
Genius Summoner Turning the World Upside Down

A rare plant phantom summoner? Can practice both martial arts and magic? Can master six elements? The recognized master of the mysterious sacred book that holds every knowledge in every field and allow her to have a magical space? Once the Central heard she is the so called waste of the small kingdom of Long Dynasty and even her betrothed the crown prince cancel their contract of marriage, all of the powerful figures laughs. "If she is a waste then all of us are retarded okay!" "If she's no considered genius then who they can call genius?" "Small minded people from small Kingdom lead by small minded crown prince!"

justmeowing · History
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56 Chs

21. Black Mione Metal

When they arrived at the camp, Old Leng and Ping Lei who is guarding the site saw this. The two walks toward them and gave a respect bow to Meixiang.

Meixiang nodded to recognize them. "Gather everyone. We'll have an important meeting today."

Meixiang wave her hand and pile books appeared on her side, "Brother Ji, bring these first to your tent while waiting for everyone. I'll accomodate the snow rain fox first."

The snow rain fox look up to Xian Ji's eyes shooking his head continuously pleading to bring him with him. Meixiang grabs the little white fox's body carelessly.

"Brother Ji. Brother Lei. Old Leng. I'll have my leave first."

Xian Ji nodded blankly looking at the back of their young miss who was holding his first tamed beast with only one hand like she's going to slaughter it.

Old Leng and Ping Lei who barely understood the situation tap Xian Ji's shoulder and take a leave to do what they are told to.

Old Leng with Tian Ling and Bai Zihan saw Xian Ji who just got out from his tent.

"Brother Ji! Old Leng said you went back with a little white beast with you. Is that your contract beast?"

Xian Ji cough umcomfortably.

Bai Zihan who heard this from the side line retorded, "Dumb Little Ling, you know the ancient beast will be Brother Ji's contract beast."

Xian Ji cough louder with a lot of discomfort.

"I'm asking so if Brother Ji already contracted it, I'll contract the Little Wang."

Old Leng and Bai Zihan can't help but twitch their mouths.

Did he just named the unborn ancient beast 'king' just adding the word 'little'? Oh yeah let's not forget Madam Tian naming her two powerful kitchen assistants after her sons just adding word 'Xiao'. Too similar. Too similar!

When the four entered the main tent, everyone already took their seats. They greet everyone and took their own seats.

In the middle of the round table, a little white fox excitedly look at Xian Ji. He wanted to hop to his embrace but abolish this idea when he sees Meixiang's feint scary smile.

"Brother Ji, is that the beast Old Leng mentioned? Little little seems excited to see you."

Old Leng and Bai Zihan still heard this whisper from Tian Ling. They both look at Madam Tian.

She didn't named that little white fur Xiao Xiao right?

When Meixiang saw everyone was already settled, just like what she always do, she hit the very point of the meeting.

"We'll settle our camp here for the time being."

No one objected nor doubted their young miss.

Meixiang was satisfied with this respond. She then look at Tian Ling and asked.

"Brother Ling, how long will you take to finish all the second stage prescription?"

"Little Xiang, this brother is amazing. I already read every prescriptions and will only scan them for the coming days."

Meixiang nodded. "Good. Then we'll settle our camp here for the time being until Brother Ling can concoct a grade two elixir."

"But Little Xiang, what if it will take long?"

"I have a good eye for a talent, right? I believe with Brother Ling."

Tian Ling's eyebrow twitch. Did little Xiang just used my arrogant words to her advantage?

"Staying here is purely not because of this matter. It also because of this." Meixiang then pulled out a black stone and put it on the table. "Out of my expectation, the White Forest is more chaotic than expected. When we will continue our journey and let Brother Ling concoct at a dangerous environment, Brother Ling's expected breakthrough may be delayed."

For an heavenly doctor to be able to breakthrough, he must concoct an atleast grade F elixir. Concocting pills is a critical moment not to be disturbed by any external forces. This is for the reason why heavenly doctors are usually accompanied by powerful cultivators or beasts. This is to protect them from external factors while heavenly doctor is performing healing or concocting pills.

Heavenly doctors on their first to third stage, they are called Healer and can only use purely their fire to concoct elixirs. Heavenly doctors on their fourth to sixth stage are called Pharmacist, they can already use refining furnace to concoct higher level of medicines and elixirs. Once reach seventh stage, they are no longer called heavenly doctors or phramacist but Alchemist. Alchemist used to refine their elixirs using couldoron, a higher level of refining furnace.

Heavenly doctors, pharmacists, or alchemists are rare. They have to cultivate their fire magic to be able to breakthrough. Not only the fire magic but they also have to learn prescriptions and concoct an elixir successfully to be able to reach another stage.

Fortunately to Tian Ling, he no longer needed to cultivate in order to breakthrough but also Meixiang prescribe him herbs to remove the impurities of his body that increases his learning ability. But this doesn't make him different from other heavenly doctors, Tian Ling must focus on cocting an elixir without the concern of danger.

"Now let's discuss this object first." Meixiang swept her gaze to the little white fur who is happily drinking spiritual water. "This was called Black Mione Metal. It is one of the highest grade of metal used in making scepters and weapons. It also contains high spiritual energy of heaven and earth. This metal is the cause of the major danger inside the White Forest."

"The Snow White Fox stole this to a group of men who is mining at the west part of the forest. This group's cultivation is with the highest of eighth grade and the lowest of third grade."

"Xiang-er, this must be related to the group of men that big guy mentioned?"

What Uncle Tian said was the burly man who tried to stop them in entering the White Forest.

Meixiang nodded, "It must be, uncle. The group was mining for half a year. The people of Vian Din Pavillion was either their aid or otherwise."

Everyone nodded. If they aren't sent to assist then that means these people from Vian Din Pavillion are here to takeover those resources. The latter is the worst case. If the information reach outsiders then that means the information about the spiritual metal was leaked already. It also means immense danger this coming days inside the White Forest.

"Now, for the next few days, all of you must stay inside the camp. Cultivate. Brother Lei, lead and protect the group while I'm not here."

"Xiang-er, you----where are you going? You---you're not planning to go there, are you?"

Meixiang just smiled. "Auntie need not to worry. Meixiang is stronger than what you see."

Auntie tried to smile. "Then----then Auntie will cook a lot so Xiang-er wouldn't get hungry on her journey."

Meixiang smiled more. "Thanking auntie."

"Now, let's settle our plan here. I'm expecting to be out for half a month atleast. Auntie, is our water supply enough for the whole duration?"

"Enough. Enough."

Meixiang look at the little white fur who already had three cups of spiritual water. "Hmm. I will give more to be certain. Brother Ji, aside from cultivation, read the books I gave you. Brother Ling, work harder for your breakthrough. The rest, cultivate. No combat training for now on. Use all the puppets to help Brother Lei in protecting the camp aside from Auntie's assistants." Meixiang slowly turn her head to Tian Ling.

"I didn't say anything. I'm not thinking anything!"

"I didn't say anything either." Meixiang swept her eyes to the little White Fur. "And about you. Aside from not to consume our water supply completely, don't mess around. Brother Ji, you are too soft hearted, don't get fooled with it. Brother Lei, kill if it mess around. Don't forget the beast core. Auntie, you must already know the best way to cook a spiritual beast. Consider a spiritual fox."

The little white fur who long gone stop drinking almost choke with their next conversation.

Ping Chunhua also added, "Xiang Xiang loves beautiful things, older brother must not destroy it's fur when he killed it."

Meixiang nodded seriously agreeing with Ping Chunhua. She really didn't think of it. Although the snow white fox is small, it's fur is too white and soft. A hand towel is a good product out of it.