
Genesis Jones

A once sweet and innocent girl had to become a warrior overnight and learn how to survive. As a sixteen-year-old was forced to confront the world of conflict and cruelty with other kids her age. They have a mission in which they have to succeed so they could be free again.

IrysGwendolyn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

#2 Rule of three

The police officer that stood beside grabbed my forearm and practically shoved me in the crowd. I bumped into the red girl from earlier. I immediately apologized.

'' Sorry. ''

Instead of approval, she did an unusual movement with her head. Something between a nod and a shake. She looked tired, hungry, and dehydrated. If she doesn't get some type of energy in her system, she will pass out again. When the officer pushed another kid into an already small circle, I called out to him.

'' Hey, police officer. ''

He looked at me with annoyance and just turned away. Now I am nearly yelling to get his attention.

'' This girl will pass out if she doesn't take care of. She already had a stroke and now is barely standing. ''

He realized that he can't take this lightly so decides to give an order to the officer that was listening to our conversation.

'' Take care of that in the hospital wing. ''

There was a small pause in the signing process will they took her to the doctors but they picked up the same pace from earlier almost immediately after. I was finally able to look around the room. I am in a crowd with the rest of the kids looking forward to the massive stage. On stage are three chairs in the right corner, microphone in the middle, and stairs on the left. After everyone was admitted, on our left appeared the man in his twenties followed by two older men and one slightly younger woman. I recognized them immediately. They are the three leaders of the Government, also known as the rule of three, they are the real villains of the story. Leader of the government and president of the country is an elderly man, Brent Mason, his grandpa took part in world war 2 and Brent spent some time in the national army. That's why they also call him general Brent aside from president. War made his grandpa harsh and strict but that didn't stop him from raising a family. Brent is very similar to him, he respects order and loves everything to be by the rules but still has a soft side which he uses in making decisions. People loved him because he wasn't making decisions only by the head but also by heart and made sure that everyone is happy. He was a good leader but the other two changed him. Co-president is Will Grant, late forties, overweight, black short hair, dark black eyes, professional look on the face. I don't know much about him but I am also not interested. The woman on the end is Charlotte Moore, dirty blond hair, below the shoulder length, very stern expression. She would be that strict teacher in school everyone hates. There were rumors that Will and Charlotte worked together on making false votes so they could win. Also, some people who worked for the Government said that they were doing some shady business together and that they are probably trying to get rid of Brent. I wouldn't be surprised if the rumors are true, I think that it is happening right now. Brent stopped in front of the microphone, Will and Charlotte sat on the chairs and the unknown man who was leading them stood beside Brent. Brent coughed a little to prepare for talking.

" Hello everyone, before we start I would ask our guards to escort children below the age of 12 to their resigned place. Thank you. "

As I was watching them go I realized that most of us are older, around 15 or 16 and some are even above 18. There wasn't a big difference in the crowd, they took around 40 kids. Brent went on with his speech.

" Now that we are done with that I can finally explain what is going on. We all know what happened last year. The whole pandemic got out of control and you, children, are the key. "