
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

22. GuoGuo

Meixiang get inside the sacred book.

The first view came into her sight was her Uncle Shi Jinhai busy reading a new novel book. Again.

The reason behind this unbelievable sight is that Shi Jinhai got tired of educational books he's writing for the team somehow he tried to read literature books from different worlds  After reading his clan's history, he tried to read a novel and got hooked with the stories and even got more fascinated after learning different development of civilization in different worlds.

Meixiang who let her uncle have a peaceful time for the time being went outside the library and go to the mini phantom world only to find out Meimei isn't back yet.

At the Phantom World...

Almost a week had passed since Strawberry went back to the Phantom World.

When they saw the small girl whom they have not seen for the past six months, the whole phantom world was in uproar. Not only the small girl is still existing but she seems got----stronger?

Is it really Strawberry? How could she be this strong after leaving for six months?

But when they saw the green dot at the middle of her eyebrow, everyone was in turmoil once again. Yes! She was contracted by a human!

Their eyes are full of hostility but they didn't say a single word. They can only curse mentally. Contracting with humans is not prohibited by their laws, there is just this unspoken rule to them because humans are simply weak. They can only complain silently.

The little girl in pink also didn't talk. She calmly walks towards the direction of her apartment but was trippled by a small stone. She calmly stood up and continue walking calmly.

Everyone's eyebrow twitch. She's the real plant phantom Strawberry okay! Who can imitate this clumsiness and can maintain this cute poker face and calm demeanor at the same time? No one, okay. No one!

Everyone was in daze at the petite back of the little girl. Everyone is speculating of what may happened to Strawberry outside the Phantom World. Did that summoner little girl lives at the world with higher spirituality than their world? But the phantom plants can testify when they saw the little girl at the other side of the summoner's portal, they can feel that the little girl is from lower realm. Then what mystery is this?

The leader of the plants, weapons, and beasts had an emergency meeting that very day.

A week later, Strawberry who is still the topic of the whole phantom world is working hard to earn money so she can buy an interspatial ring.

The interspatial ring of other realms is different from the interspatial ring of the Phantom World. It is with the same function but only phantom creatures' interspatial ring can allow them get things out of the phantom world to other realm.

By earning money and buy an interspatial ring, it will allow Strawberry pack her things and live at that place full of spiritual energy. She is now planning to stay inside the sacred book. In that case, she can save a lot of money and can absorb spiritual energy even without working.

The little girl strawberry is seriously organizing the papers of the new phantoms when a portal appeared in front of her. She then raise her hand to respond to Meixiang's sudden call. Her small body then entered the portal and in just a second she appeared in front of Meixiang.

"Meimei, you seem busy?"

"I'm working so I can buy an interspatial ring."

"So you want to stay here for good?"


"Then work hard. Do you want to bring water from the fountain to sell?"

"No need."

"Okay. Oh I'm planning to contract another phantom plant today. When are you free?"

"I'm free now."

"Then have a time to push the best candidate to accompany you here."


Shi Jinhai who can hear the little girl and the very little girl's casual conversation is already numb for the past six months. Being locked with this two girls inside the sacred book, he can only retain his sane reading novels from different worlds.

The casual conversation ended fast and Strawberry went back to the Phantom World.

When Strawberry went out of her workplace, a little boy who is taller than her of one inch is happily running towards her direction.

"Big Sister Strawberry! Big Sister Strawberry!" the little boy in red stops  two steps away from her as he extended his small hands toward her.

Stawberry didn't hesitate at all and get the coins in the little boy's little hands.

Since Strawberry went back to the Phantom World, she started to work for money and the little boy also helps her to earn money without knowing and asking the reason.

Strawberry already took her first step but suddenly stops. She raise her head a little to look at the little boy's face. Scanning every details about the little boy, her little hands grab the little boy's little hand and the two disappeared of thin air.

They again appeared at the plaza together with all the phantom plants.  In front of them is a green portal with the image of Meixiang calmly sitting at a seat inside a room full of books. Before everyone can recover and curse at Meixiang's image at the other side of the portal, Strawberry already push the little boy to the green portal. The green portal suddenly close leaving a small green light floating in the air.

They all look at the small green light then turn all their eyes at Strawberry's leaving back.

On the other side of the portal...

The little boy, who was just pushed by his most trusted big sister strawberry, is now staring back at Meixiang's gaze.

Meixiang nodded with satisfaction.

She likes three things in the world and all of these are satisfied by the little boy. Third, strong. This is natural to a phantom creature. Second, aesthetics. This cuteness overlysatisfied Meixiang's eyes. First and ofcourse the most important, delicious food.

This little boy is Apple! With his green hair, pale skin, and red candy apple colored attire, his identity isn't questionable.

His big doe eyes are misty staring at Meixiang. The little boy was obviously restraining himself from crying as much as Meixiang restraining herself to poke the little boy's bulging cheeks.

"Your name is Apple?"

No response.

"MeiMei--Strawberry told me about you."

The little boy's pale face suddenly look at Meixiang and asked hesitantly, "B---big sister strawberry?"


Shi Jinhai who is long gone reading novels who is observing from the sideline how Dan Feihan's daughter do her modus operandi. He can't help but sigh.

This scene is too familiar okay!

Ten years ago, a certain little girl coax a poor young master of a powerful clan and bind him with a contract.

Shi Jinhai once again sigh and no longer pay attention at Meixiang's business.

After completely coaxing the little Apple, Meixiang show him the way to the small phantom world. Thus, with the help of the sacred book, Meixiang successfully contracted another cute phantom plant.

After contracting the little Apple completely, a green dot also appeared between his eyebrow and a ring appeared on Meixiang's index finger. Just like what she did to the contract ring of Strawberry, Meixiang hides it and replace it with interspatial ring to hide the mark of summoner on her index finger.

Meixiang was full of smiles this time. A summoner can only contract one phantom creature in a span of six months. Contracting Strawberry and Apple satisfies Meixiang. Although these two are not her target phantom plant to completely remove her Brother Lei's poison, she is not in rush. She still needs to reach a ninth level heavenly doctor-Alchemist to concoct that elixir. Contracting that phantom plant wouldn't be hard with the help of the sacred book.

"GuoGuo, Older Sister Meixiang will leave first. You go rest here for now and wait for MeiMei."

A milky voice of a young boy replied, "Yes, Older Sister. O---older sister, I--I saw Older Sister Strawberry's seeds planted here. W---would older sister also allow my seeds planted here?"

"Yes ofcourse. That would even better!"

Meixiang bids her farewell poking the bulging cheeks of GuoGuo for the last time before she came back to the library.

When she saw Shi Jinhai, she greets him respectfully and discuss the matter regarding the Black Mione Metal.

"You are planning to take the black mione only by yourself?"

Meixiang didn't answer but her eyes reflects her unwavering thoughts.

Shi Jinhai is familiar with this little girl more than anyone else. Protecting her at the dark for the past ten years and even get to know her more this past six months. This little girl wouldn't bet if she's not confident to win. Although she have two powerful phantom creatures and him, a commander level beast, she would always consider them as her last resort.

She isn't dumb nor impulsive. It means she is really confident to win the black mione alone with her own ability.

Shi Jinhai agreed and Meixiang nodded like she already expected her uncle's answer.

That night, the whole White Forest seems in peace. But at the very west part of the forest, strong forces are coming one after another.

(A/N) Apple=Pingguo-->GuoGuo