
Genius Noble With System

Apollo was a genius who was talented enough to achieve big things in his life, but because of a rare genetic disorder, everything came to an abrupt end. But when he thought everything was done, he again opened his eyes to another world as the baby of a noble family. Knowing that this might be his second chance, he decided to do everything he could to create a good and free life for himself. But surprisingly, this world is not simple, as there are beings with extraordinary power who can control the lives and deaths of others, giants who can crush mountains, dragons who can burn the seas, and many more. So now, to truly achieve his goals, Apollo needs to learn and adapt to this new world where life and death can be matters of thought.

sleepingpeacefully · Fantasy
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102 Chs

Twelve years

The mysterious gate was slowly pushed back, as he continued to push it with his strength and strong will without thinking about the pain.

"Almost! Don't stop."


Slowly, with all his wit and strength, he closed the gate. Instantly, the life energy overflow in his body stopped, and slowly it started to be absorbed by his body. 

The bloated feeling stopped, and he, with shock, opened his eyes and returned to the real world.

When he opened his eyes, he felt so tired that he could not even move his fingers. He wanted to understand what just happened, but his head hurt badly as slowly drowsiness took over and he fell unconscious. 

He did not know how much time had passed, but when he woke up, it seemed like it was already night. He was on a bed, and his mother was sleeping beside him. 

But after waking, he felt something about him was different; he felt the world around him had changed. He seems to be able to see and feel something more mysterious that goes beyond the five simple senses.

Even minute details around him at night were as clear as day; he also seemed to see some tiny glowing particles in the air. 

Not only that, he also felt that his baby body, which is just two months old, seemed to have suddenly become stronger. He felt that he could try to stand or even walk right now. 

He felt a very weak breath of life energy within his body that was flowing through his body like blood, steadily making his body strong.

Right now, he was feeling great, as for the first time, he felt he had control over his body and could accurately control his motion. He steadily moved his legs while trying to control the motion. His movements were slow, his legs were shaking, and his posture was bad, but after some tries, he succeeded and was able to stand on his own.

This made him ecstatic, as it was a big moment for him. He also tried to move, but he lost his balance and fell, which almost made his mother awake, so he stopped and concentrated on other things.

Apollo slowly breathed and felt the flow of life energy, which was slowly soothing him.

He can now actually visualise and feel the internal parts of his body, like the inner vision of those martial arts novels.

After making contact with the mysterious gate and the changes that happened, he was curious about what that was. Is it a good thing?

He cannot answer them, but for the current situation, it was good as it made his plan of becoming stronger accelerate many times.

He continued to feel the changes, and from that day on, his life again returned to its normal routine, where he ate sleep and shit every day.

Time passed quickly as seasons changed and years passed by as Apollo started to grow, and like that, twelve years passed quickly.

In the wide field, a young boy was standing, holding a sword that seemed to glow as the sunlight fell on it, making it look mystical.

His eyes were closed as he seemed to be concentrating on something as rays of sunlight fell on him. There was a serene silence around him as everything stood still.

Slowly, a bright blue aura burst out from him, disturbing the silence of the place.

The blue aura covered his entire body, and it seemed his hair colour also seemed to change and become crystal blue.

He opened his eyes, and an instant aura around him calmed down, he moved with lightning speed and swung his sword, creating a gust of wind.

The sword movements started to change from simple to complex like elegant dance, where every movement from him will create resonance with nature itself. Some were fast, ferocious moves, while others were simple, clean movements.

At that time, a maid came and quietly stood aside, waiting for the boy to finish his training.

He also noticed, and a few seconds later he stopped his training and asked.

"What the matter?"

The maid quickly came near and said, "Master Apollo, Lord William wanted to talk and is waiting for you in the main hall."

"Grandpa wants to meet me suddenly; did not he just return from the capital?"

He asked the maid, feeling a little different from his grandfather's behaviour.

"Yes, Lord Baron just returned, but he first wants to meet you, Master Apollo."

"Hmm, it should be important if he is in such a hurry to tell him, then let's not make Grandpa wait any longer; let's go."

Then they walked towards the hall, while Apollo sighed as he thought about the last twelve years he spent here and the changes that had taken place.

Apollo was no longer a baby but a twelve-year-old kid with a handsome face and blue eyes. He had grown a lot as he stood tall at a height of 170 cm at such a young age.

He had not just grown in height in these twelve years; he had fully integrated into the noble society without any technology or internet. He also understood what he needed to learn about the kingdom and the world in which they lived.

First, the world or planet in which they live is called Rion, named in ancient times after the legendary Rion Empire conquered the whole world. But later, it was again divided into several small kingdoms due to numerous wars.

After thousands of years of war and conflict, there are now ten super-empires with hundreds of small kingdoms that rule over the world.

The Kingdom of Rrioweth, where he and his Fletcher family reside, is just one of the hundreds of small kingdoms in the world.

But even though it is just one of the hundreds of small kingdoms, its population is not small, as about two hundred million people live here.

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