy, I will be here by your side to protect you'


a few years later.

My husband and I named him Metis Astra on the same day of his birth, after his grandfather's name from my side.

I'm not a burnt-out parent; he doesn't cry too much, and it's easy to take care of him even if we leave him on the robot; he won't cry.

In his four years, the strange thing is that he doesn't cry even if he falls, and he looks at the sky or above and shakes his head sometimes. He cradles his head when he's alone, even if he walks stairs.


Don! Don!! pound! *

We were on our way home from work when I heard thunder. I thought Metis fell down the toy stairs, and I opened the door.

"meh-tis? metis!!!"

I hugged his bloody and broken arms; his forehead was torn with a big wound from the impact on the stairs and floor.

Even my husband, Uranus, didn't know what to do and was looking at us blankly.

"Call an ambulance!"

Uranus fell down in his haste; he even fell down after tripping on the table foot.

'why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why, why'

"Why are you smiling like there's no problem?" but it's like you're closing your eyes.

'It doesn't seem like a problem? If you die, will you leave me? '

but he was too young, and I just can't tell him that.

"Don't close your eyes, son. Mom is here. You want a robot? I'll take you! Ahhhh, you want clothes, love? Food? I'll take care of it. Don't close your eyes, son."

I hugged him.

"Thank you, mom! I'm sleepy."

'Thank you. Did he say thank you? '


This was the first time I cried. It was obvious that he pretended like it was just a small wound, even though he was hurt.

We took him to the hospital, and Metis's condition was ok; he was still alive and received a blood transfusion due to blood loss.

'I have only one child, and that child is going to leave.

I can't get pregnant again due to my condition.

This is what happened that we can't forget and that brought trauma to us, and Metis always leaves someone behind because of this incident.

So this never happened; if anything, he must be accompanied by others.


Metis is 5 years old, and his behavior has changed. He seems to have become more serious and aware of dangerous things, maybe as a result of his accident.

"My son! is so cute, oh this. Besides TV, do you like TV?"

His habit is to watch TV. and if you watch him like an old man watching, he seems to criticize every program.

'I'll change the channel,' he said, shocked, and looked for the remote that I had.

with a mouth pouting to point at the TV. and follow my command, like he was shocked! and look at me.

'He was too cute, like he knows it.'

"That's the legend of the earth! ancient civilization," as I said it to him.

as he shouts like a monkey, discovering new things every time, but he realizes that I hold the remote.

He would laugh as if I were the only child, but even if my son has changed in the future, I'm happy no matter what; I'm happy as long as he's not hurt. like that again.



Metis is 10 years old, and he is truly an old man with a childlike appearance.

"He was really different than me; he is like his mother!"

He was really a calculative child. He can also reduce the damage he receives with a sword.

"He was gifted to be a swordsman, but a technique-type swordsman, not a brute-style swordsman like me."

Looking at him sleeping on the ground, he never complained to me; he was diligent and something like more mature than me, but he also talked like he was the same age as me.

as I look at her washing the dishes, my wife!

"HE WAS A GENIUS!" as my wife said, i thought, she only said those cause she was very fond of him.

This son of mine loves to read, watch YouTube, and help us plant and harvest. He is not a typical child; he is much smarter than me, so we plan to make him a space merchant if he can be an engineer, scientist, or doctor. but no matter what, I'm happy with him.

"Come on, let's dig," my husband added when Metis dug. I thought it was a normal day to plow the plant, but it wasn't because they were able to dig up a treasure chest with only gold and diamonds.

At first, I was angry. but vanish as soon as I recall...

They say in the myth...

"Those who dig gold will be chased by bad luck and followed by bad luck because it was cursed by those who died, and they were witches."

but when I saw Metis being quiet, I just hugged him.

"Let's tell your mother!"

'But it's not that I don't want it, but money is better than nothing'

and my wife and I discussed, to keep and for a sudden event. Because many things can happen, it is better when there is money! to be drawn from the wallet.




When Metis got... he got... waahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

'NO, all fun is lost at some point. These are the times when the world changes, even if it doesn't turn upside down and just shakes. These are the things that are on my mind right now.

While we were in the living room, we heard the national alarm for defense. This is a nod for the people living on this planet. Because there is no knight or military base on this planet, we have to leave if we hear this. because a space pirate has entered the galaxy.

"Bring the necessary things and other necessities."

These are the things I made worse for my husband, and I saw Metis just sitting, but it's better because if he walks too, he's just in the way.

'Well, my son knows how to feel! "

"Mom, where are we going?"

My wife and I have already discussed that I need to go home because my mother is sick. I have received several messages from home, and my mother is looking for me.

"We're going on vacation with your grandmother, your mother's homeland."

'We're leaving because of a space pirate that has entered the solar system. I can't say it. though.'

It's good that I didn't tell him that he would be afraid that he would get sick.

We immediately organized the things, and Metis put them in two bags.

"Dadling, please hurry up." It took a while for my husband to fix the gold he found.

When we reached the airport by spacecraft, it was very crowded. because in one hour and 20 minutes, the space pirates will arrive.

We stood in line, but the last one in front of us was...

"Sir, only one person can ride, and the spacecraft is full."

I talked to my husband, but the car had already started, so when my husband looked at me, the spacecraft was the first planet we were going to, and the problem was only one person...

and the calculation is that the planet may be overrun by the pirates before the next spacecraft arrives... on this before the next flight will go so!

"Hone." Even though I couldn't hear what my husband said, I knew what he wanted to do. and I hugged my son at least one last time and said the things that needed to be said.

'No, I already answered his question; I know he's not young enough to answer everything.

"Wait, I gave him the wrong bag!" I cried at my husband like there's no tomorrow.

'This was my fault'

'But that's better; he has a lot of money'

And in the whole years that I have been with my son, I have never heard him cry, even if he falls down the stairs, bumps, or stumbles. But I did not expect that this was the real thing; I feel like everything goes smoothly. reason for losing him... until we hear this.

news ! news! news! news!

"The Commoners spacecraft #23 was attacked and stolen by a space pirate; its current location is unknown."

Commoners Spacecraft #23 is the spacecraft that Metis boarded.

"no! no! no!!!!!!!!!!" This is not good!!!!!!!!!! This can't happen!!!!!

When I woke up, I was in our master bedroom, and I was sitting.

and sitting in a chair, sleeping with his head resting on the bed, next to me was Uranus, my beloved husband.

"My son was captured by the pirates!"

The promise of my parents rings in my head.

'Promise, my only daughter, if anything happens, just call me, and I, as a father, will do anything for you; you can go back home anytime.'

I never talk to my parents after I fled home, but they know that I am on this planet, or even at home, and I get what I want as their child. But before I got married, this was the promise my father told me.

then I will talk about my missing son. The first and last for them is just a video call, but they never see him personally. I want their help.

"I have to return to my parents home."

If I look at my husband, he's just about to cry, even sleeping. sitting and his head laying on his arms on our bed.

Did he have a nightmare? I hug him.

'We looked for him... No matter how many years, no matter how many more we will meet, my son's

I wrote on paper, and with my sleeping husband, I leave it to his side.

Then I got home to my parents.

and some invade the kingdom!

"I am Uranus Baldoza, the prince of the Baldoza Empire and the first commander general."

My husband was also so similar to me that he fled, but so he took my surname as his own when we got married, but a few days later. I was found by him and begged to not do this again.

after our son was missing... i see... and I leave him.

"Sorry, the words only I can say" to him; I'm a bad mother and a bad wife.

"It's ok, honey, don't cry. We will find Metis. Even if a clue is found, I am sure that we will see him again.

my father and mother, looking at us.

"I will face them."

Those words make me happy but also worried.

"We will find our son again, I promise. Metis is genuis, don't worry!"

i know... He is our child.

That day, he fought my father to prove himself and get the position of general of the Astra Empire.

Authors note:

galaxy has a 3000+ to 4000+, so

Empire space means having many solar systems in the domain. 1000 to 1400 solar systems

Kingdom space: only on the solar system.

means the setting is so big! The galaxy is divided into three empires. and theirs more galaxy, but that is later on.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

vetlogcreators' thoughts