
Genesis: The Lost Ruler of Nirvana

Dazaree, an adopted orphan and a family plague, ran away from home after accidentally releasing an unknown power and almost killing her aunt. Scared for what she has done, she ran away to the woods only to be surrounded by men trying to capture her. But then she was saved by Kithe, a man who has an incredible skill and power, trying to correct his past mistakes. Upon knowing that she isn’t alone in this world and there are other people who possess extraordinary ability, she decided to look for them only to find out that there is an organization named Kronos that captures people like them for inhuman experiments. Soon they will all gather and team up to fight and take down the organization but little did they know that Kronos is not the only organization that perform this horrendous activity to achieve such goal and that is to obtain power. As they go on their journey, they will meet people that are either an ally or an enemy. They will lose friends, get betrayed but regardless of all this, will they find love? But then a big responsibility awaits them, especially Dazaree. Will she be able to handle it or will she give up before even trying? Find out what will happen to Dazaree and her team as they continue in journey to find the truth and save their kind. [DISCLAIMER: Book cover photo is not mine, all credits goes to the owner.]

Shaine_chan · Fantasy
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199 Chs

Ashton: His Reason

The supreme leader leads them to a room that seems to be his which is like an office. There is a desk and then a wooden sofa inside for visitors. There are a lot of things inside the office like white figurines, porcelain vases, and pots of plants. 

"Sandy," the old man called, and then a girl went inside the room. 

"Yes, supreme leader?" she bowed at him. 

The old man sat on his armchair and then looked at the girl. "Where is Emilia? The young boy right here is injured. We need to heal him immediately," he told her. 

But then the girl named Sandy looked a little troubled because of what the old man said. 

"What's the problem?" he asked. 

Sandy gulped and looked down. "Emily is not home yet. We couldn't contact her and Gail, supreme leader," she stated while fidgeting her fingers. 

The supreme leader sighed and was about to say something when the door slammed open. 

"We are back, supreme leader!" a girl said while breathing heavily. She's with another girl and they both seem exhausted as if they ran. 

"Supreme leader, sorry we are late," the taller girl said. 

"You can explain later. Our friend right here needs our help," the supreme leader replied and looked at Kithe who's now turning pale. He can't take the pain any longer as he feels like he will lose his consciousness soon. 

"W-what happened?" Emily asked and went near Kithe. She is the best healer in the village despite her young age that's why the supreme leader gave her the task of healing Kithe. 

"We should bring her to the room," Gail said and went next to her. 

Ash was about to help Kithe when he resisted and frowned at him. 

"Don't touch me. I can still walk," he told him, making Ash chuckled. 

"Alright then." 

"Let's go?" Emily uttered and Kithe just nodded. 

The three of them went out of the office to guide Kithe to a room where he can lay down. Ash just watched them leave and then turn around to look at the supreme leader. There was a minute of silence before the old man finally spoke. 

"Why don't you sit down first, Ash?" he told him and rested his back in his chair. 

"I'm fine, the supreme leader. I'd like to speak with you," Ash stated. 

The man nodded, "I know that. It's been years since we last saw each other. I too have a lot of questions for you." 

"I apologize for leaving the village without your permission. I know what I did was questionable but my decision was firm and I do not regret it. That is why I am ready to accept any punishment for my actions," Ash stated while looking down. 

"As I said earlier, I know you have your reasons but you must earn the people's trust for you to be welcome here," the supreme leader replied. 

"Yes. I know that, supreme leader." 

"And regarding your punishment, I am not the only one who's going to decide on that. I do not wish for that to happen though that is why I encourage you to explain yourself later although I have a guess why you came up with that decision," he said and looked outside the window. 

After what the supreme leader said, Ash's face was saddened as if a memory flashed in his mind. He remembered the reason why he left the village to spy on Kronos and keep an eye on Kithe. 

"I assume you met them," the supreme leader said while his eyes were fixated on the clouds outside. 

"I did," Ash answered honestly. 

He looked at Ash and replied, "I see… They've given you a really tough mission." 

Ash was only fifteen when he left the village for a mission to go to Kronos and it was really tough leaving his friends without saying goodbye. 

Ash smiled weakly, "It was to save us all. I couldn't care less about dying, the supreme leader." 

The old man looked away because of what he said. "You are a very brave kid," he told him. He always knew that since Ash was a kid as he has seen potential in him. 

Ash looked at the old man and queried, "Why did you stop fighting for what you believed?" It remained a question for him all these years and this is the first time he got a chance to ask him. 

The supreme leader sighed and closed his eyes, "It is for the sake of the village. For the sake of my people… my family." 

"But the people in the village are not just your only family. There is more that needs us," Ash replied. 

"They've abandoned us, Ash," he replied sadly. 

"That's not enough reason to hide here and turn blind about the reality. If you keep doing this, you are no better than them." 

"I understand what you are trying to say Ash but I have seen your clan fall. I do not want it to happen to mine," he explained sadly. 

The mood became heavier after that. It's been years now since his whole clan died and he can never forget the reason why it all happened. It's why he keeps on moving to complete his mission. 

"I saw him," he abruptly said, taking the supreme leader's attention. "I wanted to kill him but I'm not powerful enough," he said while clenching his fist. "I see him every day but I can't do anything…" 

The man he hated the most was K, the owner of Kronos. He is the reason why his clan went instinctively. After that, he was adopted by the supreme leader and he became part of their clan which is all the people living in this village. 

Ash couldn't help but blame himself for what happened years ago. If he was only strong enough, he would've been able to save even just his family and little sister and brother. 

He wanted to hate himself for surviving alone but instead, he used all the pain to continue moving forward with a bigger goal. That is to kill Khaston and restore what he has taken from all of them and that is family and home. 
