
Genius Noble With System

Apollo was a genius who was talented enough to achieve big things in his life, but because of a rare genetic disorder, everything came to an abrupt end. But when he thought everything was done, he again opened his eyes to another world as the baby of a noble family. Knowing that this might be his second chance, he decided to do everything he could to create a good and free life for himself. But surprisingly, this world is not simple, as there are beings with extraordinary power who can control the lives and deaths of others, giants who can crush mountains, dragons who can burn the seas, and many more. So now, to truly achieve his goals, Apollo needs to learn and adapt to this new world where life and death can be matters of thought.

sleepingpeacefully · Fantasy
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193 Chs


There are over five hundred barons in the kingdom, but most of them are weak, lacking sufficient resources or force to support their titles.

Compared to them, the Fletcher family is in great condition, whether it be prosperity or strength; they can easily be ranked in the top three among all the barons in the Rrioweth Kingdom. 

A few moments later, he came to the main meeting hall of the family, where his grandfather and parents were already waiting for him. 

"Haha, come, grandson, you have grown again in a few months." 

Grandfather Williams laughed as he saw his grandson, who seemed to have become stronger again in the few months of his absence. 

If it were first, he would be shocked by such a change, but in those past twelve years, he has become numb to the talent shown by his grandson, and now he is only waiting, as it is just a matter of time before their Fletcher family returns to their glorious time and even surpasses that to create a new legend that will shake the whole kingdom. 

"It's nothing, Grandpa; now it is getting harder and harder to improve," Apollo said with a young childish voice. 

Hearing the words, his parents and grandfather had an unnatural look on their faces as they felt Apollo's improvement was already monstrous, but to him, it was slow, which could not help but make them feel a little sad and see the real difference between them and true genius. 

But this thought appeared for a moment, as this was their son and grandson. They immediately feel proud, as in the future, they will say in front of the world, 'This genius is from their Fletcher family'. 

"Grandpa, what was the reason you wanted to meet me today?"

Hearing this, they snapped out of their thoughts and remembered what they were going to say.

"Yes, it is quite important and a great chance for you, son."

"Oh, a great chance. What is it?" Apollo became curious and immediately asked.

"Tomorrow, Lady Roseate and Sword Master Aaron will visit our castle and stay here for a few days."

"What! Swordmaster Aaron is coming here."

Apollo was shocked to hear this, as in these twelve years, he had learned about most of the big names in the kingdom, but nothing could be compared with the strongest ten masters of the Rrioweth Kingdom.

They represent the pinnacle of power in the Rrioweth Kingdom; even outside the kingdom, they are still considered powerhouses not easy to mess with, and Sword Master Aaron is one of them. But such an important person was coming here, which was shocking news and a bit strange at the same time.

His grandfather continued with a serious tone, "So in those days, you have to show your talent to impress the sword master to get some guidance from him that will be a great help for your future."

"Although the sword master never took a disciple, maybe after seeing your talent, he might change his mind and take you as his first student."

He was sure of his grandson's talent, which in his long life he had never seen; even in a super empire, he believed his grandson could stand out on his own.

In these twelve years, he tried to teach everything he could, but because his grandson learned everything just after seeing it one time, there is now nothing much left for him to teach. 

But Sword Master Aaron is on an entirely different level, something he could not even think about.

If Apollo gets some instruction or, even better, becomes a student of the sword master, he will reach a much higher state without any hurdles and may even go beyond their small kingdom, where he might compete with the strongest in the Rion.

So, this visit from the sword master is really important for his grandson's future development.

As Grandpa was thinking about this great chance, Apollo was thinking about something else.

Why would such a big shot come here? Is there something worth it for Lady Roseate to come here with her uncle Sword Master Aaron? There are not many things that can catch their eye in the whole kingdom, but suddenly they are coming here.

It's not a simple matter; there should be something hidden in it, and his grandfather should know something as they are especially coming into their territory. But it should not be a bad thing; otherwise, he would not be this happy.

But this might indeed be a good chance to see the apex powerhouse of the kingdom and learn something if possible, as his training speed has slowed down multiple times since reaching his current stage.

Due to the decline of their family in the last few centuries, most techniques and knowledge of prana were lost, and the few skills or techniques still available in the family are not much of a high grade but are mostly standard, weak methods. So he needs a good teacher who will teach him more advanced and better techniques.

"So be ready to welcome them tomorrow, and there should be no problem."


They all nodded their heads, and then his parents left the place as they needed to prepare for welcoming the guests.

"Child, you also should be ready; try to make a good impression on both of them."

Apollo left the area, expecting to meet one of the strongest individuals in the kingdom.

He continued his daily practice, and the day quickly passed, and the next morning came.

In the early morning, servants started to prepare for the visit of Lady Roseate and Sword Master Aaron. The castle was meticulously cleaned, many delicacies were cooked, and security was tight with soldiers constantly monitoring.

His grandfather and parents were restless, as they seemed to haven't slept last night.

At that moment, a soldier came running and shouted without caring how tired he was," Lord, they are coming."

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