

"The food was delicious ! Thanks aunt Rose."

Said Thomas while bringing back the plates on the counter, this food had brought back some very pleasing memories and the taste was very good too.

"I'm happy you liked it ! I have a free room on the second floor, are you staying tonight ?"

"I'd like to but lost my wallet in the way back..."

"Don't worry about that ! It's free for you."

Saying that she called her daughter

"Lili take Thomas to his room."

Before even having the time to thank Tose he was already being led to his room by Lili.

Taking him to his room she didn't stop stealing shy glances at him and curious glances at Rouge but she didn't ask about it that he didn't miss either, he just smiled back at her and she avoided eye contact.

He bought Lili into the room and closed the door

"Lili tell me, what happened ?"

"What ? Nothing really !"

She said while avoiding his eyes, but she looked very nervous. He already realized she had developed feelings for Tom so he didn't know what made her nervous, him or the situation. Actually he didn't have any reason to help them but was asked by Tom to do it during dinner and he felt like helping someone in the need was an obligation so even if Tom didn't ask him he might have helped them anyway, it could also count as a repayment for giving him free food and shelter.

"You can't hide it from me, tell me and I'll help you."

After hesitating for awhile tears started to spill from the young girl's eyes

"You remember those thugs ? They actually came back after you left but they bought their boss with them, he works for a mercenary group and he is a skilled fighter. When they asked to see you we told them that you already left but they didn't want to leave empty handed so they asked for money, we gave them everything we had that day but they keep coming back every week so the inn is in a really bad financial state."

"Everything started because I had beaten up those guys ! Why didn't you want to tell me ?"

"Mom said that you might be killed by that mercenary so it was better not to tell you and hide you from them when they come..."

She looked really pitiful with her tearing eyes, she wasn't the extremely beautiful type but she was cute enough to move a man, especially when she looked at him this way, Thomas had his arm on the door and Lili was against the door so both of them were really close. When she stopped talking and realized the position they were in she started blushing even more and looked at his feet, Thomas couldn't take it and put a hand under her chin, lifted it and put his lips on top of hers, she left a little cry that sounded very cute escape from her lips and slowly started to enjoy the feeling. Seconds later Thomas was in her arms and she started taking the initiative, he himself wasn't expecting the situation to evolve this much, both of them were still kissing passionately when she started taking off his shirt

"Lili ?"

A boy's voice came from outside the room, he seemed hesitant to speak and didn't speak too loud either, it was Polo's voice.

"Yes ?"

"Mom told me to call you down to help."

"Yeah I'll be on my way, I was helping big brother Thomas to do his bed."

Saying that she went back to her shy herself and left the room in a hurry.

"I did the bed of that room this morning you can't lie to me, what were you doing inside ? I even heard weird noises."

Her brother said while looking at her suspiciously, half smiling half not.

"What do you mean ?! What could we have been doing ? I was just cleaning the room a bit more."

Saying that she left in a hurry while her brother was laughing from behind her back.

Meanwhile in Thomas's room.

Rouge was sleeping on the bed and Tom was floating in the air looking at him incredulously.

"What happened ?"

"I got caught in the heat of the moment, forget what you just saw."

"Warn me next time you do something like this I'll leave the room before I see something disgusting once again."

"What is disgusting? It's only a man and a woman kissing !"

"What's disgusting is that the man is me ! You are using my body, remember ? Man you gave my first kiss so easily..."

"Wow it was your first kiss ? You never had a girlfriend ?"

"I did, I just didn't know her."

"You didn't know your girlfriend? Are you joking ?"

"She was my fiancée and I didn't have the choice as she was chosen by my parents."

"Oh that's so old fashioned... what is she now ?"

"I don't know, it's been years I didn't hear anything about her... anyway go to sleep we are waking up early tomorrow."

"Are you my mom ?"

Saying that he still took off his clothes and smelled himself, it had been more than a month he came to this world and didn't have the occasion to shower or bath his smell was nauseating, after smelling it he coughed for awhile and even wanted to puke.

He took a water bucket that was sitting near his bed with a towel and rinsed his body for a long hour, there was no soap so he had to wash thoroughly to erase the smell. Lili has probably smelled it but it didn't seem to bother her, the norms of hygiene were probably different in this world and on earth.

After showering all the dirt on his face and hair were gone, he definitely looked way better now with his silk like black hair and perfect face.




Next nothing happened, Thomas went to sleep near the already asleep Rouge and woke up early the next morning.

After washing his face he went downstairs to greet his hosts. Behind the counter was Polo alone so he asked

"Good morning Polo, are you alone ?"

"Yeah both girls went grocery shopping, are you looking for Lili ?"

He obviously knew something weird happened between them and found it funny to tease them.

"Hahah I was just curious, I'll be going out for today. I'll see you this evening."

Taunting was useless against Thomas as he was a few hundred years old counting the time he spent in the dark before reincarnation, so he answered very naturally.

"Wait don't you want a breakfast before going out ?"

"I'm fine thanks, if I'm hungry later I'll just buy something on the road."

Saying that he left the inn and walked amongst the people, yesterday he didn't take the time to check the surroundings but now that he looked around the architectural style was very very old, it looked like the old France he saw in paintings. From high school lessons he had learned that France was very dirty at the time, if there was a difference between that and the place he was in it was the moment it was the hygiene on the streets. The ground was paved with tiles and wasn't dirty at all, since it was still early in the morning he saw cleaners, this world looked a bit more advanced than french Middle Ages.

Finally after walking for some time Tom spoke

"Here we are, this building is the mercenaries guild."

In front of Thomas was a big building higher than the walls protecting the city, on top of the door was a sign : two swords intercrossing with a shield hiding the middle.

This will be where he'll be making money, he took a step in and most of the people near him looked curiously. He looked around and realized he must be the youngest by far there, Tom was 16 years old, even though Thomas was already 20 years old on earth and still lived what looked like a hundred years in the dark nobody could see that, and the youngest in here seemed around 24 or 25, of course he'd attract the attention. A small guy around 30 years old with a growing baldness came in front of him, height wise he was shorter than Thomas but he looked at him arrogantly.

"Get out, this isn't kid's playground."

Saying this all his friends behind started laughing out loud, he was obviously freely bullying a rookie.

Two things, first : like everybody Thomas didn't like being bullied.

Second : when he got in he checked the mana around everybody and only one guy had a bit of mana around him even though it wasn't much, he was probably a first ring magician and it wasn't this guy.

The conclusion was that Thomas was being bullied by a guy weaker than him, now he wanted a team so this was his chance, he'd use this occasion both to teach this guy a lesson and leave an impression on the rest of the crowd.